If you've committed a crime deserving of the death penalty (this doesn't indicate whether or not you've been committed and sentenced tho. As if you were already in custody the threats to the hundreds, thousands, million are most likely already null. But I am trying to follow your scenario), you would most likely be first concerned with getting away with said crime.
No, anybody truly concerned with getting away with a crime plans it from the start, and they tend not to get arrested for the murder. 95% (or more) of solved murders have been instances where the perpetrator was committing the crime in the heat of the moment. They didn't plan anything, they're generally not all that bright. Remember, we're supposed to be talking about an ENTP Rational here. No-one's going to see the shitstorm coming if one of these types goes homocidal.
Not preparing a wider scope just in case you would be caught and executed.
Yeah, "preparing" isn't really an issue here. These types of thoughts come through our minds all the time. Most of us just don't say them.
Or holding the said innocents as hostages as insurance of a life sentence rather than a life ending sentence.
bah, too risky and altogether stupid. The U.S. Goverment has a stupid attitude of not negotiating with people who take hostages, so that idea is doomed from the outset, although... not a bad idea for an endgame, where you execute all the hostages by proxy, using proximity sensors tied to bombs strapped to the hostages, and aim the proximity sensors in places where the police might try to storm through.
However, if you have already committed death penalty crime and figure *shrug* ''Why Not? Might as well be fried for the second offense as for the first!", how would I be able to stop you by promising to withhold a death penalty?
Having the death penalty completely off the table, means that you're going to give a maximum of 30 years in prison, with an average of 15 years relative seclusion. While this might be uncomfortable for some, it's also survivable. People can turn their lives around in prison, just the same as how (as has already been mentioned in this thread) people on death row find peace, people in prison can also find peace.
Considering you are already going to be convicted and likely sentenced to life, why would you NOT follow through on your threat to kill a untold number?
Life sentences can be LIVED with. You can escape, you can bribe your way out, you can live a nice life in gaol, and you can continue to learn, gaining degrees whilst in gaol. In any case, Life sentences are rarely for the term of your natural life as they are in the northern territory in australia (changing as well). "Life" tends to be 10 - 20 years in the slammer.
You'd just elevate yourself from a sociopathic criminal to a terrorist...at least in how your actions now define you.
Nope, it'd make me a mass murderer, not a terrorist. Easy to understand since your government likes to throw that word around without any real definition. However the US Government gave terrorism a real definition years and years ago in what is known as the US Code, it's also repeatedly ignored.
US Code said:
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that–
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended–
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
Since it wouldn't fulfill the (B) qualifications it's not terrorism.
Generally the first desire is to "Get away with it". Not potentially escalating it in order to escape a death penalty.
Yes, but to be fair to what I said, I said, "a person like me". Also, I never said anything about
escaping the death penalty, I said taking a few million out with me since they're going to try kill me anyway.
The threat or the possibility of a death penalty has absolutely no weight in the decision process of a criminal committing a crime. It is the level of confidence a criminal has of getting away with his crime that is the determining factor.
Actually no, the only crime for which the death penalty applies in the US is murder. The overwhelming majority of murders are take place in the heat of the moment with NO THOUGHT AT ALL given to getting away with it.
Silent, for the use of Tin Tin as a humorous retort you just gained a zillion cool points from me


hee, it's from 4chan. You gained 9001 cool points from me SH for using it