[PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

I've thought the same things basically!
Amazing to me the hypocrisy of the evangelical conservative Christian movement...it's very self-serving and misses the entire point of the Bible imho.
Of course I posted this to be a bit of a provocateur I admit...couldn't help myself.
There is truth to it though! Who the Christian right will support for power...
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Looks like Putin.
The republican party has become the cult of Trump. Spewing talking points approved by the Kremlin. Personally I think it is time to take to the streets and march on washington, surround the place and demand that something be done. Trump and his party are simply a crime family that is using tax payers money for their personal gain, declaring that our laws do not apply to them. . and we sit here like sheep and allow it. He will be acquitted by the republican senate because they are waste deep i n the same corruption that trump is. Congress no longer is anything other than a place to become filthy rich, taking money from whoever will give it to them for their votes. Integrity has long left the building.
now he is parading war criminals and his followers cheer. .the attourney general declares that law enforcement need not look at anything done by our president. . this whole situation makes me ashamed to be an american
The republican party has become the cult of Trump. Spewing talking points approved by the Kremlin. Personally I think it is time to take to the streets and march on washington, surround the place and demand that something be done. Trump and his party are simply a crime family that is using tax payers money for their personal gain, declaring that our laws do not apply to them. . and we sit here like sheep and allow it. He will be acquitted by the republican senate because they are waste deep i n the same corruption that trump is. Congress no longer is anything other than a place to become filthy rich, taking money from whoever will give it to them for their votes. Integrity has long left the building.
now he is parading war criminals and his followers cheer. .the attourney general declares that law enforcement need not look at anything done by our president. . this whole situation makes me ashamed to be an american

Since FDR we have seen the US invest a tremendous amount of power into the office of the President, we did this because it became apparent that the citizens needed something with teeth to counteract the forces that organized business and organized labor had amassed once the nation became fully industrialized. The government, led by the executive branch has been entrusted as a neutral referee with the idea being that the government, with its power of regulation and law enforcement, would attempt to safeguard the basic freedoms of the individual citizen from economic coercion. It is arguable as to how successful that endeavor has been, a mixed bag at best (it could have gone a lot worse).

What we are seeing now is what happens when a shamelessly corrupt group take control of the executive office. To our credit within two years the citizens took control of one very formidable branch of government and, when the opportunity arose, used its constitutional power to call bullshit on blatantly corrupt abuse of power. These two articles of impeachment will go before the senate and those senators will have to stand up publicly and either endorse of condemn these abuses.

In November of next year we will have a sober decision to make as a nation. I for one have faith in our ability to make this crisis a golden opportunity.
Now in vessels which are in a state of mutiny and by sailors who are mutineers, how will the true pilot be regarded? Will he not be called by them a prater, a star-gazer, a good-for-nothing?

Now in vessels which are in a state of mutiny and by sailors who are mutineers, how will the true pilot be regarded? Will he not be called by them a prater, a star-gazer, a good-for-nothing?

Bush said "Axis of Evil" and had me to stand up and walk closer to the TV. Trump had the same affect on me with "Fake News". Those trying to have him walk the plank would destroy this country.
Too bad the IG report showed no political bias...so these claims ^^^^ made by some about some deep-state coup is a bunch of Faux "News" Entertainment channel's propaganda BS.
The guy is a crook and so is his family...he's stolen from his own charity and been caught, he ran a BS "University" and got caught, he notoriously doesn't pay his workers...even his children were ordered by the judge in the charity theft case to attend a course on why stealing is bad.
He has to repay $2 million and never run a charity again.
Trump even spent $60,000 of the charity money (for veterans I might add) on a hideous painting of himself...

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So yeah...Trump taking his own falsehoods being called out and calling it "fake news" really got people going, even started to believe the very provable lies themselves...just like PT Barnum said - "There's a sucker born every minute."

The impeachment hearings are another distraction. It's all political theater. Trump works for Israel, remember that. I'm willing to bet he'll be reelected. In fact I'm almost certain of it just shy of something miraculous happening, somehow preventing it. But the system is far too intelligent for that.
Isn't our world-wide-web housed and governed by Israel as they were deemed the most neutral country? Wait...didn't a Republican president help plant the www in Isreal? Waiting still for the www to crash and restart with all the newly decided governance system??

That's just the tip of the needle in Fake News.
Isn't our world-wide-web housed and governed by Israel as they were deemed the most neutral country? Wait...didn't a Republican president help plant the www in Isreal? Waiting still for the www to crash and restart with all the newly decided governance system??

That's just the tip of the needle in Fake News.

I personally don't know the history of the establishment of the world wide web because I haven't studied it. What is this about fake news? I need clarification.
Much fake news is spread via internet, and without regulation.

Yes, absolutely. But "fake news" itself is nothing more than a weaponized term to discredit independent journalism, to which there should never be an impediment on... (not the case in 2019 but one can dream...).

CNN, ABC, FOX, NBC, MSN, Breitbart, Bloomberg, Buzzfeed, et al., - all fake news. Let's not forget that 90+% of mainstream news, magazines, newspaper, etc. are owned by 5 or 6 corporations. I'm sorry, I should replace "fake news" with "politically biased and motivated"... more accurate. Let's be mindful of what we are programmed with, whether consciously or subconsciously. Remember, the subconscious mind is very powerful, and (((they))) know this.
you forgot RT