I will answer in order.
1. No, it is obviously not fair; however, it is a reality. There are an estimated 11.4 million illegal immigrants in the United States right now, and so getting rid of them is not feasible (not to mention the damage it would do to the agriculture and construction industries). It is a story that has been repeated several times in the history of this country- with Irish, German, eastern European, and other immigrants. Immigrants get here, find success and make things more competitive for the people already here, there is a lot of racism and political action directed toward them, and it never works and they assimilate into the American melting pot. The only difference now is that they have brown skin instead of white, but history is repeating itself.
2. Yes, I am serious. I have thought about suicide almost every day for 15 years now. If things do not work out for me, I will definitely do it since my life as it is is not worth living. It is just a reality of our existence: 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide.
3. No, I am not going to start a battle with the bigots- they have already started it against me and others like me. To combat them, I will be political informed and engaged. I will also carry knives and maybe mace when I go out as who I am (for self defense only obviously).
4. He needs to do a lot more than put all kinds of people into his administration, but that would help. I would of course admit I was wrong if he did in fact turn out to be a good president. You have to admit that his campaign has not been promising. Go look at exit polls of how many black people voted for him.
5. It is not your fault as an individual. And it is not about your privilege being used against minorities- that does not even make sense. What we mean when we say that some people are privileged while others are not is that some minority groups do not receive the same treatment and opportunities by virtue of them who they are.
6. Where on earth is this coming from?

Of course you should not kill yourself if you are white. And I would not assume a white person is racist or against gay people either ("gays" is not a word by the way).
7. No, we would not be better off if all white people were dead. You are being ridiculous.
8. That sounds ominous. And you are still being absurd. I am not for hurting white people at all! I am white myself!
9. We solve the problem of privilege by making sure that other people are affording the same rights, protections, and opportunities that they deserve. I know that is vague, but it is not about hurting white people.
10. I really cannot wrap my head around your mentality. White men do not need to be saved or whatever. Once again, this is not about hurting white people. I really cannot believe you think I have said anything that implies that I think this way.