The coming storm against INFJ's...

I guess we would need to look at the clips made by djrandee about INFJ's to see how accurate the OP is?

there are many unverifiable remarks made in the OP, particularly about the future implications of the videos mentioned, and also concerning the future in general. these remarks are conjecture.
if this is a throwaway as it appears to be its such a shame about wasting the sweet username. its kind of menacing, and in the right hands it could be so cool.
there are many unverifiable remarks made in the OP, particularly about the future implications of the videos mentioned, and also concerning the future in general. these remarks are conjecture.

I'm not going to write-off the product of this guys intuitive framework

From what i know and have seen there are some valid points being made in the OP; they also tie into previous discussions made on the forum about discrimination against INFJ's for example discussions on the 'extrovert ideal' in our culture

I know for a fact that the USSR did accuse detractors of the state of havign psychological problems; our own western governments are now doing the same. They are using their DSM categorisation scheme to create new disorders, one of which is Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Basically if you get upset when the government makes big changes they will class you as ODD and use that as a justification to lock you up without trial and drug you into submission

INFJ's are in the firing line for such treatment

Have you heard the saying about hammering down the nail that sticks out? Or cutting off the head of the flower that stands out etc
Do we really want to live in a world where we have to hide?

With all due respect - you don't know what it's like to hide. I do. The reason I was so flippant is because this is phony baloney. This is a gag. It's definitely not a thing. Not even close to a thing. Don't talk to me about having to hide, I know hiding.
With all due respect - you don't know what it's like to hide. I do. The reason I was so flippant is because this is phony baloney. This is a gag. It's definitely not a thing. Not even close to a thing. Don't talk to me about having to hide, I know hiding.

With all due respect you know nothing about me

You don't need to see me as an enemy.....i'm not your enemy

Read my posts...i'm the guy saying people should be free to do whatever they want to do as long as they are not hurting anyone else

Ok.....when that line in the sand is drawn and the people who want to persecute you are on one side and the people who will stand up for your rights are on your side...i'm on your side....please don't lose sight of that

So just as MBTI draws these lines in the sand eg between extroverts and introverts there are other dichotomies at work in our society which also tie into MBTI

One of the most significant of these is a left v's right brain dichotomy. In MBTI this might be described loosely as abstract v's concrete thinking

However if we expand on it we see that it manifests many ways. So the left brain is all about order and rigid, regimentalism and categorisation and quantifying things while the right brain is more about creativity, connectivity and sponteneity and so on

There are people who are very left brain dominant and they want to structure our world in a very systematised way that will undermine the essence of our humanity

All those aspects like creativity, abstraction, fun, exploration, sponteneity....all the things that are oxygen for our society, the left brain dominants want to choke off

Imagine a grey, beaurocratic world where everyones every action is guided by guidelines and you will get the picture
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I fart in this thread's general direction.

Well, I guess it's a good thing I can relate to the experience.

I can't find the other thread in which i disagreed with a video of djrandee's...perhaps it has been deleted
Typological type should not = self worth

All of us are more than a pile of cognitive functions.
Typological type should not = self worth

All of us are more than a pile of cognitive functions.

This has got nothing to do with 'self worth'

Look...if a group of extroverts want to impose their control over others they can create a social or cultural norm...lets call it the 'extrovert ideal'...they can also create a norm that they pay doctors to enforce by penalising anyone who doesn't conform to that norm

NOTHING to do with self worth EVERYTHING to do with freedom from persecution
This forum is full of people complaining about the system or their work place or their debt or their bosses or any number of problems about our world

Well who shapes our world?

This article has been posted before (i'm pretty sure it was by @say what )

This Is How Much Money You’ll Make Based on Your Personality

Surprise, surprise: the more self-motivated and driven you are, the more money you'll make.

If you spent a lot of time on the Internet as a teen, you’ve taken approximately a bajillion personality tests. At least one was probably the hugely popular Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which sorts people into 16 different groups with 4-letter names.
The test, based off of Jungian psychiatry and developed by mother-daughter author duo Katharine Cooks Briggs and Isabelle Myers Briggs in 1962, is supposed to tell you if you are introverted or extraverted, intuitive or sensing, thinking or feeling and perceptive or judgmental. Each combination–INFJ or ESTP, for example–is representative of different characteristics, behaviors and preferences.
The types can then be divided into four groups: artisans, guardians, idealists and rationalists.
Web Talent,

Career Assessment Site, maintained by Jonathan Bollag, recently published an in-depth infographic that shows exactly how much money different personality types will likely make in their lives.
Web Talent,

Unsurprisingly it’s ENTJs, who are known to be outgoing, self-motivated, driven and competitive, who earn the highest household income by a landslide, averaging over $80,000 per household. Meanwhile the artistic crowd, like shy and emotional INFPs, are the lowest earners, averaging around $60,000.
You can see the full Myers-Briggs infographic here.
Correction: The link to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test has been modified to link to

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America Needs To Move Beyond Its 'Extrovert Ideal'

Read more:

Our society has an "extrovert ideal," even though nearly one half of Americans are introverts, says Susan Cain in her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts.
The biggest misconception is that introverts are "inherently antisocial" and shy, but that's untrue. In fact, many of the most successful people are introverts, including President Obama and Twitter and Square Founder Jack Dorsey. "They have so many strengths," says Cain, a self-described introvert who wrote her popular TED talk in a week.
The most powerful combination, Cain says, is when extroverts and introverts collaborate. Together they're like "a yin and a yang."
We sat down with Cain to learn about her research and how our society would be better off creating workplaces that do a better job drawing on the strengths of introverts:

To see video about the role of big business in the creation of the extrovert ideal use the link above

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I disagree

I think MBTI has spotted discearnable patterns in humanity...sure its not set in stone....they are not neat bundles...people are more complex than that...but there are some truth in the generalisations

For example the first dichotomy: extroversion and introversion.....i think any introvert who has felt their energy sucked out of them by a very talkative extrovert will be able to testify that there is some truth in that generalisation

There is something in MBTI
Seriously, MBTI for me is nothing. Is just silly. Socionics is with more weight in it, but its still silly.
Its value for me is just descriptive. It is a observation, and then they writte down the information.
It has not a single value in any scientific and realistic sense. There are just some observation, and even those observations, are not from a objective point, are biased.
As for the extrovertion and introvertion thing, again for me its just a excuse for why groups of people acts in certain ways. What alot of b.s. Beofre these absurd "scientific" theories, people were much more simple and open with eachother.
Now we make arguments of what type is supposed to get with another.
Seriously, MBTI for me is nothing. Is just silly. Socionics is with more weight in it, but its still silly.
Its value for me is just descriptive. It is a observation, and then they writte down the information.
It has not a single value in any scientific and realistic sense. There are just some observation, and even those observations, are not from a objective point, are biased.
As for the extrovertion and introvertion thing, again for me its just a excuse for why groups of people acts in certain ways. What alot of b.s. Beofre these absurd "scientific" theories, people were much more simple and open with eachother.
Now we make arguments of what type is supposed to get with another.

I think it can be used by the corporations in their psychometric testing as it is to discriminate against certain types over who they hire and don't hire but it can also be used by people in general to gain a greater understanding of the diversity between people

If you know why someone is a certain way then you can potentially be a little more tolerant of them

Carl Jung who noticed many of these patterns interviewed thousands of people over his lifetime...that gives a massive sample base so in scientific terms that does add some credibility to his views

I think living in denial about things like introversion and extroversion will not improve relations between people

Growing up i didn't know about these things and tried to fit into the extrovert ideal...i wish i had known about this stuff sooner

I think MBTI can be used to make people more comfortable in their own skin

However i do wonder what people who don't believe in MBTI hope to get from an MBTI forum?
Seriously, MBTI for me is nothing. Is just silly. Socionics is with more weight in it, but its still silly.
Its value for me is just descriptive. It is a observation, and then they writte down the information.
It has not a single value in any scientific and realistic sense. There are just some observation, and even those observations, are not from a objective point, are biased.
As for the extrovertion and introvertion thing, again for me its just a excuse for why groups of people acts in certain ways. What alot of b.s. Beofre these absurd "scientific" theories, people were much more simple and open with eachother.
Now we make arguments of what type is supposed to get with another.

Thank you!!!!

First of all, people take Jung way too seriously. Second, they are taking pseudoscientific claims about personality in general, and then using that to justify a way to treat human beings based on their "type". It then becomes a battle based on false pretenses. Of course, don't be speak such blasphemies in an MBTI forum. That's like saying that Jesus was just a man in church.

I liked MBTI better when I answered 20 questions, got a type with a cute little picture of a person holding a paint brush, or a test tube, or a picture of a person wiping a baby's behind.
Sounds like a big exaggerated conspiracy theory. Of course, there is some truth in it, but the conclusions drawn out of the facts are simply pathetic and angsty.
Thank you!!!!

First of all, people take Jung way too seriously.

That's your opinion...backed up by no evidence

Jung had a large sample base...whats your evidence?

Second, they are taking pseudoscientific claims about personality in general, and then using that to justify a way to treat human beings based on their "type". It then becomes a battle based on false pretenses. Of course, don't be speak such blasphemies in an MBTI forum. That's like saying that Jesus was just a man in church.

It's actually me who is arguing here against persecution based on type

I liked MBTI better when I answered 20 questions, got a type with a cute little picture of a person holding a paint brush, or a test tube, or a picture of a person wiping a baby's behind.

Do you believe that some people are energised by being around others whislt some need to recharge after being around others?
Sounds like a big exaggerated conspiracy theory. Of course, there is some truth in it, but the conclusions drawn out of the facts are simply pathetic and angsty.

What is a conspiracy theory?

What conclusions are you talking about?