[PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

Really though, he's being used as an example - showing the others what happens when you dissent.
That kind intimidation does not belong in our Congress and should never be leveraged by the President in such a way.
Really though, he's being used as an example - showing the others what happens when you dissent.
That kind intimidation does not belong in our Congress and should never be leveraged by the President in such a way.
Congress is broken.

You have to hand it to DJT: he was right in saying that congress is a swamp that must be drained. I did get behind that idea 100%. The problem is that he had no intention of fixing it, on the contrary, it seems he found a foothold and is exploiting the problems for his own gain. He truly believes he is king.
Congress is broken.

You have to hand it to DJT: He was right in saying that congress is a swamp that must be drained. I did get behind that idea 100% Problem is that DJT had no intention of fixing it, on the contrary, it seems he found a foothold and is exploiting the problems.
Yes, they are broken.
He is not the right person to root out corruption.
He's stolen from charities, from workers, from student at his Trump U, from the people of this country as he golfs 4 days a week and continues to violate the emolument clause by charging millions of dollars paid to his resort(s).
His prior lawyer went to jail for paying off the porn star DJT cut the check for - Mr. Individual 1.
Not to mention his sealed school records, his sealed finances, his hidden and sealed tax returns.
I could go on and on...I think the point it clear, lol.
Hope you are well!
Any actual improvements made by Trump are overshadowed by the way he made them, the things he has dismantled and the inhumane way he treats other humans.
What did it cost to boost the stock market - cutting taxes for the rich at the expense of the middle class, gutting the EPA and rolling back clean water and air standards, etc, etc, etc.
It was very clear at the prayer breakfast that he has no concept of love for another human being, he really doesn't know anything about the bible, yet continues to pander to the gullible Christians that follow his every hateful and vile tweet and word - ignore his corruption and believe his daily lies.
I guess kids in cages is cool with you.
I'm no fan of Mitt Romney - but to call for him to be expelled from the Republican party because of his vote is insane.
"You must vote THIS way or you aren't a loyalist and we'll throw you out"
A party of yes-men (and a few women) unable to form their own opinion or too spineless and scared to express it.
A party hardly representative of the diversity in this country - a bunch of old white men on one side and actual women and minorities on the other.

I will concede now this is pointless. The "wage gap" is actually smaller now than it was 3 years ago. So decreasing black and Hispanic as well as female unemployment does not count because he did not do it the way you would prefer? Can you poll those who now have jobs and aren't on welfare and see how they perceive that? The U.S. has (and continues) to make more progress on reducing Carbon emissions than any other country in the world. I would be interested in his daily lies and the corruption list. LOL kids in cages! You aren't aware then that OBAMA was the first to put kids in cages? The cages that were used were built (not personally) by Obama. The Trump administration has stopped using them. Who has been thrown out? When did Trump call for Romney's expulsion? (Romney was elected due in part of his promise to support Trump.)

So because he didn't do it your way the family of 4 that now has $5,000 a year additional income should return it to the government?

Again I will concede this is pointless.
Congress may or may not be broken, the Clinton impeachment was largely political retaliation for the Nixon debacle, the Iran-Contra scandal and the loss of the WH to the Dems when Bush lost. I do recall how much the right hated bill clinton. it was kinda crazy and is why I campaigned against Hillary in both of her primaries. What is crazier though is that those districts and states that support the GOP now are steadily loosing economic ground, year after year regardless of who or what is in power. Much of Rural America is subsidized by the same government (thru the USDA) that their elected representative rail against.

US politics is a struggle between the organized and those who are not organized get shafted.
Yes, they are broken.
He is not the right person to root out corruption.
He's stolen from charities, from workers, from student at his Trump U, from the people of this country as he golfs 4 days a week and continues to violate the emolument clause by charging millions of dollars paid to his resort(s).
His prior lawyer went to jail for paying off the porn star DJT cut the check for - Mr. Individual 1.
Not to mention his sealed school records, his sealed finances, his hidden and sealed tax returns.
I could go on and on...I think the point it clear, lol.
Hope you are well!
I saw through DJT from the start - as I said before, I married a person with the same mental issues, make no mistake, they are legitimate issues that need help.
Not to tell the country what to do, but a divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was able to re-make myself after the abuse. Or, maybe they're just not ready for that.
Yes, they are broken.
He is not the right person to root out corruption.
He's stolen from charities, from workers, from student at his Trump U, from the people of this country as he golfs 4 days a week and continues to violate the emolument clause by charging millions of dollars paid to his resort(s).
His prior lawyer went to jail for paying off the porn star DJT cut the check for - Mr. Individual 1.
Not to mention his sealed school records, his sealed finances, his hidden and sealed tax returns.
I could go on and on...I think the point it clear, lol.
Hope you are well!

I will concede yet again this is pointless. If someone outside of the system isn't the right person I probably don't want to know who is the right person to drain the swamp.. The charities he has stolen from? The workers? Name another president that has accomplished (whether you approve of it or not) 1/2 of what Trump has accomplished in 3 years (Golfing 4 days a week). Bad timing on the emoluments clause front......The Democrats case on that very issue was thrown out of court just today. Obama's sealed records are fine then? Or sealing records are just not ok if Trump does it? I also do not believe his tax records are indeed "sealed".
I will concede yet again this is pointless. If someone outside of the system isn't the right person I probably don't want to know who is the right person to drain the swamp.. The charities he has stolen from? The workers? Name another president that has accomplished (whether you approve of it or not) 1/2 of what Trump has accomplished in 3 years (Golfing 4 days a week). Bad timing on the emoluments clause front......The Democrats case on that very issue was thrown out of court just today. Obama's sealed records are fine then? Or sealing records are just not ok if Trump does it? I also do not believe his tax records are indeed "sealed".
This is just inane. Obama pulled us out of the worst economic catastrophe since the depression and did it under intense congressional opposition for 6 years. We will be cleaning up after this mess of an administration for the better part of a decade, just like we did after Reagan/Bush and then GW Bush... of course you can blindly argue that is not so but you would be wrong.
Hi again. I don't quite understand... You wanted a discussion, you had given me a reply that was like you were open to one, and then shut it right down with the above. I personally had not replied as I'm an observer when it comes to politics. I see problems everywhere and have no solutions. In those cases I want others to chime in and add info.

But you are posting what you call facts, refusing to back any of it up and then calling anyone who may dare to question and create discussion cringe worthy.

That's not very polite on any forum.

Facts? Back it up? Either rely on Google or start wading thru a bunch of government records. Thank you for mis-representing my cringe worthy remark.........you do indeed make my case.
At what point in time did I say I refuse to back them up? You are then suggesting that black unemployment isn't down? There aren't more Hispanics working? You have evidence that N. Korea is indeed lobbing missiles into the ocean? Taxes weren't reduced? You can't try experimental drugs? ISIS still has 30,000 sq. miles of territory? Wages are rising (for the middle class) at about 3% plus while inflation is in the neighborhood of 1.2-1.4%. (The middle class then has a 2% net GAIN in after tax dollars.) The numbers all of the media report on the stock market are lies? The market isn't actually up? Yes, I actually do call them facts and your assertion that they aren't was a point taken. Dare to question? Ask away!
This is just inane. Obama pulled us out of the worst economic catastrophe since the depression and did it under intense congressional opposition for 6 years. We will be cleaning up after this mess of an administration for the better part of a decade, just like we did after Reagan/Bush and then GW Bush... of course you can blindly argue that is not so but you would be wrong.

OK, I certainly take your point. I was asked for facts, any chance we can make this fair and you can list the numbers Obama had that proves the economy was in great shape? No judgement there right?
Put it this way: Republicans used the pretense that they cared about fiscal responsibility to engage in de facto economic sabotage as long as a Democrat was in the White House. Then they abandoned the pretense and opened up the spending taps as soon as one of their own was in power. And far from paying a price for their duplicity, they are being politically rewarded.
krugman NYThttps://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/06/opinion/economy-republicans-deficit.html
Facts? Back it up? Either rely on Google or start wading thru a bunch of government records. Thank you for mis-representing my cringe worthy remark.........you do indeed make my case.
At what point in time did I say I refuse to back them up? You are then suggesting that black unemployment isn't down? There aren't more Hispanics working? You have evidence that N. Korea is indeed lobbing missiles into the ocean? Taxes weren't reduced? You can't try experimental drugs? ISIS still has 30,000 sq. miles of territory? Wages are rising (for the middle class) at about 3% plus while inflation is in the neighborhood of 1.2-1.4%. (The middle class then has a 2% net GAIN in after tax dollars.) The numbers all of the media report on the stock market are lies? The market isn't actually up? Yes, I actually do call them facts and your assertion that they aren't was a point taken. Dare to question? Ask away!
Why do I get the feeling this is one of those self-fulfilling prophecies? LOL

As far as data and googling goes... you know not who you speak with. That's the first thing I did and down the rabbit hole it started to take me until I jumped out realizing I have better things to do with my time. For the most part - your facts are twisted versions of reality.

I'm a stock holder, I see what the market is doing.. it's nice. BUT at the same time those profits are coming at the expense of the workforce. There are ways to leverage our position as a leader in the world without damaging our own people.

As for the rest, also you know not who you talk to... the numbers are twisted to show what they want.