the climate change scam

A recent claim is that the heat was high enough to melt car wheel hubs
This happens in most car fires where it burns to the ground.
Not proof at all.

And seriously why test it there?
Why wouldn’t they blow up a town in Mexico or Afghanistan?
Makes zero sense.
Fires in Tennessee 2016

Must have been another test of the energy weapon.
i don't think saying that hospitals are also producing waste undermines any concerns over nuclear power plants...

But can you show me the figures of the quantity of radioactive waste produced by hospitals v's the amounts produced by nuclear power plants?

The problem is not the quantity. The problem is that not all waste is of the same potency.

The point being that people panic as soon as they hear 'radioactive' without knowing the facts about how dangerous it actually is. What you're showing right now is the proper level of skepticism. Now point it in the other direction as well. Go verify what kind of nuclear waste is a threat before flipping out just because it's nuclear.

It's the other side of the same coin.
The problem is not the quantity. The problem is that not all waste is of the same potency.

The point being that people panic as soon as they hear 'radioactive' without knowing the facts about how dangerous it actually is. What you're showing right now is the proper level of skepticism. Now point it in the other direction as well. Go verify what kind of nuclear waste is a threat before flipping out just because it's nuclear.

It's the other side of the same coin.

i'd say that the stuff they are pumping into the sea in fukishima is dangerous to life. I'd say it will spread as far as the western seaboard of the US. I;d say that people should be paying more attention to the damage caused by nuclear power
i'd say that the stuff they are pumping into the sea in fukishima is dangerous to life. I'd say it will spread as far as the western seaboard of the US. I;d say that people should be paying more attention to the damage caused by nuclear power

Actually immersing radioactive material in water is the best way to stop it from spreading.
This happens in most car fires where it burns to the ground.
Not proof at all.

And seriously why test it there?
Why wouldn’t they blow up a town in Mexico or Afghanistan?
Makes zero sense.

i don't think they would be testing it

i think that kind of tech has already been well tested

if that theory has any credibility it would be along the lines of the fires being created so that the corporate media can then say its all down to 'climate change' and therefore we must embrace such and such new legislation freshly from the UN

something along those lines, but like i say this is not an area i'm very well informed on
i'd say that the stuff they are pumping into the sea in fukishima is dangerous to life. I'd say it will spread as far as the western seaboard of the US. I;d say that people should be paying more attention to the damage caused by nuclear power

Of course you'd say that. You asked me to show figures. Where are your figures? How do you know this? Or are you just guessing.
i don't think they would be testing it

i think that kind of tech has already been well tested

if that theory has any credibility it would be along the lines of the fires being created so that the corporate media can then say its all down to 'climate change' and therefore we must embrace such and such new legislation freshly from the UN

something along those lines, but like i say this is not an area i'm very well informed on

Well then we shouldn’t just jump to wild conclusions should we
Of course you'd say that. You asked me to show figures. Where are your figures? How do you know this? Or are you just guessing.

so this is what the corporate media will say:

U.S. watches as Fukushima continues to leak radiation

Robert Ferris | @RobertoFerris
Published 3:57 PM ET Thu, 10 March 2016 Updated 5:20 PM ET Thu, 10 March 2016

Five years after an accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, some scientists continue to find found small amounts of radioactive material along the West Coast of North America. And some of them say we should expect to see this in the ocean for decades to come. Elevated levels found off the coast of Japan show that the situation is not yet under control, and that the facility is still leaking radiation.

but they're not being honest about the amounts of radiation being leaked

Japan: Fukushima disaster released twice as much radiation as initially estimated
Japan's nuclear disaster in Fukushima released twice as much radioactivity into the atmosphere as the authorities initially estimated, according to a new report.
By Danielle Demetriou in Tokyo

7:00AM BST 28 Oct 2011

A worldwide network of sensors found that levels of radioactive caesium 137 released from the damaged nuclear plant were significantly higher than anticipated, according to the Norwegian Institute for Air Research study.

The Japanese government estimated that 15,000 terabecquerels of caesium were released after the plant was damaged, while the new study put the figure at 36,000 terabecquerels – 40 per cent of the total released from Chernobyl.

Andreas Stohl, author of the preliminary study, focused on the emission of caesium 137, a slow decaying element which can last for 30 years in the environment and release cancer-causing radiation.

The discrepancy in Fukushima levels was attributed to the possibility that data recordings in Japan at the time would not have taken into account the emissions which were blown directly out to sea.

Around 20 per cent of the caesium settled on land in Japan, while the remainder is believed to have fallen into the Pacific Ocean, with around two per cent ending up on land outside the country.

Local Fury and Health Concerns as Japan Plans to Dump a Million Tons of Radioactive Fukushima Water Into OceanPublished on Thursday, October 18, 2018
by Common Dreams
One nuclear specialist argued that the Japanese government's reported plan "cannot be considered an action without risk to the marine environment and human health"
by Jake Johnson, staff writer

In a move that has sparked outrage from local residents and dire health warnings from environmentalists, the Japanese government is reportedly planning to release 1.09 million tons of water from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean despite evidence that it contains "radioactive material well above legally permitted levels."

While both the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco)—the company that runs the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant—have claimed that radioactive material in the water has been reduced to indetectable amounts and that only "safe levels of tritium" remain, documents obtained by the London-based Telegraph suggest that the cleaning system being used to decontaminate the water "has consistently failed to eliminate a cocktail of other radioactive elements, including iodine, ruthenium, rhodium, antimony, tellurium, cobalt, and strontium."

"The government is running out of space to store contaminated water that has come into contact with fuel that escaped from three nuclear reactors after the plant was destroyed in the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that struck northeast Japan," the Telegraph reported. "Its plan to release the approximately 1.09 million tons of water currently stored in 900 tanks into the Pacific has triggered a fierce backlash from local residents and environmental organizations, as well as groups in South Korea and Taiwan fearful that radioactivity from the second-worst nuclear disaster in history might wash up on their shores."

One document the Telegraph obtained from the government body charged with responding to the 2011 Fukushima disaster reportedly indicates that the Japanese government is perfectly aware that the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) is failing to eliminate radioactive materials from the water stored at the Fukushima site, despite its claims to the contrary.

Last September, the Telegraph notes, "Tepco was forced to admit that around 80 percent of the water stored at the Fukushima site still contains radioactive substances above legal levels after the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry held public hearings in Tokyo and Fukushima at which local residents and fishermen protested against the plans."

Shaun Burnie, a nuclear specialist with Greenpeace, argued that even so-called "safe" levels of tritium are harmful to humans and marine life.

"Its beta particles inside the human body are more harmful than most X-rays and gamma rays," Burnie told the Telegraph, adding that there "are major uncertainties over the long-term effects posed by radioactive tritium that is absorbed by marine life and, through the food chain, humans."

The Japanese government's reported plans to release the water into the Pacific despite these warnings "cannot be considered an action without risk to the marine environment and human health," Burnie concluded. of Radioactive Fukushima Water Into Ocean
Well then we shouldn’t just jump to wild conclusions should we

November 14, 2018, 12:55 PM
PG&E stock price plunges as California wildfires burn
Shares in California electric utility PG&E plummeted Wednesday to their lowest level in more than a decade with some Californians who have lost homes saying the power company is at fault for sparking the state's deadliest and most destructive wildfire. In a lawsuit filed this week, homeowners said a high voltage transmission line failed, producing the sparks that caused the fire. They accuse Pacific Gas & Electric Co. of failing to maintain infrastructure.

Rothschild INC

Roger H. Kimmel
Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.
Mr. Kimmel is Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc. (international investment banking firm) and has held that position since January 2001. Prior to joining Rothschild Inc., Mr. Kimmel was a partner in the international law firm of Latham & Watkins LLP. Mr. Kimmel has been a director of PG&E Corporation and Pacific Gas and Electric Company since 2009. He also is the non-executive Chairman of the Board of Endo International plc (global specialty healthcare company). He was formerly a director of Schiff Nutrition International, Inc. (vitamins and nutritional supplements company) (1996-2012).
but if anyone out there is concerned that this might lead to some sort of justice being served on the rothschilds for these fires don't worry the deep state will protect its own. The super rich will not have to pay for their mistakes. The cost as always will be passed onto the consumer...

California throws lifeline to PG&E for wildfires
By CBS News
November 16, 2018

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Shares of Pacific Gas & Electric soared Friday after California’s top utility regulator said his agency will help the company deal with potentially crippling liability costs from wildfires.

Stock prices soared nearly 38 percent after plunging 60 percent and losing $15 billion in valuation in the week following the Northern California wildfire that is the nation’s deadliest in a century.

No cause has been determined, but speculation has centered on PG&E, which reported an outage around the time and place the fire ignited. The death toll from the so-called Camp Fire has risen to at least 63, with hundreds of people still unaccounted for. California state investigators in June faulted PG&E-owned power lines for sparking a dozen blazes in Northern California in the fall of 2017 that killed 46 and incinerated nearly 9,000 homes and other structures.

Late Thursday, California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Picker sought to calm financial markets by indicating support for the continued viability of PG&E and other publicly traded utilities.

In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Picker said his agency will soon implement a provision in a new state law that makes it easier for utilities to pass costs for past wildfires to their customers. He said additional legislation may be needed to ensure that provision applies to this year’s fires.
so this is what the corporate media will say:

U.S. watches as Fukushima continues to leak radiation

Robert Ferris | @RobertoFerris
Published 3:57 PM ET Thu, 10 March 2016 Updated 5:20 PM ET Thu, 10 March 2016

Five years after an accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, some scientists continue to find found small amounts of radioactive material along the West Coast of North America. And some of them say we should expect to see this in the ocean for decades to come. Elevated levels found off the coast of Japan show that the situation is not yet under control, and that the facility is still leaking radiation.

but they're not being honest about the amounts of radiation being leaked

Japan: Fukushima disaster released twice as much radiation as initially estimated
Japan's nuclear disaster in Fukushima released twice as much radioactivity into the atmosphere as the authorities initially estimated, according to a new report.
By Danielle Demetriou in Tokyo

7:00AM BST 28 Oct 2011

A worldwide network of sensors found that levels of radioactive caesium 137 released from the damaged nuclear plant were significantly higher than anticipated, according to the Norwegian Institute for Air Research study.

The Japanese government estimated that 15,000 terabecquerels of caesium were released after the plant was damaged, while the new study put the figure at 36,000 terabecquerels – 40 per cent of the total released from Chernobyl.

Andreas Stohl, author of the preliminary study, focused on the emission of caesium 137, a slow decaying element which can last for 30 years in the environment and release cancer-causing radiation.

The discrepancy in Fukushima levels was attributed to the possibility that data recordings in Japan at the time would not have taken into account the emissions which were blown directly out to sea.

Around 20 per cent of the caesium settled on land in Japan, while the remainder is believed to have fallen into the Pacific Ocean, with around two per cent ending up on land outside the country.

Yes that seems about normal to me.
so if sparking powerlines all seems a bit boring and people want more juicy stuff lets consider what we DO know

Now i'm not claiming that any of these things were involved i'm just saying that when you are putting your options out on the table then we need to know what does actually exist and what doesn't

lasers used for military applications DO exist:

Watch the US Navy's laser weapon in action

HAARP ionosphere heaters DO exist:

Murkowski Committee Q&A on HAARP Future

SMART meters DO sometimes catch fire:

Video: GTA homeowner liable for damage after smart meter catches fire

were laser beams used to start fires in areas that have been ear marked for clearance under UN Agenda 2030? I dunno but some people think so:

The technology exists but it would be wasteful and silly to use it for that when you can set fires in more easy and convincing ways.

There are plenty of scientific lasers that can set fires just as well. The military ones aren't special except for the fact they're guided and can track moving objects - not something you need to do for just setting fires.
November 14, 2018, 12:55 PM
PG&E stock price plunges as California wildfires burn
Shares in California electric utility PG&E plummeted Wednesday to their lowest level in more than a decade with some Californians who have lost homes saying the power company is at fault for sparking the state's deadliest and most destructive wildfire. In a lawsuit filed this week, homeowners said a high voltage transmission line failed, producing the sparks that caused the fire. They accuse Pacific Gas & Electric Co. of failing to maintain infrastructure.

Rothschild INC

Roger H. Kimmel
Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.
Mr. Kimmel is Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc. (international investment banking firm) and has held that position since January 2001. Prior to joining Rothschild Inc., Mr. Kimmel was a partner in the international law firm of Latham & Watkins LLP. Mr. Kimmel has been a director of PG&E Corporation and Pacific Gas and Electric Company since 2009. He also is the non-executive Chairman of the Board of Endo International plc (global specialty healthcare company). He was formerly a director of Schiff Nutrition International, Inc. (vitamins and nutritional supplements company) (1996-2012).

So once again...the evil Zionist jew bankers.

but if anyone out there is concerned that this might lead to some sort of justice being served on the rothschilds for these fires don't worry the deep state will protect its own. The super rich will not have to pay for their mistakes. The cost as always will be passed onto the consumer...

California throws lifeline to PG&E for wildfires
By CBS News
November 16, 2018

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Shares of Pacific Gas & Electric soared Friday after California’s top utility regulator said his agency will help the company deal with potentially crippling liability costs from wildfires.

Stock prices soared nearly 38 percent after plunging 60 percent and losing $15 billion in valuation in the week following the Northern California wildfire that is the nation’s deadliest in a century.

No cause has been determined, but speculation has centered on PG&E, which reported an outage around the time and place the fire ignited. The death toll from the so-called Camp Fire has risen to at least 63, with hundreds of people still unaccounted for. California state investigators in June faulted PG&E-owned power lines for sparking a dozen blazes in Northern California in the fall of 2017 that killed 46 and incinerated nearly 9,000 homes and other structures.

Late Thursday, California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Picker sought to calm financial markets by indicating support for the continued viability of PG&E and other publicly traded utilities.

In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Picker said his agency will soon implement a provision in a new state law that makes it easier for utilities to pass costs for past wildfires to their customers. He said additional legislation may be needed to ensure that provision applies to this year’s fires.

First of all their stocks are up and down right now because no one is sure what a report in the making concerning the biggest wildfire to burn last year will say or who it will hold culpable.
And yes...PG&E were doing work nearby which could be to blame.
Also, they recommended turning the power down on nights with such intense winds for this very reason as it has happened in the past.
This time however, they did not turn it down, because last time they did, the residents whom it effected bitched and moaned and this time they ignored their own safety recommendations as there is no protocol on the book per say.
Really...a fucking heat ray?
Did Mr. Bean get in the control room or something then?
Or did the Heat Weapon satellite AI become sentient and try to fry us all until the “Space Force” flew up there and blew it up?
This is a looooong way from Occam’s Razor.
Whack-a-doodle stuff.

But it’s all to try and justify the false climate change narrative...uh-huh.
Which leads back to the Jews...again.
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