- infj
1. I don't understand why are some people obssesed with "quest" to proove how many people here are not Intuitives. Why? It is possibly all about vanity. "I am the One and others are fakers
". So, what if someone says he/she is N and it is S really???? Knowing MBTI is about learning about yourself and learning to be better character. To understand self and others better. If someone is not honest about self, it is theirs lost. There is no need for crusaders MBTI wars
2. If I understand well, Ni how it is here described should make one detached from "s" world. Well, to be "in head" is one thing, but if you always act like you are "in head" than you have problem. People need balance. Mature Ni dominant must have other functions balanced as well. INFJ example: Fe for connecting and we do it great, Ti for being reasonable and Se for learning to live here and now. Because living in N world, living in future and living in "higher meaning" only can lead to insanity and restlessness. Mature means balanced.
Description from first InvisibleJim's post is somehow too strict. . I like socializing, very much. I like my friends and I spend lot of time with them. But I need my time and when I feel that, I take that time. As I said, it is all abou balance and knowing your weaknesses and strenghts...
And, belive me or not, I am Ni dominant...

2. If I understand well, Ni how it is here described should make one detached from "s" world. Well, to be "in head" is one thing, but if you always act like you are "in head" than you have problem. People need balance. Mature Ni dominant must have other functions balanced as well. INFJ example: Fe for connecting and we do it great, Ti for being reasonable and Se for learning to live here and now. Because living in N world, living in future and living in "higher meaning" only can lead to insanity and restlessness. Mature means balanced.
Description from first InvisibleJim's post is somehow too strict. . I like socializing, very much. I like my friends and I spend lot of time with them. But I need my time and when I feel that, I take that time. As I said, it is all abou balance and knowing your weaknesses and strenghts...
And, belive me or not, I am Ni dominant...