- xNTP
- Enneagram
- 6w5 649
Yes.Woah! It was all deleted?
Yes, only two.Wait. Both? There were only two?
I've restored one now. It would be a shame to let the conversation end because of poopie internet.

Yes.Woah! It was all deleted?
Yes, only two.Wait. Both? There were only two?
Wow! Power at the fingertips! Hehe thank youYes.
Yes, only two.
I've restored one now. It would be a shame to let the conversation end because of poopie internet.![]()
The mentor-help-save-the-world narrative actually fits. I am this way with my favorite students too. Then I saw some videos. I actually resonate with several points like not wanting to be helped, hoping people would see and also help even though I don't like asking for help...
I could be. I haven't ruled it out too. This enneagram is really hard because it's easy to relate with many of the descriptions.I hear. Can that be a 2 wing though? You mentioned in the other thread that the 1 resonated with you more?
I just thought with Enneagram, once you "get" your type, it's like some kind of epiphany and suddenly everything makes sense.
Anyway, @John K, thanks again for that book recommendation.
I read parts of that book, and I'm pretty sure I am a 1. I also think I know what prevented me from seeing it all this time. I think the people in life that I can't stand the most are hypocritical, unhealthy ones, so I had a really strong resistance to grouping myself together with them.
My husband read the book as well - he recognized himself in the 9 right away. Definitely was an epiphany kind of moment for him, which was nice to see.
I'm glad the book was a help. It really did the trick for me because I couldn't identify completely with any of the E types until I had this more in depth explanation to explore.Anyway, @John K, thanks again for that book recommendation.
I read parts of that book, and I'm pretty sure I am a 1. I also think I know what prevented me from seeing it all this time. I think the people in life that I can't stand the most are hypocritical, unhealthy ones, so I had a really strong resistance to grouping myself together with them.
My husband read the book as well - he recognized himself in the 9 right away. Definitely was an epiphany kind of moment for him, which was nice to see.
In the end you are the only one who can finally decide. The forum can be misleading because I think many of us behave a little differently here than we do with people we meet face to face. My gut feeling is that you are more 1 than 2 - think about where you would place yourself on a spectrum between Hos and BritNi for example. You might find these passages helpful - they are from the book I recommended earlier that hithere is mentioning. They describe the specific characteristics of E1W2, then E2W1 - it's just possible you can relate to one of these with more of a 'click' than to either of the two base types.I could be. I haven't ruled it out too. This enneagram is really hard because it's easy to relate with many of the descriptions.
I'm glad the book was a help. It really did the trick for me because I couldn't identify completely with any of the E types until I had this more in depth explanation to explore.
In the end you are the only one who can finally decide. The forum can be misleading because I think many of us behave a little differently here than we do with people we meet face to face. My gut feeling is that you are more 1 than 2 - think about where you would place yourself on a spectrum between Hos and BritNi for example. You might find these passages helpful - they are from the book I recommended earlier that hithere is mentioning. They describe the specific characteristics of E1W2, then E2W1 - it's just possible you can relate to one of these with more of a 'click' than to either of the two base types.
LOL yesWow. I laughed at the thought of a half Hos, half Britni combo ---like a mermaid!
Omg that's so cute!LOL yes
A baby chimeraOmg that's so cute!
I must say that the two descriptions I posted from the book of 1W2 and 2W1 do sound like they might fit you well from the way you come across.
@mintoots How do you feel about E9 and E3 strategies? (since they are the other wings of E1 and E2) Apologies if you have mentioned this already somewhere!
Hmh, that sounds like more negative-ish traits. What about the positive aspects of 3 and 9 wings?What i relate with about the 9 aspect is the sloth like living. I become almost invalid when stressed. I literally slow down then freeze. With threes, i relate to fears of worthlessness which is also something with twos.
What motivates you to step up and lead for a while?I am not really charming though. I mean i had my moments of inevitable leadership...
Aww Does that mean you were more like a cute little doer as a child? Or do you mean w3 in another way? <3It's almost like when I was a kid, i'm more 2w3 and now as an adult, i'm more 2w1 although given the work I have committed my self to this past few years, I'm really stepping it on being 1w2.
I am creative and independent, which is a positive trait for 9s. Even then, I recognize that I fall in love when I am needed and that is a 2 trait.positive aspects of 3 and 9 wings?
Chaos. If something is chaotic and nobody is doing the job, I often find myself stepping up. With friends, I am generally in control. Like travel plans are often initiated by me. When we eat out, a certain group of friends look to me to sort out the bill while my other friends, my students specifically are quite adept at it so I don't have to do it. I always let my friends decide where to eat and my family too but if I do want something, I'll get it on my own. I used to go shopping by myself for myself to make sure that when I shop with other people, all of my attention will be on their needs. When I was (sort-of) "dating" someone, he relied on me for these sorts of things so I tended to give them my undivided attention. I also have the tendency to remind the other of their needs but when I am stressed and tired, i completely shut down and not care. It stresses the other out but often they figure out that I need to be taken cared of for the time being and I have friends and sort of relationships that step up too. Even my family recognizes this about me.What motivates you to step up and lead for a while
Lol not a doer. I was a dreamer as a child and I constantly neglected my self if it meant spending more time gazing and exploring. I would bury myself in books and movies excessively. At three, my mum said that I doted on the Sound of Music for months on end. I would repeat the three hour movie three times daily for weeks on end and if she didn't have time for me, she would find me fiddling with the betamax as a toddler and succeeding at it -- including the use of the rewinder. I actually have vague memories of this. When I was almost three, I remember being very hungry and I wanted milk but my mom was so busy that I tried to make my own and scalded my hands in the process. I remember my mum scolding me because she said I should have been patient so that I wouldn't hurt my self. I mainly get what I want as a child. I once wanted chips hung way up a pantry which I climbed effortlessly. My milk bottle was also in a high up cabinet but I always managed to find my way.as a child?
Hahaha this is correct.also maybe not even getting anything in return in the process.
This is not impossible. I really do go into E8 more often at work but the very rare times this happens at home is when I see family members making decisions that will hurt them and affect their integrity. I really do gather up the guts and step my foot down when I recognize the ill of something. It always surprises my family when I do this (i have only ever done it once) with them. My friends are the same. They say I have an air authority about me which, when I invoke, basically silences them. It scares even my male friends. (I think this is also why I don't get asked out much hahaha). Several of my colleagues tiptoe around me though not all of them. Others even bully me playfully so it must not be my personality.might switch into E3 and then E8 patterns at times..?
Huhu thank you for investing your time and interest.Also thank you for writing about you, it's very sweet to get to know you more. <3
I'm afraid I don't have a lot of information about the tritype. I'm a little suspicious of it myself because it isn't clear to me how it relates to the dynamics of the primary Enneagram model - I don't mean it's not useful, but that it seems to be bolted onto rather than integrated into the main theory so it leaves me a little confused about how these things relate together. It does seem natural, though, to assume we have a preference in each of the head, heart and gut sections.Do you have any recommendation for sources you used to explore your tritype @John K ?
I am also 'the contemplative' and I'd like to learn a bit more about it, beyond the basic information available online in some blogs.
I really don't know what my enneatype is anymore. I think it's the InFJ chameleonesse for sure.