The Key Factor in Screening Ni Dominance

1. I don't understand why are some people obssesed with "quest" to proove how many people here are not Intuitives. Why? It is possibly all about vanity. "I am the One and others are fakers:)". So, what if someone says he/she is N and it is S really???? Knowing MBTI is about learning about yourself and learning to be better character. To understand self and others better. If someone is not honest about self, it is theirs lost. There is no need for crusaders MBTI wars:)
2. If I understand well, Ni how it is here described should make one detached from "s" world. Well, to be "in head" is one thing, but if you always act like you are "in head" than you have problem. People need balance. Mature Ni dominant must have other functions balanced as well. INFJ example: Fe for connecting and we do it great, Ti for being reasonable and Se for learning to live here and now. Because living in N world, living in future and living in "higher meaning" only can lead to insanity and restlessness. Mature means balanced.
Description from first InvisibleJim's post is somehow too strict. . I like socializing, very much. I like my friends and I spend lot of time with them. But I need my time and when I feel that, I take that time. As I said, it is all abou balance and knowing your weaknesses and strenghts...
And, belive me or not, I am Ni dominant...
Ni is soooo overrated... pfft :P Who need's it? haha Great point's invisiblejim and I would agree with just your initial post. I really didn't feel like reading all 7 pages of this as that would take far too much time and it is probably full of comments of people trying to defend their Ni. Really I don't understand this need or desire to be one of those "special" Ni users. There are so many ways you can look at this and the problem is that everybody gets so stuck in that whole mysterious aspect and they begin taking on the mentality much like those people who drive big shiny cars and do all these other things to try and impress people. By being a Ni user they are somehow above and beyond the rest of the world. Being a Ni user isn't all that great if all one does with that Ni super power is sit at home defending their Ni superiority on an internet forum (If you can't see it, I am flexing my Ni muscles right now). Pretty pointless in my mind to just desire to be something if it's not actually you. Hey instead of trying to be a Ni super user, how about trying to be the best version of you?
@jimtaylor if I had my way I would be an ESFP female.

Ni is more curse than boon.
Darn, I was pretty sure you already were....

There isn't as much difference between ESFP and INTJ as is commonly portrayed. Gamma quadra only one (esfp) is positivist and the other (intj) is negativist.
There isn't as much difference between ESFP and INTJ as is commonly portrayed. Gamma quadra only one (esfp) is positivist and the other (intj) is negativist.

I was talking about the girly part.... ;)
@jimtaylor if I had my way I would be an ESFP female.Ni is more curse than boon.
The real question is who wouldn't want to be an ESFP female? I mean I personally like being a guy but I have always been curious about what it would be like to be a girl for a day.... :P Though I think I would look ugly as a girl so the one stipulation would be that I get to choose exactly how I look. HahaIndeed, people expect far too much from Ni. They do not understand the limitations of such things.
Many people have asked me how I can very quickly gauge if claimed Ni dominants are 'as they say' before they change type many months later.

It's really quite simple.

To earn a place in the Ni dominant seat (which is much more exclusive than suggested by typology forums) one must be constantly seeking highly individualised external environments to the point of madness to the onlooker...

It is the nature of the Ni dominant to seek an 'individual' frontier. To be Ni dominant is to seek rejection of Se. Se is a function driven to relate in the moment to sensory input from individuals around you. Ni is the opposite, it seeks to expel individuals around you to free up mind space.

To locate the Ni dominant look for the individual who is willing to push their friends away for space often for extended periods of time and also to travel totally against societal grain in doing so.

This is true of all Ni dominants. We are incredibly fickle and particular beasts and you can see that it is 'borderline' present in the Ni 2nds, the ENxJs.

What you tend to find is that Ni dominants are both 'early adopters' and 'early leavers' and can also be frictional in doing so. The mindset of Ni is such that it is actively resentful that others have encroached on it's intellectual and psychological head space.

What I tend to find on Typology forums is 'weak Ni counter-rationalisation' from many members of typology boards to label themselves with a more 'favourable' in their view type because they feel organised and thus J and mystical and thus Ni... really, come on.

I was inspired to write this post after 1.5 years of a typology friend harping on about their INTJness and finally confessing today that they admit they are indeed ISTP. I know why they done it, they done it because they liked the 'mysticism' surrounding INFJ but were too 'T' to cut it and then it took some very heavy socionics investigation for them to realise they were lying to themselves.

In essence Ni is a very strange and fractuous mindset. The only member of this board who I can really say is 'Kosher' Ni dominant (from my limited experience) is @Bird . It took me some time to think about that and bring that realisation back into mind and it clicks.

Until you can clear that from the mind, you might as well look for the simpler factor: Id breakthrough, but this is not 100% in screening due to others being capable of manufacturing the required 'experience' in the correct 'order' to fool the logical classification.

Being lonely or having a tendency to "space out" has nothing to do with Ni in itself as a function...its not "in the package". Ni is just a cognitive function.
You might as well say that criminals have a conflict between Ni and Se, and that would be equaly absurd in my opinion.
Ni is soooo overrated... pfft :P Who need's it? haha Great point's invisiblejim and I would agree with just your initial post. I really didn't feel like reading all 7 pages of this as that would take far too much time and it is probably full of comments of people trying to defend their Ni. Really I don't understand this need or desire to be one of those "special" Ni users. There are so many ways you can look at this and the problem is that everybody gets so stuck in that whole mysterious aspect and they begin taking on the mentality much like those people who drive big shiny cars and do all these other things to try and impress people. By being a Ni user they are somehow above and beyond the rest of the world. Being a Ni user isn't all that great if all one does with that Ni super power is sit at home defending their Ni superiority on an internet forum (If you can't see it, I am flexing my Ni muscles right now). Pretty pointless in my mind to just desire to be something if it's not actually you. Hey instead of trying to be a Ni super user, how about trying to be the best version of you?

That's so adorable! But it is also right about the Ni Contests!
Has anyone ever thought that the MBTI has done more harm than good?
That's so adorable! But it is also right about the Ni Contests!
Has anyone ever thought that the MBTI has done more harm than good?

People seem to like that word as of late. In the last week, I have been called adorable more times that I am willing to admit. MBTI often does more harm than good just as standardized tests do as well. They are abused and stretched beyond their intended use. They are try to put people into tight little boxes which most of us don't fit into.
People seem to like that word as of late. In the last week, I have been called adorable more times that I am willing to admit. MBTI often does more harm than good just as standardized tests do as well. They are abused and stretched beyond their intended use. They are try to put people into tight little boxes which most of us don't fit into.

Of course because people, as a whole, are a walking contradiction. We're human and we change, for better or for worse. We're not paper you put on a copy sheet to print MBTI pamplets!
My personality, as I would personally describe it, is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
I feel like I can only be modest and sit still before I burst out and do something totally random and out of the ordinary!