Jung, General Description of the Types [Abridged] CW Vol p Par 579
The widespread child abuse of the vatican and the subsequent cover ups are 'subjective facts?'
What planet are you living on?
Jung, General Description of the Types [Abridged] CW Vol p Par 579
Thanks for the laugh this morning.
Humans commit crime - and even though all statistics point to the fact that clergy abuse at a rate less than 1/2 that of the rest of the male population, such crimes should be dealt with consistently. The minimum, which I think that conspiracy theorists insanely overlook, is the necessity for evidence/proof - so that crime is determined according to fact and not supposition, or imagination.The widespread child abuse of the vatican and the subsequent cover ups are 'subjective facts?'
What planet are you living on?
Humans commit crime - and even though all statistics point to the fact that clergy abuse at a rate less than 1/2 that of the rest of the male population, such crimes should be dealt with consistently. The minimum, which I think that conspiracy theorists insanely overlook, is the necessity for evidence/proof - so that crime is determined according to fact and not supposition, or imagination.
So, the real fact of actual crimes committed by some individuals in a group does not automatically mean that every member of that group is guilty of a crime. Such a mentality is identical with racism, or any other form of prejudice - or judgement without evidence -. Because a black man raped a women is not evidence that every black man is a rapist. Because a priest has abused children is not evidence that every priest has abused children.
Use logic. Use reason. To do otherwise is insane.
Humans commit crime - and even though all statistics point to the fact that clergy abuse at a rate less than 1/2 that of the rest of the male population, such crimes should be dealt with consistently. The minimum, which I think that conspiracy theorists insanely overlook, is the necessity for evidence/proof - so that crime is determined according to fact and not supposition, or imagination.
So, the real fact of actual crimes committed by some individuals in a group does not automatically mean that every member of that group is guilty of a crime. Such a mentality is identical with racism, or any other form of prejudice - or judgement without evidence -. Because a black man raped a women is not evidence that every black man is a rapist. Because a priest has abused children is not evidence that every priest has abused children.
Use logic. Use reason. To do otherwise is insane.
This sort of anti-catholicism is tantamount to the protocols of the elders of zion is to the Jews.
The difference? The jews are considered a community rather than an institution.
However its the same thing, begun by the protestant reformation and carried on by secular liberalism.
Are you aware that the vatican is just a continuance of the babylonian religions?
Have you read either the Golden Bough or the White Goddess?
Both discuss the old religions and their human sacrifice. What they would do is bind the sacrificial victim to a post, knock them over the head with a club to make them insensible and then stab them to death before cutting off their flesh which the attendants would eat and collecting the blood which the attendants would drink
Sound familiar?
Of course it's the catholic mass!
Read over the thread and see how much abuse has been going on in the church.....what you must realise is that this stuff cannot go on in closed communities without other people knowing
Think about this for example.....i mentioned Jimmy saville above. he was good friends with the royal family and he visited them at their palaces often and they even visited him at his home for example his cottage in Glencoe (see pic below). As that channel 4 news clip i posted above says the staff at Broadmoor prison for the clinically insane which Saville (a TV celebrity!) was put in charge of!!!!!!! knew that he was a peadophile and a psychopath. Also celbrities have been saying publical;ly that they knew rumours about saville and Ike even publically denounced people knew what was going on. Saville was even questioned by the police who are covering up that interview
The royal family are constantly surrounded by police escorts and intelligence agency people who advise them. There is NO way that the royal family would not have known about the activities of saville....NO think about that for a while.....the royal family were knowingly consorting with and gave a knighthood to a known paedophile and rapist (britains most prolific to date)
And so it is in the vatican.....people know what is going on...ratzinger was up to his neck in the cover ups and the new pope who i criticised on this forum when people were singing his praises was ionvolved in the fascist regimes in south america which murdered catholic priests who were actually genuine christians not like these fake babylonian christians
Just look at the vatican...have you ever been there? Its a palace of corruption and wealth
If you really want to dig into the truth then you should research operation gladio, the P2 Lodge and the vatican banking scandal...i tell you man you will learn things that blow your mind
There is a network...and there IS plenty of proof for this network...i can't give all that proof in a single post but what i can do is direct you to places where you can get it...but that requires you to then loom at it
There's no point putting your fingers in your ears and saying ''la la la la its all conspiracy theory la la la your crazy la la la'' if you are not willing to look at new evidence because all that is doing is being close minded and you will just keep falsly accusing me of being wrong
So much assertion, no evidence, no logic. Sigh - asserting connections through resemblance is crazy. If my car has seven spokes on the alloy wheels, is this some evidence of zoroastrian influences on the ideology of the car manufacturer? Wheels are based on circles.. oh no! If I drive my car will a reptilian-babylonian-masonic-zionist control my mind through the deliberate harmonics implanted in the engine management software? Fuck! I use a circular analog watch with intersecting circular date/alarm faces - I'm in danger now, especially because I drink tap water.
Thanks. That's cleared things up for me. You prefer having a laugh to discussion.
I'm sorry...I really thought you were messing with me and I chose to laugh about it.
Hmmm....why should they be out of the business of telling others whether they have the right to birth control etc?
Because we are Sovereign beings.
Because we are Spiritual beings having a human experience.
Because they have no right lying in their best interest by setting themselves up as a barrier between a person and their god(s).
I think people should have the right to say that human nature is so awesome that interfering with its natural processes isn't awesome.
Is it wrong to say that hens shouldn't have their beaks nipped off, and be stuffed full of hormones? Is it wrong to say that humans shouldn't have bits nipped, or be stuffing themselves with hormones?
I understand that saying things reflects an opinion about other opinions, but are any opinions so privileged as to be beyond a different perspective?
So much assertion, no evidence, no logic. Sigh - asserting connections through resemblance is crazy. If my car has seven spokes on the alloy wheels, is this some evidence of zoroastrian influences on the ideology of the car manufacturer? Wheels are based on circles.. oh no! If I drive my car will a reptilian-babylonian-masonic-zionist control my mind through the deliberate harmonics implanted in the engine management software? Fuck! I use a circular analog watch with intersecting circular date/alarm faces - I'm in danger now, especially because I drink tap water.
That probably says so much more than a lengthy discussion taking each point in turn.
I'm sorry...I really thought you were messing with me and I chose to laugh about it.
Hmmm....why should they be out of the business of telling others whether they have the right to birth control etc?
Because we are Sovereign beings.
Because we are Spiritual beings having a human experience.
Because they have no right lying in their best interest by setting themselves up as a barrier between a person and their god(s).
What authority are you speaking with? How is it more legitimate than theirs? who is "we"?
I'm the Sovereign one.
I'm the authority over me.
"We" is just a larger expression of Me.