I disagree. The plurality of Democrats (in my opinion) think that taxes should be used to lift society economically, socially, environmentally and medically. Just look at the support Sanders' brand of socialism has garnered. They recognize that the US is fabulously wealthy as proven by the Trillions spent waging war to protect the west's access to oil. They want to direct that wealth at education, health care, clean air and water, economic support for the elderly and infirm, reversal of global warming, social justice.
The plurality of Republicans believe that the country is near bankruptcy, that the country is besieged by migrants that have not entered the country legally, that it is human nature to be slothful if there is a way to get free stuff, that most of those who endure economic hardship deserve it because they didn't work hard enough or didn't plan well enough, that most of those who clamor for a more "just " society are blaming society for their own shortcomings.
And the "independents" are not really paying enough attention to what is going on.
I think though that we all don’t want to see it crumble.
That toxic lead lined water is not acceptable. Neither side has done shit about that.
Even the GOP who is just as bought out as the Democrats IMHO, are starting to see that the game Reagan started is fucking up the economy and our country.
I believe we are going to see a mad scramble back toward the middle and away from all the Fox news/MSNBC far-left or far-right rhetoric.
They will have to, because even though the American people seem to have short memories and even our Congress (repeal of Glass-Stegall for example).
But more and more the public are demanding accountability and transparency...something Obama promised but never did.
Hillary certainly isn’t going to change it...you may as well just keep Obama in the WH...Congress will give her the cold shoulder and obstruct her just like they have with Obama.
Frankly IDK if Bernie could do anything about it, but I think he’ll at least call out Congress, he’s at least fighting and has a consistent record of fighting for the middle class and poor. Then Fox news will have it’s hay-day talking about how we’re now a Socialist country...fucking idiots.
I just don’t know...I think some serious shit could very easy be hitting the fan...there is a dude somewhere squatting over a fan and it’s hanging.
The people of this country will only take so much shit before we begin to see more acts (probably violent) committed by growing discontent.
I mean...what happened to the New Deal?
It’s been slowly dismantled by the republicans over the decades and now we are almost back to bread lines, we certainly see lines for medical care.
Both parties since Reagan have been owned by the rich.
We have growing numbers of people who hate both parties.
That’s why those who registered “Independent” to vote have been disenfranchised.
And then....if it goes to a contested convention...where is the voice of the people?
We need to repeal Citizen’s United and start this whole election over, but that won’t happen...so I hope whomever ends up in the WH gets their shit together real fast, because I believe they're going to need it.