The Lure of Conspiracy.

There is a spiritual war being fought.
Jesus has already won.
Our mission at this time is to follow Him, to love, to bring Heaven to earth.
We begin to manifest the kingdom as we learn to host the presence of Holy Spirit.
The Kingdom of Light displaces the darkness.

It's best to not get impressed with the bad things going on.
We are Sons and Daughters of the Everlasting God.
If we aren't experiencing Heaven on earth yet, it's probably because the body of believers hasn't properly understood Her anointing, purpose and call.

Jesus is The Way, the door, the truth, the One way to the Father. He always points us to the Father, and he empowers us, and he shows us what love looks like.

He died to restore us back to what we were originally called to be. It's a deep thing going on.

In Christ, we are a new creation.
It's absolutely incredible and truly amazing.
Salvation is given, available for everyone.

The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead exists with us now.
His anointing is with us.

So many questions exist, I know.
There are many critics, many intelligent folks having problems with this good news.
What I'm trying to transmit here is something difficult to successfully express with mere words.

I just know that I've been down the rabbit hole and I wandered around a long time in the world and I am greatly blessed to be alive at this time.

The message from God is peace on earth, goodwill toward men. Jesus did not come to condemn but to save.

No medium needed, just talk to Him yourself.
We are all made unique and his desire is to know us personally.
Life is all about relationship.
Communion with Him, the source of love, is essential.

I know this much, God is light and there is no darkness at all in Him.

When we listen to lies we agree with the enemy. We question truth, question our identity, abandon our true call and are left powerless, loveless, lifeless.

Guard your mind. Consider your heart posture. Keep a childlike faith, a humble heart.

I Love you all. Be well.
Profuse blessings of every kind, peace, joy, creative solutions, healing, inspiration, truth, faith, hope and love be multiplied to you.
Release the Kingdom to the world, just as Jesus would. Amen.
Shut up your fancy words can only go so far they're lies.

When the Lizardmen round us up for the public anal rapings your virgin asshole will be reamed by Doomcock McGee.

You cave-dwelling blind troglodyte.

In the New World Order your name is Peaches.

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You don't seem to want to create anything new in the discussions just seem to try to distort things what others create

For someone who has a flinching person as your avatar you seem quite aggresive in your actual posts. The two things don't line up as if the impression created by your avatar is an inversion of your actual behaviour
You don't seem to want to create anything new in the discussions just seem to try to distort things what others create

but k, lets discuss

which lizardman do you think leads the Babylonian Brotherhood? I totally think Boxcar Willy. And if you don't agree you're a blind caveperson that I NEED TO MAKE SEE!
Ok, this is just too ironic. I'm calling troll.

Good day to you sir.

I am contributing fresh material to this discussion but you are just trying to bait me, so really that would make you the troll and what you are saying ironic
but k, lets discuss

which lizardman do you think leads the Babylonian Brotherhood? I totally think Boxcar Willy. And if you don't agree you're a blind caveperson that I NEED TO MAKE SEE!

The cave analogy is borrowed from Plato...see 'plato's cave'

If you don't want to talk about reptilians thats fair enough but i have posted plenty of info about matters on the mundane plane for example about the federal reserve and who runs it; why not look at that if you're interested?

If you're not interested then why post here at all?
Shut up your fancy words can only go so far they're lies.

When the Lizardmen round us up for the public anal rapings your virgin asshole will be reamed by Doomcock McGee.

You cave-dwelling blind troglodyte.

In the New World Order your name is Peaches.

That doesn't sound so bad. Call me Peaches. :m124:
Has it been raining everywhere? People are getting far too giddy!
I'm not versed in conspiracy theory.. I don't spend time researching connections and maybe I should, but at least here in the US, it really seems like our government is wanting to make people afraid and desperate enough to accept a tyrannical solution.. For example, its hard for me to fathom how we are at this "fiscal cliff" and our "leaders" can't get it together enough to stop shoving each other on the playground. I have a hard time believing our elected officials are really this irresponsible and stupid-- maybe it's all as simple as we have elected stupid and petty people who are too irresponsible and incompetent to do their job. Or maybe they are ushering us toward some seriously hard times with a purpose in mind...
Fiscal Cliff Conspiracy

This one is easy, the new world order requires that the US loses its sovereignty and submits to the world government as administered by the United Nations.

The only way that can happen is when every citizen is dependent upon the government for sustenance.

For that to happen the government needs to take away the sovereignty of the individual citizen.

This requires that they have no personal power

Personal power is measured in wealth

and in armament.

Therefore the only defense against this apocalypse unveiling is to starve the instrument of domination by not paying taxes.

The TEA Party (Taxed Enough Already) is standing up to the dark forces.

Also, every sovereign citizen must maintain the ability to mortally wound at least twenty people in side of 2 minuets.
Historically, the middle classes have been the barrier to revolution or the ones who brought it about.

The middle classes are the ones who shout about most things if you haven't noticed. When you have acheived all of your goals in life by age 50, a lot of people turn to complaining as a hobby and because they have enough time and relative comfort to complain and go through the proper channels - they often get listened to.

Now, if you can remove the middle class as a source of influence by, say, making their most valuable assets worth absolutely nothing and putting them into a financial prison where they are at risk of losing everything material that they hold dear you take away a lot of resistance. A great proportion of society were encouraged to buy their own homes, and allowed themselves a certain sense of superiority about it, and now they are losing it they become isolated from the upper classes because they have nothing but are too proud to affiliate themselves with the working/lower classes who had nothing while they were feathering their meagre nests. Divide and rule, baby!

There's no proof, beyond finding statistics that show the increase in the gap between rich and poor and by seeing when society has been divided in this way before. It's a matter of spotting trends and patterns and applying them to today - it isn't telling the future to an accurate degree nor is it really an attempt to. Are we seeing history repeat itself exactly? No, which is why a lot of people think it isn't happening at all but the middling classes are historically the most important to maintaining or changing the status quo...they are also historically quite...spineless, too. Which is a shame. Check out the 1905 Russian 'Revolution' for an example of this; particularly looking at the October Manifesto. You'll see how the middle classes are appeased by minor, more symbolic gestures, but that this appeasement takes the wind out of the revolutionary sails and allows for the swift and decisive repression of the true revolutionaries.

It will always look and feel different when history repeats itself but it is there as an enormous early warning system if you care to read up on it.