The future is uncertain and the end is always near...

Nope. Neither spake Morrison.
I'm certain someone cut off my nose and tail. :0
And finally, could Prophecy, Catastrophism, Salvationism, and a Golden Age be self fulfilling prophecies? If we are convinced certain events will unfold, will we as a species unconsciously create scenarios to mirror our visions? I hope this is a very probing and open minded exercise. Enjoy.
May be
I certainly believe in prophecy. Take the Bible for instance. It contains hundreds (1800+) of prophecies of which many already came true. Dead sea scrolls prove the authenticity of scripture. Why do civilization rise and fall? How do cities grow? Great civilizations always go to the same phases btw. (Pushed by unchanged core human nature?). Despite all the microchaos gowing on at street level, cities in the west follow a certain growth pattern. It is based on Zipf's law. Some know it as the 80/20 or 20/80 rule. If you throw a dice its outcome seems random. However, if you map out all randomness, you see geometric patterns emerge. We are people with free will, stuck in a universe with laws. How does free will work if we might secretly be led by natural patterns and laws?