muir - what do you reckon of the way George Carlin put it?
He puts a different level of emphasis in each post
He knows how the perceptual war is being fought. he also knows that there are many people still under the spell. I use the word 'spell' not as a metaphor but to mean a psychic grip over other human beings. 'Magicians' and i mean REAL magicians not these entertainers who get up on stages and pull rabbits from hats.....thats stage magic.....i'm talking about real magick here....people who have a strong understanding of the workings of the human psyche and are able to work with that to produce results
People who have an understanding can use it many ways. For example there are people on this forum advising others about emotional issues because they have gained a grasp of things on that level either from experience or intuitively; they then share the insight to try and produce a result. So one use of magick is for benefitting or healing people; this is what shamens have always done
Another use of magick would be to trick people. So an example would be a very slick salesman who convinces a senile old lady that she needs to spend money on some expensive safety features for her house otherwise her family might not be safe when they come to stay with her.......he might play on her emotions to prey on her finances....that's black magick
A lying politician, a manipulative lawyer, a banker selling a tracker mortage to someone when they know the interest rates are due to rise and then packaging that mortgage into a ticking time bomb derivative and selling it on to someone else as fast as he can.....all black magick
There are understandings of human psychology that go back to the beginnings of our species. Most communication is not even through words but through body language. A monkey strutting around with its chest puffed out to make itself look strong to rivals, a neolithic man making an elaborate necklace to seem of higher status to perspective mates etc
Look at the pageantry of kings and queens....it is all done for a reason. It is designed to make the casual observor view the king or queen as something so alien in its seeming superiority as to appear like a god; the aim being to cow the person into submission so that they obey the dictates of crown
Well all these mind games people have been playing have got more and more documented and perhaops more sophisticated with the creating of fields of study such as psychology, public relations (marketing analysis), sociology, economics etc
Religion is a rich hunting ground for anyone looking for means of manipulation.....all the rituals and the mind games!
But the truth as i see it is that the human spirit longs to be free
So carlin knows all this and he knows that he is doing an interview on TV and in front of an audience and in front of his fellow guests who he is debating with. He knows that the first thing that the people he is debating with will do if he drifts too far from the narrative weaved by the mainstream media is accuse him of being crazy or of being a 'conspiracy theorist'
he knows that many peopls perception of reality is handed to them by the mainstream media. So he has to speak in that language. He knows that the boundaries of the debate have already been decided! If he drifts outside those boundaries he will lose his listeners who will instantly fall back on their conditioning which is to view anything that doesn't come from the mainstream media as 'kooky' or 'crazy' or 'conspiracy theory'
he has a small window to say something to a TV audience that might open up their minds....that might challenge the perception of reality created by the corporate media. he wants to break the spell because he is a shamen, but he knows he must walk a fine line or he will lose all credibility
The spell must be broken bit by bit, step by step
So he picks his words carefully. In the second clip he is more direct about the depth of the conspiracy. he is not just saying that the conspiracy is tacit he is now saying that the conspiracy is verbalised among the elite or as he puts it that poweful people have got together and formed a 'plan'
What amazes me is how people can consciously accept that there were knigs and queens who conspired with their courts (their aristocracy) to rule over everyone else in the land because this has been taught to them in the education system but they can't conceive that the same thing is going on now except we don't call them 'aristocrats' we call them 'bankers', 'global investors', the military industrial complex', the 'power elite' etc
The same dynamic is at play and further to that, just as medieval kings and queens always had magicians in their courts to advise them, so to do the leaders of today
Also this one:
Stand up comedy is a good platform for deliviering the truth and exposing the demons of society
There's that old saying: 'if you're going to tell people the truth then make them laugh or they'll hate you for it!'
I like what Cralin had to say about the state of education in the US and how he talks about the 'real owners' of the US....pick your own names for them...i tend to call them the 'power elite' but some of the people debating with me here like to use the name 'illuminati' because they are tryin to discredit what i'm saying and 'illuminati' sounds fantastical even though it is just another name for what is a revolutionary cabal of very wealthy people
I would tend to agree more with the first one because I do believe that even amongst the elites there is a great deal of incompetence and greater loyalty to egos fuelled by economic gain than any agenda.
It depends on what level of the conspiracy the person is on. For example i've had political conversations with businessmen who are millionaires; they will say they support the tories because they want to cut taxes for the rich. They might even be members of the rotary club or freemasons but they are voting to save their money not to support the creation of a world government, but they are still helping to create a world goverment by voting for a party that works for the financial sector and is in fact massivley funded by them (the financial sector are the biggest financial contributors towards the tory party)
But if you go higher up the conspiracy and you picked the brains of a billionaire or trillionaire who was a much higher grade freemason then they would be able to tell you of a broader agenda to the political moves of the torys
So it is a pyramidal structure. The guys at the top know EXACTLY what is going on because they are orchestrating it but each tier below them knows less and less of why things are happening and are more money orientated. Go down to the bottom of the pyramid and people are focussed on survival and have no stake in the conspiracy except as the worker ants and consumers
So people don't all have to be privy to all the facts to be moving in the same direction, so both interpretations are correct
I do struggle with the idea of Illuminati etc because I struggle to see how the ones who have evolved past such things are still so concerned with having great influence over the planet...if they have the kind of connection to spiritual realms and esoteric knowledge. Is there meant to be some value in keeping others down? I mean, I don't understand why the esoteric side of things would happen at all. Is it just that people maybe underestimate and undervalue the kind of forces they are playing with like the child who plays with ouiji boards in a horror film, for example?
If you interviewed a higher up they would say that they believe that a centralised world government run by businessmen and bankers is better than a divided world run by governments. They would even mention all the wars that there have been between governments....what they won't say is that they helped orchestrated many of those wars and financially benefitted from them!
But if your insight doesn't stop at the cornea of their eye and you continue right inside their psyche.....what do you think lurks in there? Do you think you will find compassion and love for humanity or do you think you will find a monstrous ego that believes that it should rule everyone else with complete impunity.....control freakery on a scale most people can't even conceive of......where the monstrous ego won't be satisfied when it owns all the wealth or rules unilaterally but will require to know everything about everyone including the make up of their DNA, where they are at all times, what they buy, what they view online, what their facial dimensions are, what their fingerprints, corneal patterns and voice signatures are.
In fact as Orwell says in 1984, big brother won't be content unless it controls not just your actions but how you think....they want to engineer our perceptions of reality and our thought processes themselves. they are working on nano technology to achieve behavioural modification.
If you want my personal view on the mentality of these people....i don't think they will be satisfied until they have us plugged into the mainframe like in the 'matrix' film.....that is the level of control they aspire to
The only thing stopping them from achieving that is us and to what extent we are willing to resist that process
The number of people under close surveillance under the Stasi is going to be a fraction of those the NSA will keep tabs on with their new super computer in Utah
Also, do you believe that there is truth in the esoteric side of things or do you just acknowledge that there is experimentation in that area?
I think that the cabal have an understanding about the nature of our reality that most people around the world currently don't have and this allow them to get a leg up on most people
My friend put it well when we were discussing things. He called this period a 'watershed moment' for humanity and I agree. Admittedly that is pretty much all he said, he summed up my lengthy rant :lol: but I think that was a good way to put it.
We are at a crossroads....we either acquiesce to their new world order and accept a new currency and form of government and a very different society and world or we resist it and demand more people power ie more say in the running of our communities and over our lives
Its make or break time