[PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

Impeachment is and has probably always been a tool used by the majority party of congress to control or manipulate the executive branch. I think citizens have lost their belief in it [in modern times] because it always seems to be a single party that is using it. This becomes exceedingly clear when it is initiated at the very moment a president takes office.

I wish politicians were more responsible because the tool of impeachment was created for good reason and citizens have lost their belief in it. Perhaps that is the point, to make it meaningless so that power can’t be challenged.
I mean if you wanna continue to believe that a bunch of morons yapping and patting themselves on the back for accomplishing nothing of material value has some sort of merit, that's certainly your prerogative
We are now in an era where if a political party wins the presidency and holds over one third of the seats in the senate they can effectively repeal any law that is on the books. That is what the American people voted for. Biully Bully!
Sad but mostly true.

I think it's been that way for much longer than we realize, it's just that the lust for greed and power has created intense infighting [among the elite] and that has brought the reality of our governmental state to the surface.

Until the state of the people begins to improve then they all remain in the same category to me. It seems as if every time I get hopeful that good change will occur it is met with disappointment and nothing happening for the people - while greed and corruption triumphs.

One party winds up the spring and prepares the benefits, and then another unwinds it into the hands of the few. The party names and players change and so do their commitments / ideologies but the outcome seems to remain constant. All the while, the people are kept in a state of discontent, disarray, and divided as a means of preventing dissent. The people deserve better.
Impeach seems like a “whoa” word to many, likely because of the context.

In meaning, it is just the “fancy” word for indictment.

So legislative bodies saying “Q did naughty stuff.”

Nothing more. And much less. It is a term which has lost all semblance of power.

I honestly believe that powers in Europe (I won't say who) have been at the heart of our money supply (The Fed) since its inception in 1913. There is good reason for my belief and if people go back and review how and when it was created it all becomes very clear. The US money supply is corrupted and when that happens the politicians become bought and owned by those who own the money supply. Gaining access to the Treasury data allows the executive branch to gain insight into how the Fed is operating which would otherwise not be possible because it is not permitted to audit the Fed.

The Trump administration has spoken about utilizing crypto currency in the future and from that aspect, I could see Musk being involved because he has aligned himself with it in the past. Of course, the Fed has been working on options for a crypto currency and if they implement it (and are in fact aligned with Europe as I believe they are) then the US will likely never regain control of their money supply. If a country can't control it's money supply then it can't control its government.

I also believe there is a tie to the assassination of multiple presidents that have aligned themselves with maintaining control of the money supply in the US. One is JFK who attempted to put the dollar on a silver backing. Another is Lincoln who rejected loans from Europe to finance the Civil War and instead chose to create the Greenback. This robbed bankers in Europe of 50% interest and I believe it's ultimately what got him killed. That an assassination of Trump has already been attempted multiple times really opens my eyes. Combine that with Trump talking about finally releasing all of the details related to the JFK assassination and the picture starts to become even more clear.

Do I think Trump is just doing this out of the goodness of his heart? NO, but I also don't believe JFK was either. Still, I do believe the US deserves to have control of its money and that would dramatically change everything about the prosperity within the country. Still, the people deserve transparency, but that won't be possible without first gaining access and sorting the giant spaghetti knot that has been created within the US Treasury first, and then the Fed. Asking for access and getting everyone to agree on it will never happen because small groups of members within Congress have been attempting to get a Fed audit for a very long time only to be laughed at and dismissed (makes sense if the majority of politicians are controlled by those running the money supply). It's a Catch-22 where we can't get the details of what is happening unless it is granted (by congress) and it won't be granted because those running it are controlling those who can grant the access. So, if the corruption details are obtained and published to the people then there is ample justification by the people to demand their congress members grant a Fed audit.

My belief is that Elon's role is to get the information and expose the problems. Then if a new digital money supply is created, he will play a role in creating it with his experience in banking (Pay Pal, and crypto). Does he stand to benefit - absolutely. Does Trump stand to benefit - maybe but that depends on the new design and who potentially has ownership of the digital systems. The risk is that people will be gunning for them just like history has proven.

So, to me, it comes down to a choice between one that has demonstrated complete corruption AND the other that could be better but most likely cant get any worse than complete corruption. Oh, there's one other option, both sides could be working together and all of this fighting is just another way of keeping the people divided and distracted while a digital currency is implemented. Personally, I'm not holding my breath for politics to care about the people because that ship sailed long before I was even born.
The us treasury is part of the executive branch and answers to the president who is elected (circuitously) by the people of the US. the federal reserve system was enacted and is regulated by the US congress viaThe Government Accounting Office, (GAO) [ an independent, nonpartisan government agency within the US Congress] it has authority to audit check-processing, currency storage and shipments, and some regulatory and bank examination functions–though there are restrictions to what the GAO may audit. Both of these institutions are ultimately held accountable to the voters (if they cared enough to vote).
In reality these are very complex systems and the voters rely on their representatives in congress to empower people with the expertise necessary to mange them. Things do go wrong but we have not seen a major crisis since the end of the 1920s.
I believe that JFK time traveled into the 1860s to kill Lincoln who was attempting to time travel int0 the 2020s to kill Trump but those bullets ricocheted off of Musk's temporal shield, back into the 1960s and ended up killing JFK.
Only time will tell and I believe we have a short countdown.

I can only speculate, but I do believe that Trump will continue with a rebuild of the bureaucracy and have Elon fully reconcile the Treasury. If he's willing to go that far it's only one step further to the Federal Reserve and instituting a new currency. Even before Trump was sworn in as President the talk had already begun about Jerome Powell stepping down if asked - it's not a stretch to believe that there is focus in that direction. Obviously, the president doesn't have the authority to make that ask but like I said, if he finds enough corruption and presents it to the people, they will demand the very thing he asks with respect to auditing and disclosure.

No reason for hostility, I'm simply stating the obvious. I'm quite aware of the structures and who reports to whom.

I prefer not to live in denial of a situation because that would put me in harms way. I tell people what I see happening because I care and don't want to see them caught unaware and possibly harmed.
"the talk had already begun about Jerome Powell stepping down if asked" Powell stated emphatically at every turn that he had no intention of not finishing his term. But phrasing it this way makes it seem like he is actually open to the idea that Trump is good for the Fed, or that we should turn our currency from what it is (which is a fiat currency based on the faith and credit of the people of the united states) to a crypto currency which is what exactly? and run by whom?
Trump will find corruption like he finds extra square footage in the apartments he sells.
You seem reactive about everything I’m saying. I’m not taking a side here, I’m simply stating what is happening and where focus is being placed.

I know what Powell said and how a big deal was made about it in the media. I really don’t care about any of it other than stating what has happened and what that likely means will happen.

I know what a fiat currency is and how other currencies can be backed.

Crypto currency? It depends on the type and how the technology is structured. Some are centralized and some are decentralized. Some are designed for being anonymous and there are some that are geared towards different types of transactions. The only reason I brought it up was because Elon was being mentioned as it pertained to his involvement and what I see as his potential motivation for taking a role - because billionaires don’t usually work for free. 🤷🏻‍♂️
There are no anonymous crypto currencies. that is just another bastardization of the language used to manipulate people into complacency. Just like calling what DOGE is doing an "Audit" what they are doing downloading Americans social security numbers and financial records to a private entity.
Billionaires work only for themselves.
It depends on how the CC system is designed with respect to the network and encryption. Technically, nothing is outside the range of hacking if given enough computing power. Here are 3 CC examples if you are really interested in this with respect to this discussion:

  • Monero (XMR): Launched in 2014, it is the most private cryptocurrency, making it virtually impossible to trace transactions or connect them to individual users.
  • Zcash (ZEC): Allows users to choose when to share transaction or address information, providing selective transparency.
  • Dash (DASH): Utilizes an encoded PrivateSend feature similar to CoinJoin to enhance privacy.

DOGE was created to get rid of waste, fraud, and abuse. Auditing is just one of the first step in that process, as is the case with any data analytics.

Many 3rd party tech companies have access to sensitive private data. Government employees are terrible when it comes to designing and managing these large data systems so they hire companies to design and implement in a turnkey fashion. Contractors are regularly involved in day to day management. IBM has historically been the biggest player but times have changed and other companies have been included. I know this because I've been involved in some of these projects.

Bureaucratic agencies are the worst about working between the private and public sectors. Unlike DOGE, which has an expected end date, some private sector companies are perpetually involved through lobbying, managing (through movement between public and private), and even legislating.

Regardless of what people think of DOGE, it will continue because it is being used by the executive branch (per the presidents authority) for fixing problems associated with agencies under the purview of the executive branch.

Having been involved in information technology for decades, I see no value in offloading any data to another network in this process as that would be tedious and painstakingly slow. It's much easier and quicker to do everything directly on the federal IT infrastructure.

Personally, I'm not as concerned with the social security administration knowing things as I am with national security monitoring everything I do. Similarly, Big Tech already knows more about what people are doing then most people realize and they don't need a SSN to do it. If you carry a smartphone then Big Tech likely knows more about you than you know about yourself. Having worked in IT security, I can tell you that it's difficult to limit what Big Tech knows even after I've enhanced my privacy. Like we've already both stated (in different ways), privacy and security within data systems is mostly a "bastardization of the language." I would probably go as far to say that China already has all of the US SSN's (through hacking) and the DNA data from a large portion of people who have used a company for genealogy or health reasons (through direct or indirect ownership of labs). If I allow myself to worry about it, I'll make myself sick.
While it is heartening to know that you ( @TomasM ) are not concerned with your private financial data and your interactions with the social security administration being downloaded into a private business's data base; that is hardly the issue. The fact remains that the citizens of the US are now vulnerable to a private entity in way that is not legal.
And another thing the "Department of Governmental Efficiency" is not a Department of the US government as US federal government departments are created through legislation passed by the US congress and signed into law by the president.
But it is being referred to as a Department, another bastardization of the language used to masks the basic illegality and illegitimacy of the entire scheme.
It is of great interest that those who support the conduct of the present administration are fine with its persistent unconstitutionality.
It's not that I have no concern or care that people have access, it's that it is a reality and has been so for a very long time. There's nothing I can do about it and so I choose not to worry myself sick by making a big fuss. I do find it comical that people haven't made a fuss for decades and now there are some groups of people concerned about social security numbers when that is the least of things that could be of concern with respect to governmental data.

The truth is, that some people are upset because change is occurring and they don't like the people involved in initiating the change. The people that do like the change seem to like it because the trust of the government has become so low due to corruption, misuse, and misappropriation that the country is currently in shambles. Personally, I don't blame one administration for this current problem, I blame all of them. I don't trust the current administration either, but I will say that they are addressing the concerns of the people and taking action based on those concerns. To me, this seems to be what the people want and is specifically aligned with the change they voted for in the election. So, whether I'm comfortable or like something is irrelevant.

Honestly, I'm glad that you are taking an interest. I use to be the same as you, but after decades of promises and corresponding failures to deliver on those promises [while doing harm at the same time], I just don't care anymore. I don't expect that an administration will make things better for the people and that's way I'm not disappointed, angry, or in constant stress about it. We do need people like you to keep fighting the good fight and maintain the balance for both sides, because if one side stops then the other will get out of control.

Are you involved in politics or government? Have you committed part of your life to making change by being involved directly within it?