[gush] I am so proud of myself...I had a crap ton of errands to run, and i didnt take my pills early enough to eat. (I Am starving as soon as I wake and I have to wait an hour after my pills to eat) So I had to go to the grocery store Starving, but only stayed in the produce and dairy area. Normally I would have grabbed something to snack on...And normally I would have grabbed a quick and sick breakfast to scarf while I was running all over town...TODAY..I did not...I looked at what I had in my bags I said...I have apples...and I have raw cashews...I have breakfast, or a snack at least! I ate the apple and the nuts and felt fine...satisfied even...Now Apples and cashews are gonna be a fave I think

Todays Goals:
Excersize: Walk 20 minutes DONE: walked 60 mins.
Pre breakfast snack:
Apple, and about 30 cashews.
Egg white sandwich on whole wheat bread with Provolone and spinach. A banana.
Snack: Cottage cheese with Salt and pepper
skipped...I wasnt hungry
Turkey sandwich on whole wheat with provolone and spinach
Skipped I wasnt hungry
Made from scratch Marinara
WHole wheat Semolina Spagetti noodles
Turkey meatballs (also made from scratch)