- INFPishy
Just to clarify my question, how do you measure innate ability if someone's ability is not always evident in the early stages. Isn't it an unquestioned assumption that when you test someone when they are young, that you're testing their ultimate possible cognitive and developmental capabilities before they've even had the time to fully develop? How can a IQ number at 12 test how far someone can go before they've even had the chance to learn and exercise their abilities fully? or simply, why is it being casually accepted that someone's complete abilities are always manifest when they're young? Is testing really about someone's actual or potential iQ? Sounds like its potential IQ since supposedly, the IQ range in which someone tests as a youth isn't really supposed to change once you get older, meaning that your potential is seen as determined by your IQ once you take it early on. It becomes a given about what you can do or not do essentially by concretely setting IQ as the final decision maker. Besides, it assumes someone always puts in their best effort on an IQ test.
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