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Yes, because everyone's switching over to Google Chrome anyway, and it has nothing to do with this.
i'm testing out the beta of the new FireFox, it does look a lot like chrome. A lot.
Yes, because everyone's switching over to Google Chrome anyway, and it has nothing to do with this.
I think I allowed myself to get a little sidetracked here.
Lets just get this right.
The discussion is whether or not someone who may be perfectly good as a business exec providing a service for IT users should be subject to economic reprimand because of supposed or possible private opinions?
Does this stop at homosexuality?
Maybe they dont practice the same religion as pundits online? Maybe they support different sports teams? Prefer a different flavour of ice cream? Maybe they like a different Game of Thones character.
I think this is ridiculous, why would you want to try and damage Firefox over the head of this if it is perfectly good at what it is designed to do? How does anyone know this whole thing wasnt kicked off by some programmers from a rival service or an attempt to ridicule gay rights campaigners by demonstrating how easily raised to irrational, knee jerk campaigning they are.
Anyone remember the opinions bandied about at the time of the Chick-Fil-A stuff.
i'm testing out the beta of the new FireFox, it does look a lot like chrome. A lot.
I like Firefox and was initially drawn to it because it was not Apple, Microsoft or Google. I have tried Tor but it is way to slow. Any suggestions?
I believe ALL men deserve to be eternely damned.You are a very loving person to be able to be friends with those whom you believe are eternally damned. Hats off to you sir, hats off!
The petition, hosted on the Credoaction website,
Stance on the political issue (which, for reputation's sake might have been best kept private) should have little to no effect on a business executive leading a technical company. He's not a politician - if he were, there'd be more cause for debate and action. But he's not.
He's leading an IT/software company. I fail to see how his opinions on the matter should have an effect on his being hired, or Mozilla's future. Public is trying to punish him for something that should not really be an issue.
18.The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,
19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools
23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,
30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;
31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.
32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
I think the Bible is the word of God. It is truth. Bible says homosexuality is "unnatural". Not only is unnatural, but its a sexual perversion, that is full of desire, lust, envy and selfishness.
Its the same thing if I as a straight man would lust for women's body, so powerful and demonic until in my thought I want desperately to "own" or "have" that woman. Conform to God, lust is selfish, hateful, and evil.
You don't even know what you are talking about, and I say this to you with all honesty. You don't know the lives of those people that I grew up with, and neither you don't know my life. So please, let's not get any further with this!
I say this with utter kindness and love- I hope you, at some point, realize that while your belief and perspective if valuable and important, there are so many other equally valid and important perspectives and beliefs out there. I think once you realize that humanity is unique, varied, colourful, and loving - you'll be able to grow and embrace the wealth of knowledge that is out there. Accepting value in opposing perspectives is extremely enlightening and enriching- and I think, as you are a scholar who loves to learn, you'll be blown away by how amazing this uniqueness is.
God doesn't play jokes. Never. Also God is not crude. Never. God is goodness and holiness, and just. Nobody can accuse God, because everything stands in existence to show and demonstrate His glory, and His moral perfection. Keep in mind the accurate premises if you want to really understand how we christians view the world.[MENTION=9401]LucyJr[/MENTION]
If you believe that gender marks the difference between a holy marriage and living in sin, then how do you feel about people that have both sets of genitalia? According to this belief, they are 'shit out of luck' no matter which way they decide to love. Is this a cruel joke on Gods part? This is not an argument, I am just very interested in how you would advise someone in this predicament. This is not something they chose for themselves. God made them this way. You know, kind of like how he made gay people.
No, I'm not interested in getting into the argument at this point in time. I just saw some heat developing and thought I'd try to help you all keep cool. I edited it also because it appeared like I was singling you out which isn't my intention.
God never intended men to be born blind, or with genetic diseases, with tow sets of genitalia, or other unnatural malformations and mutations. Those are dirrect consequances of our sins.
So don't say "God made them that way", because that's not true. Sin made them that way!
I appreciate your kind advice.
I think contradicting views can never be 'equaly valid'. And most of the perspective that are in the world are contradictory to each other. So saying "there are so many other equally valid and important perspectives and beliefs out there", its not true. Truth is not in both two contradicting views. God either exist(Christianity), either it doesn't(Atheism).
So Truth is distinct and unique. Truth is not contradictory. Ideas are dangerous, worldviews are dangerous, because they have the potential (from our perspective) to be either true, either false. That's why, it is my position, that I have come to a understanding that to romanticise world and its dieversities of view its dangerous in itself.
But I may get another line of what you're trying to say to me.
Perhaps I am stuborn, overly opinionated, so much to the degree I don't fuly understand and listen to others views. I am what might be called intolerat and dogmatic, with "glasses for horses".
Ok, I do recognise that. I know I have to develop myself in this aspect (mature is the word).
But I think its incorrect that you guys, which clearly represent the majority, be so nervous on me for my intolerance. Its not correct at all. I'm arguing against the majority, and I know the risks of it. This thread is about a guy who is being threatened to be knoked out with his business because he is anti-guy...!
And I'm arguing for my position (which is not very popular), and I am the bad guy!
I always think of it this way: If we were living in 'the age of faith', in medieval times, how many of you would argue pro-guys, and how many of you and I would argue anti-guy?
Or what if we would be arguing in a Muslim country?.
Times and circumstances changes things alot. Some views are not accepted or rejected because of truthiness of falsity, but rather because the view must be accepted or rejected at a aparticular time. Its all about the context. Ideas rarely are adopted for their consistecy.
i have an undergraduate degree in literature and have read 1984. so far as i can tell, it is the argument that you have presented (and not mine) that proposes restriction of language, and insists that words can only mean one particular thing or another. i think that there is something wrong with this idea that words can only mean one thing or another. words and language, like conventions, are invented by humans, have no fixed meanings, and change naturally over time. it is no longer enough to say that marriage has meant a union between a man and a woman in the past and therefore it should continue to mean the same thing in the future - that reasoning is bankrupt, because we all know that things must change over time. we cant always stop them from changing, but we can talk and make decisions about why or how they should change or should not change. its just that "because they have always previously been defined this way using this particular language" is not a very meaningful argument.
im not too sure how to address the rest of the things you wrote connected to 1984 as i find those remarks slightly unclear. i dont understand any connection between gay marriage and state violence; is this supposed to mean that by sanctioning gay marriage, the state would be doing violence to people who are not gay? this makes no sense to me, because sanctioning other marriages seems to me to have no violent effect or really any other meaningful effect of any kind on already sanctioned marriages. it does not change the status of these marriages as already sanctioned.
i dont know how to respond to the matter of socialism and minority sexual orientation at all, because sexual preference seems distinct from politics for me, they seem more like discrete entities to me than that. i cant understand why sexual preference is socialist, and i cant understand why feeling or expressing romantic and companionate love and sexual attraction towards another human being is related to political organisation. do you recall that in 1984, it was the state that was interfering and attempting to prevent people from feeling and expressing their romantic love? people are different, that is just a fact, that is reality, people are not all the same. are they then willfully creating conflict, being disagreeable, for expecting their differences to be OK with other people? there is nothing wrong with being different, and saying "i am different, and i expect not to be discriminated against and excluded from rights offered by this society and my participation in it on the basis of those differences alone."
God doesn't play jokes. Never. Also God is not crude. Never. God is goodness and holiness, and just. Nobody can accuse God, because everything stands in existence to show and demonstrate His glory, and His moral perfection. Keep in mind the accurate premises if you want to really understand how we christians view the world.
What you are asking is a explanation for the direct effects of sin. Sin brings death. Not only spiritual death, but also physical or biological death and destruction. Genetic disease and physical inabilities of all kinds are not a "crude joke of God". They are a joke of sin. Because people are selfsih, self-seeking, hateful, proud, lustful and inclined to every evil and bad thoughts, the natural consequences are affecting our physical health, and all the biological life.
God never intended men to be born blind, or with genetic diseases, with tow sets of genitalia, or other unnatural malformations and mutations. Those are dirrect consequances of our sins.
So don't say "God made them that way", because that's not true. Sin made them that way!
I will respond to your objection if you give the 'clear' form of it.
1. God created free-will.God created free-will, which can lead to (what you would consider) 'sin'. Therefore, God created sin. If you feel that "sin made them that way" then God had a hand in it.
God made them that way.
1. God created free-will.
2. Free will can lead to sin.
3. Conclusion: God created sin.
I think the conclusion doesn't follow from the premises.
Lark, you're a bigot. I'm not going to argue with you because you have made a conscious decision to believe stupid shit, like homosexuals don't deserve the same financial and legal privileges as heterosexuals.
Nothing I say will convince you that you are wrong, so I am instead going to point out how much of an idiot you are to emphasize to everyone else how not to conduct their business.
Furthermore, your belief is held by a minority, and time will only diminish its popularity. It is going the same way as opposition to miscegenation.
Also, your posts are bad. Stop posting.
You can't follow that?
Without free will there would be no sin. Free will is Gods creation, therefore, by creating free will, he created sin.
You say that "sin made them that way". Well, then you have God to thank for that.