The death of God

It may be that humans brains are wired into the cosmos in a way that they feel something larger then themselves. I dont disagree with this perception only the definition that others would place upon it.
Tell me someone please because I asked this a few times before with no answer. Before someone defined the idea of a god, what were people, Non-believers? Before gods existed, before they were defined, what were people? How can you be a non-believer of something that doesn't exist yet?

The mind cannot understand what it is incapable of understanding. The mind needs a physical brain capable of such thought as well as culture that has given it language to use.

It may be that humans brains are wired into the cosmos in a way that they feel something larger then themselves. I dont disagree with this perception only the definition that others would place upon it.

I view the human mind limited by its physical nature. It can only partially grasp the true nature of reality. My brain and anyone elses brains can only extrapolate so much. The numerous religions are examples of people using their language to describe something greater than themselves that they form from their experience and intuition. I find it beautiful, really, all the creative ways people are able to try to define God. But none are able to fully define God. I liken ithe concept to the Tao in the Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Section 1:

The Tao that can be followed is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the origin of heaven and earth
While naming is the origin of the myriad things.
Therefore, always desireless, you see the mystery
Ever desiring, you see the manifestations.
These two are the same-
When they appear they are named differently.

The sameness is the mystery,
Mystery within mystery;

The door to all marvels.
The mind cannot understand what it is incapable of understanding. The mind needs a physical brain capable of such thought as well as culture that has given it language to use.

I view the human mind limited by its physical nature. It can only partially grasp the true nature of reality. My brain and anyone elses brains can only extrapolate so much. The numerous religions are examples of people using their language to describe something greater than themselves that they form from their experience and intuition. I find it beautiful, really, all the creative ways people are able to try to define God. But none are able to fully define God. I liken ithe concept to the Tao in the Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Section 1:

The Tao that can be followed is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the origin of heaven and earth
While naming is the origin of the myriad things.
Therefore, always desireless, you see the mystery
Ever desiring, you see the manifestations.
These two are the same-
When they appear they are named differently.

The sameness is the mystery,
Mystery within mystery;

The door to all marvels.

What if I told you reality is far simpler than you could ever imagine. It is the perception of it that is incomprehensible.
What if I told you reality is far simpler than you could ever imagine. It is the perception of it that is incomprehensible.

I would say that was too simple an explanation, of course, lol. I've been waiting for a simple explanation all of my life. I have yet to find one.
What if I told you the universe works the way it does not because anything in it has any real mass, only rules saying has x amount of mass?
Hmmmm ok. Maybe this will be more dramatic then. What if I told you, my cats breath smells like cat food?
How many atheists clearly understand the implications of their own belief system?

Do you know that right now, while you and I are speaking, there are atheists philosophers in the world that struggle in despair to find any meaning and hope for humanity, WHITHOUT actually pretending and mistake themselfs that there is one, and they think day and night, day and night, over and over again in depression and despair, what is the meaning and purpose of this life?
And this is because they don't think there is any God to bring a solid foundation to meaning, values and purpose.
That was the life of Nietzche and other like him...he didn't believe in morality, yet when he saw a horse beaten to death, all his nihilistic philosophy was shaken from its very foundation, and after a few time, he becomed crazy.

This is what I'm trying to say...when we talk about God, HUGE and BIG things are involved...yet most of the atheists today are to me honestly, incredily naive in this aspect.

Yes, very good point. I don't really subscribe to any belief system, but this is true, and pretty much sums up what Nietzsche harshly criticized, specially in his contemporaries colleagues, and other philosophers that he studied.
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To me that equates living one’s life in constant fear...I doubt that if God exists He would want that to define our life here.
Why can’t we just live our lives (to quote the Bible) “as you would wish to be treated.”?
Morality exists indifferently to the existence of God or not...they are created by society so we can all live together in a beneficial way.
As for our salvation...
If there was a God who created this universe and existence then His will for us is so far beyond unknowable that our minds could never comprehend His intentions.
Modern religion is no longer the belief and worship of God...instead, it has been devolved into a way to control others through fear.


Tell me, as I will ask of thee:
Whose knife will be the sharpest, and whose arrow shall fly the straightest?
Do we not ask much more than about just a knife or an arrow?
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What if I told you reality is far simpler than you could ever imagine. It is the perception of it that is incomprehensible.

Is your perception of reality incomprehensible, to be so simple? Then who is he that exclaims its purity? Many are called, but few are chosen to be pure; both in spirit and in the physical realm. He who has not been called into this will never understand purity, lest he who is pure explain it. Tell me: is the water pure?
Is your perception of reality incomprehensible, to be so simple? Then who is he that exclaims its purity? Many are called, but few are chosen to be pure; both in spirit and in the physical realm. He who has not been called into this will never understand purity, lest he who is pure explain it. Tell me: is the water pure?

Define pure and water.
A man lived a short life here who understood such things. He shared spiritual things speaking of natural things. The explanations are in the comparisons.
DISAGREE! You may live in fear, which must be fine with yourself. You obviously do not understand the Bible and make claims taken out of context of the world and the way it is.

Tell me, as I will ask of thee:
Whose knife will be the sharpest, and whose arrow shall fly the straightest?
Do we not ask much more than about just a knife or an arrow?
Actually, I do not in fact live in fear of God, or Gods, or any deity for that matter.
I understand that there are those who really do understand the meanings behind the parables and teachings in the Bible and all the other religious texts out there.
My point was....and this is speculation on my part...if you disagree, that’s fine, I’m not going to go search the internet for data to back up my claims -
There are a lot of people who consider themselves to be a follower of this or that religion, and out of those there are a lot of people who follow the rules of said religion not because they understand why they should or shouldn’t do something, not because it is the right thing to do in their heart, but because they live in fear of eternal repercussions.
There are those churches out there who constantly instill fear into their parishioners...with intense sermons on the end of and brimstone....the wrath of God!
They make insane claims like - God is punishing America for being accepting of homosexuals. Which translates in my mind as - God wants you to hate gays.
So let me get this right....God won’t answer the prayers of a young couple who’s daughter may be dying of cancer and spare her life, but he will cause destruction and death via hurricanes and natural disasters as some would gladly have us believe.
Sorry...I cannot adhere to such illogical speculative nonsense.
I chimed in on this thread because I feel it’s okay for anyone to believe anything they wish to believe and it isn’t my place to tell anyone why they should or shouldn’t.
But when people negatively affect others because they have a certain sectarian belief they wish to force on others either by trying to pass laws to make it so, or just through everyday prejudice then I have a very big issue with it.....that includes Atheists. They can be just as big of an asshole as the rest of them.
No one has the right to tell me or anyone else what I can or cannot do or believe so long as it’s within the confines of the law and is not hurting anyone else around me.
Sure there are gray abortion...some believe in life at conception...some don’ can protest all you want...spread the word of God and explain the reasons why you disagree...what I have a problem with is the hypocritical behavior that is rampant. If you are going to protest the abortion clinic then you better sure as hell have a shitload of unwanted kids that you have adopted.
How can a Christian look down upon with disgust the poor in this country? How do they justify being a supposed Christian and vote to cut food stamp programs...or unemployment...or vote against healthcare for everyone?
How can parents disown their very flesh and blood because they find out they are gay?
I have a problem with the hypocrisy of it all....not with the teachings....not with the individual people....I have a problem when a belief gives someone a reason to discriminate of hate another person.
If you don’t fear God then you seem to have a good and understanding relationship with you beliefs and faith....I think that is wonderful.
My Father always said integrity is doing what is right even when you know you can get away with it.
If we had one day a year when people knew God would not be watching them what do you think would happen?
Because people fear the repercussions from God....not because they have integrity.
And Atheists are stupid in many ways too...always trying to pass laws that really hold no meaning other than trying to make a point or get a dig in to the Christians...they are detrimental to their cause most of the time.
Why in the hell can’t people just respect the beliefs of one another enough to live peacefully? Is it such a difficult concept to grasp?
Jesus never sneered at anyone....he never looked down on anyone...he loved them all....he would have helped anyone without thought about their sexual orientation, their social status or fact - wealth and heaven clash with each other according to the Bible. So why do we have these preachers living in their McMansions, driving expensive cars? Why do we even have people asking for money in the name of God at all? It’s moronic.
You know, I watched the 700 Club once....this fellow called in and told them how he and his wife were out of work...their child was sick and in the hospital...they had $100 left in the bank and didn’t know how they would pay the mortgage that month. Do you know what Pat Robertson told them to do? Guess.
He told them to SEND THEM their last $100 dollars and God would surely bless them. Are you fucking kidding me!?!?!
That is perverse!! It is WRONG WRONG WRONG on so many levels!
That is what I rant against! It doesn’t matter what you believe....Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic, Wiccan, Satanist, etc, etc..
Respect one another.

I bid you not to try and take people down with your speculative disagreements.

How about I remove the first part? Will that get your feathers back where they usually are? Editing my earlier post now. What are your answers?

Tell me, as I will ask of thee:
Whose knife will be the sharpest, and whose arrow shall fly the straightest?
Do we not ask much more than about just a knife or an arrow?
[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION]

No offense, but, personally, you seem to be the one coming off as condescending.

I'd much rather discuss the Christian faith with [MENTION=9401]LucyJr[/MENTION] or [MENTION=1848]Barnabas[/MENTION] than listen to you lecturing.
I wasn't talking to you, Matt; nor was I discussing our faith with you. Tell me, [MENTION=4822]Matt3737[/MENTION]: how much do you discuss things like what is being typed here with anyone like the one typing? How you have handled me? "But I would rather that ye prophesy."
Skarekrow, can we take this to PMs please?