Yep. I am on the side of no violence when possible.
Says EH in his “The Coming American Civil War” thread speaking of violence as inevitable.
Not to mention the numerous times you speak whimsically of liberals dying or being ostracized.
I must go: think they are coming to take down my sign. Hear it bothers someone. It is just rediculous to me.
As per the Bible, I was quoting Wikipedia. It had references.
Serpents were killing those following Moses through the desert, so God had him make a golden snake for everyone to look at. No more serpents. I was always taught to face the things that bothered me, not cast them away. I simply cannot understand how statues bother people. It's no different than me having to see two men kissing on each other. Turns my stomach, so I walk away to somewhere else. It is against the ways I was raised. I don't try and make problems, I just walk the other way in disgust. I'm already watching people I love turn into people I just don't know any longer. Put up statues of that, and maybe I'll understand better. Don't believe the children should look at such.
Tell me; should I rip the statues down?
That is what museums are for, to preserve history and to give context to what is displayed.
Tearing down statues of Generals and others who fought for the Confederacy...most of which were put up during the civil rights marches and protests of the 1960s as a big “Fuck You” to African Americans in those states - should have been done sooner.
No memorial to the soldiers who fought and died on either side is being torn down.
The Generals would be nobody if they were not leading the opposition to the emancipation proclamation.
Again...I ask - Why don’t they have statues of Hitler in Germany?
It’s their history.
What about Stalin and Lenin in Russia?
Rounded up and put in a park of fallen monuments.
Why should we have statues of people who actively fought to preserve the state of enslaving other human beings?
It’s not forgetting them by taken them down - it’s showing that they were racists, fighting to divide the country because their “property” i.e. - Humans were being set free without their “owners” being compensated.
Those memorials are a direct insult to people and they were put up purposefully for that reason.