This is going to sound weird and unbelievable, but, what hasn't already been shared. I have no shame anymore anyway.
My experience was dating not very often because I could rarely see something working long term. Picky. I honestly didn't want to lead anyone on that 'wouldn't work'. I was looking for the one and not for a good time.
Well, when I finally met the one I knew I'd marry, I justified sex knowing we'd end up married so it was ok in that scenario. I was a virgin at the time.
We did marry a few years later. I've never had another. I'm very happy for that with no regrets despite how ridiculously strange that is in this day and age. *shrugs* It's all I know.
If you've read my posts you know that things are rocky right now. Yet, it will be ok. We will endure and she will be changed as will I.
I've never been normal, but I'm still going to regret this post tomorrow.