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I think, what we make up for in quantity, is QUALITY. For sure!
Famous INFJ's
Mel Gibson
I think, what we make up for in quantity, is QUALITY. For sure!
Famous INFJ's
Mel Gibson
http://www.bytwerk.com/gpa/hitlerpaintings.htmAdolf, the misunderstood young lad that defied his father's values and the traditional career choices imposed on him, and fled and got lost in Vienna pursuing his vocation as an artist painter in an insatiable search for beauty and purity unyielding to the multiple rejections from art institutes?
Sounds like an INFJ to me.
What do you mean? Every INFJ is famous.
INFJs may not always get to be the ones who the media talks about. Mostly because they wouldn't enjoy it. But INFJs are usually those who people remember long after death, and people go to their funerals, even if they've never met them in person. And every INFJ has a circle of very devoted admirers who keep the memory of them like a flame. Because INFJs are so humble, it is usually fully felt how much they were needed, only after they're already dead.
I've only noticed that INFJs often have major troubles in earlier stages of life, but they overcome them, while keeping integrity, and later usually all the struggles are paid back.
Adolf, the misunderstood young lad that defied his father's values and the traditional career choices imposed on him, and fled and got lost in Vienna pursuing his vocation as an artist painter in an insatiable search for beauty and purity unyielding to the multiple rejections from art institutes?
Sounds like an INFJ to me.
Most famous people are douchebags. So are the ones who live in multimillion dollar mansions and "give to the poor". Show me a famous person that gave up all of their bank accounts and worldly possessions in order to help people, and I'll say he/she is more than just a famous individual, but a hero.
Say what?
There are lots of artists who are Sensing types -- in fact I'd say the majority of artists are Sensing types. There's a reason Keirsey calls the SPs "Artisans".
If you look at Adolf's art work, it's very realism-based -- there's no abstraction in there at all.
That's besides the fact that the guy wasn't a humanitarian or concerned with people's well-being -- he was a violent, authoritarian nutjob who was ruthless and cut people down in order to climb to the top.
If you ask me, my best guess would be some form of SJ, possibly ESTJ. Definitely domineering and a supervisor type. Good with rubbing shoulders with people, good with politics, good with backstabbing (metaphorical as well as literal). This is not to demonise ESTJs, of course -- Hitler was a nutjob.
I suggest people at least read the Wikipedia articles before claiming he could be an INFJ. It's blatantly obvious that he isn't, and I think it's even more obvious that he's not an iNtuitive.
Hitler's racist rhetoric is nothing new -- it's been used many times throughout history and continues to be used today. Think radio shock jocks, violent anti-immigration groups, etc. These are all heavily SJ-based: security, strength and "power" based on spreading fear, loathing and uncertainty. These are SJ figureheads appealing to the SJ types, which consist of the majority of the population. Manipulating people's beliefs by appealing to their base instincts and their need for "security".
Anyway, this begs the question what an evil, malevolent nutjob INFJ might turn out like. My best guess would be this: a person who believes they're saving the world, who genuinely believes that the evil things they're doing are for the betterment of all humanity. Like an Angel of Mercy, but on a bigger and deadlier scale. An INFJ evil dictator mastermind wouldn't be going around executing people by firing squad: he/she would be more subtle and "humane" in their evil doings.
Think stuff like hypnosis, ordering mass suicides via cyanide, etc.
Think religious cult leader, but minus the blatantly violent stuff like guns and bombs (i.e. not a militia leader).
Hitler utterly fails the INFJ litmus test.
You can read lots of stories of NF priests and other religious leaders who heroically sacrificed themselves in order to save others during the Nazi reign of terror. Hitler couldn't be more diametrically opposed to NF Temperament and the INFJ personality.
If Hitler was an iNtuitive, he would've made far better long-term strategic decisions. I shudder to think that he might've conquered most of the Earth, if he were actually smart.
In my opinion, the ultimate evil dictator would be an ENTJ: think Eisenhower, think Erwin Rommel. Luckily for us, they tend to be honourable men. It is my considered opinion that the vast majority of evil dictators in the world are some form of Sensing type, usually SJ. Which makes sense, seeing as they consist the majority of the population in the first place.
In a nod to my INTJ friends, I think they would fare quite well too in the evil dictator stakes, but fortunately for us they have better things to do with their talents![]()
wow almost nobody can lose sight of "what he did" n focus on who he had to be to do it. cool!! also, maybe to him his love for "pure blood" or whatever was greater than his feelings about killing so many?takes a truly committed individual to go through with the shit he did...
gotta be pretty cold, manipulative, know how to your set your feelings aside and take care of business
totallyAdolf, the misunderstood young lad
Sounds like an INFJ to me.
he caught syphillus from a hoe " This STD in its later stages causes the victims to go increasingly mad. It also leaves some sort of evidence on their skeletons so they can later be identified as having it. "He snapped somewhere.
to quote lily allen, "I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless, cuz everyone knows that's how you get famous" she cracks me upI have met lots of people who should be famous and aren't, and lots of people who are famous and shouldn't be. Maybe the problem isn't with INFJs, but with fame itself and what it takes to achieve it.
I'm too lazy to read through the rest of this waffle.
Hitler was mentally unwell, most likely psychotic. You can't type someone based on an illness like that. A severe mental illness is going to trump type no matter what...it's not something that can always be controlled. Debating and over analysing it to death isn't going to change anything.