The Key Factor in Screening Ni Dominance

If complete self-absorption is the only definitive of Ni, than another type I'd rather be.

If it is then I must be Ni dominant.

I was thinking about this and it seems like, since Se is about being in tune with your surroundings, Ni must be, at least, partly about being in your own little world, i.e. substituting your own internal mental world for your environment. It's important, therefore, to Ni users to keep the environment out of their mental world as much as possible. Ni users seem to set up all kinds of defenses to maintain their world and hold onto their obliviousness. They prefer to keep their interaction with the world one-way if possible, making changes to the world without allowing it to make changes to them.
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I would like to think our Fe keeps this in balance, so we may be considerate of the feelings of others, and wish to cause no harm.
I would like to think our Fe keeps this in balance, so we may be considerate of the feelings of others, and wish to cause no harm.

I agree. I think a healthy use of the auxiliary Fe/Te function provides relief from the need to remove oneself from physical reality.
uhhh what...
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I love how much people misinterpret/over-aggrandise the differences between Fe and Te.
[MENTION=3473]InvisibleJim[/MENTION] Do tell. I'm here to learn.
*sits down to learn more*
@InvisibleJim Do tell. I'm here to learn.

Feeling is 'what jives right with the hunches, what is naturally 'right''

Thinking is 'what shoes evidence of, logical conclusions'

There is no reason that what 'jive right' need be pro-social even if it is Fe. Although it may tend to be so, especially in the Ego role.
Feeling is 'what jives right with the hunches, what is naturally 'right''

Thinking is 'what shoes evidence of, logical conclusions'

There is no reason that what 'jive right' need be pro-social even if it is Fe. Although it may tend to be so, especially in the Ego role.

My understanding is that each function has several facets. Fe can be about being social, but it can also be about morals or doing the right thing. Te can be about leadership and directing people, but it can also be more about doing the logical thing.

My understanding is that a Fe user bases their decisions on values or emotions, usually group values or shared values. A Te user bases their decisions on logic or principles, usually those derived from measurements or shared principles.
My understanding is that each function has several facets. Fe can be about being social, but it can also be about morals or doing the right thing. Te can be about leadership and directing people, but it can also be more about doing the logical thing.

My understanding is that a Fe user bases their decisions on values or emotions, usually group values or shared values. A Te user bases their decisions on logic or principles, usually those derived from measurements or shared principles.

Eurrrghh, Ti logic. It burns! It burns! Each function is a singular function, even if an archetypal one and thus convoluted to describe/proscribe. Each attitude is a facet of a function whether extroverted or introverted - A cognitive 'movement' and frame of mind.
Eurrrghh, Ti logic. It burns! It burns! Each function is a singular function, even if an archetypal one and thus convoluted to describe/proscribe. Each attitude is a facet of a function whether extroverted or introverted - A cognitive 'movement' and frame of mind.

I am confused. Could you rephrase that in Ti-ese?
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I am confused. Could you rephrase that in Ti-ese?

Fi -|F|- Fe

Has 'F' has 'attitude, i or e'

F 'does' hunch based rational behaviour. If 'extroverted' it does it by comparing external signals to a composite internal view (many external hunches, trade-off and find middle ground). If 'introverted' it does so by comparing internal signals and choosing one and then saying this is the best available externally (one internal hunch, find and advance viewpoints in common with others).

This isn't helping is it?
Fi -|F|- Fe

Has 'F' has 'attitude, i or e'

F 'does' hunch based rational behaviour. If 'extroverted' it does it by comparing external signals to a composite internal view (many external hunches, trade-off and find middle ground). If 'introverted' it does so by comparing internal signals and choosing one and then saying this is the best available externally (one internal hunch, find and advance viewpoints in common with others).

This isn't helping is it?

A hunch sounds like N to me. I have those all the time. F is about values and emotions.
A hunch sounds like N to me. I have those all the time. F is about values and emotions.

N is an irrational function regarding ideas, 'this idea sounds great', there isn't any coherent thought behind it, it deals with 'it just is best... because'.

The difference is when you compare T vs F, T likes to see logic laid out, F doesn't care much for it, but both are rational because they both look back in time, consider the consequences of the options through coherent consideration of the available choices.

When we start to consider these individual aspects of personality, which we aren't very capable of splitting apart, we start to see how socionics, with it's ego/super-ego/id/super-id categorisation with the flip sides of the same coins sitting in various positions and impact aggregate behaviour, or indeed the Beebe descriptions have more relevance in practice than pure theory does.
N is an irrational function regarding ideas, 'this idea sounds great', there isn't any coherent thought behind it, it deals with 'it just is best... because'.

I'm sorry to get all Ti about this, but that sounds like a hunch to me. Perhaps it's just semantics. By virtue of having coherent thought behind them, F & T don't generate hunches, they generate conclusions, but use different data sets, one using more values/social/emotional considerations and the other using more measurement/deductive/semantic considerations.
I'm sorry to get all Ti about this, but that sounds like a hunch to me. Perhaps it's just semantics. By virtue of having coherent thought behind them, F & T don't generate hunches, they generate conclusions, but use different data sets, one using more values/social/emotional considerations and the other using more measurement/deductive/semantic considerations.

You get the idea though? One is vibe, one is logic, both are rational, not just 'I WANT'.
You get the idea though? One is vibe, one is logic, both are rational, not just 'I WANT'.

Ok, that really how feeling types experience it? I get vibes but there are logical-intuitive vibes, i.e. "this doesn't make sense but I can't explain why" vibes.
Ok, that really how feeling types experience it? I get vibes but there are logical-intuitive vibes, i.e. "this doesn't make sense but I can't explain why" vibes.

I think this is how everyone experiences when they use their irrational functions, it's a matter of: That one jives.

By contrast the rational function when it comes to feeling is about experiencing 'will this be good?' 'will this generate the favourable outcome?' 'what happened before when I did something before/what learning have I gained to help me pull a judgement together? 'My hunches/vibes tell lead me towards this conclusion when I balance them together.'
Ok, that really how feeling types experience it? I get vibes but there are logical-intuitive vibes, i.e. "this doesn't make sense but I can't explain why" vibes.

Kinda, NFs get hippie-like vibes about people. I do this a lot thinking "There's something really off with that person, I don't like em much but I can't put my finer on it".

I'd imagine the same thing would happen for NTs but it would be be more with theories and impersonal systems.
Kinda, NFs get hippie-like vibes about people. I do this a lot thinking "There's something really off with that person, I don't like em much but I can't put my finer on it".

I'd imagine the same thing would happen for NTs but it would be be more with theories and impersonal systems.

Which is why I was discussing earlier the value of 'Ego' which for an NF is both F and N, for an NT is both T and N. But NTs can also get vibes about people as a result of their logical deductions, whereas NFs can get vibes about a system based upon something being 'off'. The functions aren't exclusive to personal relationships, its just people like to pretend they are because NFs like to feel they are 'peopley' whereas NTs like to think they are 'clevery'.