As an example, in Ancient Greece, well before the creation of the Quran, the Atom as well as the modern Constellation model, for example, was already proposed by Greek Philosophy.
The Arabic civilisation was well advanced for its time, i'm not disputing that. But many other Civilisations were as well. And their word is as valid as any other in regards to how the world works, within their limited scope and view on the world.
within their timeframe of knowledge. And this knowledge was also passed unto between these Civilisations, respectfully so. What bothers me, however, is how anyone that wants to align these Sacred texts (and this is certainly not the Quran alone) aligns this old spiritual view to what is effectively scientific advancement well beyond what these text covered in that time. No the Quran did not predict the cell culture process, it gave a broad description how man would be created in a Spiritual sense. If it would describe all these biological processes accordingly, it would have been written down in much more detail and would essentially be a set of scientific methodologies rather than a set of Spiritual stories. And we would have advanced far beyond what we are now.
And I have nothing against scientists turning to religion for the sake of spirituality of philosophy, but I do have a problem when Religion intermixes itself with the Scientific field based on what is stated in Ancient scriptures that state nothing
in regards to current scientific research or evidence that modern Scientific research covers. Religion should not mix with the current Scientific research for the sake of Scientific progression. Science does not need the Quran to prove any result.
So, show me the part in the Quran where it
explicitly states the process of cell culture or any other scientific process. And I doubt, sorry to say, that the Quran will mention anything in regards
to future science such as Intergalactic Physics on relativity, time travel, the Quantum-physical realm, Black Holes, ... because in the time where the Quran was written there were no means to actually
observe these phenomena. So again, for the sake of disproving me, please give me a statement of the Quran that might cover future science. Intrigue me... .
On your movie:
First evidence proposal, the Genesis statement that Allah created the Earth and life on Earth. Stating that Science has not yet proven that life exists beyond earth.
DNA will been found on Mars, There is also active research on habitable worlds (of which the criteria are that these worlds should be sustainable for life). Also it is not the role of Science to disproven the Quran.
Second evidence proposal, on the end of the Solar system: The moon is slowly removing itself from earth's orbit and will not fall into the sun, the stars will not fall down, there will be no merger, the whole description doesn't make sense. There will be a Supernova destroying the whole Solar system. And when that happens, there won't be a second earth or rebirth...we either move on to another planet or we die with it. And off course this could not be proven Scientifically now because we as observers would be dead as well..We go Epic Boom. The End.
Sorry, I'm going to wrestling this one down out a bit..