First, everybody please act like grown rational adults. This is a touchy subject but something that we can discuss without turning it into a P vs V war. Now the OP article is pretty far out to the right field but what women and men have to understand is that many men in the United States feel this very way. I know many and they may or may not be the brightest crayons in the box. That though, is besides the point. A bunch of pissed off groups of uneducated people can do a lot (IE Middle East) especially when it is a large group of them. So to completely refute the emotion and points brought up in this article is not liable to a good outcome. This is one persons issue that is being felt by many males in this country and it is not going to result in anything pleasant if it is simply ignored.
Now the other point I want to bring up is that V does not equal P. Plain simple matter of fact, is that men and women are not the same. They are not created equal or develop in the same way. This does not mean one is greater than the other or that one is worth more than the other. Now part of the problem is that people say $$$ is worth more than child raising which points to a whole new issue in our greed driven society. Women in the old feminist movements wanted complete equality and just to have all the same opportunities as men. Some of the movements now seem more focused on trying to reverse the rolls and making men below women.
To demonstrate this point, I work in corporate America in a male dominated profession. In my company we have a group known as "Female ______ "(Name Changed). In a joke a former (key word former) joked about forming a "Male _______". A female co-worker overheard the slight remark and reported him as being sexist. How is suggesting equality being sexist? None the less, a few weeks later he was forced to resign amongst allegations of being a sexist. Yet at the same time that female co-worker came in and flashed another co-worker and I, a few months after that. We didn't report her because in all honesty, it was a nice view but it is just ironic that this woman has the nerve to report him for being sexist when at the same time she is perpetuating the idea of sexism and exploitation of women. Also we didn't report her because such allegations would be ignored and then possibly she would come out and say we forced her to do so which would result in our careers going down the drain. Again this goes to the male rape versus female rape. Who is going to believe that a 90 pound girl sexually, physically or emotional assaulted a 180 pound guy??? That's the problem, we aren't equal. We are not created the same or equal. It's like trying to stick a square peg in a round hole, it doesn't work in every case.S
ome of you are going to argue this is an extreme example but I have been working here since I was 19 and I am now 21, so two years. I am the youngest in my office by 10 years and so that gives you a little bit of a clue of what I am talking about. We are not talking about some 20 somethings doing stupid college stuff, we are talking well educated people and I have seen it more than once. Now I want somebody to tell me that this is fair and equal... How is it fair and equal for there to be a female organization to promote other females in the work place but a male organization is sexist? Another thing woman are not a minority!!!! They are 50% of the population and should be treated as such. Any type of benefit that goes to minorities should not be applicable to any women but only to minority women. Sorry, but I am going off the statistic here and guess what, women are not a minority.
So going back to men and women as equals. Let's get some things strait first. Women and men are not created equal and develop differently. No matter how much we want to argue otherwise, it's not true or at least it's not true until genetics can make it true. The male brain versus the female brain develops and matures at different rates plus the different gender's use different parts of the brain more often. Thus, not equal. Neither is better than the other, but not equal and so how can we ever have full equality?
Now perhaps to counteract this issue laws have been made that tailor to this difference. The problem is that most of them benefit only one party and completely screw over the other party.Ceteris Paribus, women are favored in a legal battles versus men. If that be divorce court battles, custody battles,abuse battles, etc... Women are favored in this court system.
Ilove examples and this one is personal and in fact it's two examples with the same person. When I was about ten my sister was dating this really nice, charismatic and pretty laid back guy. My sister is very high maintenance and believes that if a guy isn't doing exactly what she want's she has every right to cheat on him. This is the opinion of her and every one of her friends which could be why they are all single mothers and going in to their early 40's. So he caught her cheating and she got pissed at him for catching her cheating. She started slapping him and throwing things at him, yelling and being abusive.
My two brothers and I watched this all go down as he told us to just stay back so we didn't get hurt by her tantrum. He finally snapped when she tried to hit him with a lamp, so he grabbed the lamp and then with his free hand slapped her once. She fell to floor and there was immediate visual evidence of his abuse, none of hers. Again, we are not created equal. Men are naturally stronger than women and so one slap from a man is far more damage than many from a women but which should hold more value? What gives women the right to go around and slap any man when they are upset? Don't tell me they don't because they do. They also throw drinks and do other very violent things. See that's it women are just as violent as men if not more but the thing is, a slap from a woman against a man does not do nearly as much damage as the other way around. <br><br>Now the police where called and guess who went to jail? Yeah that's right, the man. The funny thing is after all this, my dad was the one who defended the man and told my sister if she pressed charges, he would kick her out because we told our father exactly what happened. Yet she felt completely entitled in her right to do all types of abusive things to him but how dare he touch her? Same sister, same issue but fast forward to six months ago. Very similar type of guy. Very relaxed and laid back, gentle giant type. Former NFL player who found her at club with another man. He got in the guys face and told him to leave and then she went crazy. He pushed her back to stop her slapping and she tripped and hit her head. He went to jail and this time it was my brother to who stood up for the guy. So again, when is it fair or equal?
Last example and one that is of my own personal experience in my younger school years. I think I was 11 or 12 and this girl decided that it would be funny to pants me because as she later told me was because she liked me. You see the problem though is that I didn't think that having my pants pulled down in a crowded lunch room was a very appropriate way of demonstrating how much you liked me. Despite everybody seeing she pulled down my pants, the teachers did not and I got in trouble. Then no matter how much I pleaded with them and told them the truth they wouldn't believe an innocent little girl like Sally would ever pull down my pants. I got detention for doing nothing wrong and because I was just another trouble making boy, my word was meaningless. So being the stupid young boy I was, I decided to get back at Sally the next time I saw her. I didn't get her as bad because I only did it in a partially empty hallway and only a few people saw but no teachers. Guess what, I got in trouble like I should have but again no equality in punishment. A little girl would never pull down her own pants in front of other kids but a boy sure would. I got suspended and got one of my first real life experiences of sexism.
Enough examples though I could give thousands of them just as any women can give thousands of examples of men being abusive, controlling, etc... The difference here for me is that I don't blame women, I blame men and women and myself. I would never turn in a women for flashing me because I am fearful of the repercussions for me and I don't want her being fired for something that is actually fun. Also I don't want relationships with women anymore because of my experiences and experiences of friends. Mine are honestly normal stuff like cheating and just plain old crazy people but the experiences of many of my friends points to that there are very few women out there worth being with. Instead I rather focus on my career, my education and things I enjoy like writing, video games, art, travel, etc... and I honestly can say I am far happy alone than with a woman. The worst part though is that I want to be in a relationship but I get so tired of this sense of entitlement so many women my age have. They believe they are somehow entilted to a man in white and shining armour. They believe just because they where born women that they deserve a man who is going to take care of them, so they can do what they want. I get chewed every time I point this out because "every girl deserves to be treated like a princess" hmm no they don't. That's what I can't stand more than anything else and just far too many woman my age have that mentality. I personally blame Disney for this one.

Just as women want to gain from a relationship, so do men and women call men assholes just because it isn't our life goal to be a paycheck. Sorry but I have no desire to do that and I don't think any self respecting man would.
Part of the issue though as I have brought up is that many men are scared even if they are not willing to admit it. Most men are fearful that if they say something like women's programs are sexist, then they will be labeled as sexist. The reason is that despite there only being a few of those very outspoken women who think men are garbage, they tend to be in positions of power and have the ability to make a man's life shit. Also those very outspoken women also tend to be the ones who work in corporate America and are not like some crazy lady screaming at the side of the street. People like that are easy to ignore but those who have the power with one allegation to throw everything you have worked for down the drain are not so much. Now if a guy is smart then he protects himself with the law which is what i do but everybody makes mistakes and slips up now and again.
The truth is there is no equality and anybody who says otherwise is blind. What the OP is suggesting though is just insane and not an actual solution. It is basically saying we should be assholes back that way men can go back to being on top and women on bottom. I think that is just stupid but the things he brings up, the issues he brings up shouldn't be ignored. I have sorta lost track of what I wanted to initially discuss in this post so I am going to sleep on it and come back tomorrow. Now just as little information and to explain that I not only read about this stuff but live it, I will give a quick background of my family. My mother is an extreme feminist who is one of those corporate America Devil Wears Proda type of women who has buried men in her rise to the top while praising the entire time the superiority of women. Women like her make every other women look bad and only create more hate between the genders. People who go to such extremes always do but the problem is that so many women look up to her because of her strength and what she has been able to achieve. She has become a role model for so many and it is sickening to witness firsthand. I have read a lot and researched a lot because when I was 14 I took my own mother to court for the things she has done and to win my right to go live with my father. It never made it to court because her lawyers told her she would lose to me and so she let me go without a fight. This and a few other events that transpired have finally humbled her and enabled us to have a good relationship but I want to be understood the type of damage women and men who are this way can cause. Either equivalent is a terrible thing but sadly because of their killing instinct, they do hold positions of power. They wield that power through fear and intimidation but that power disappears when you no longer have anything else to loose.
Well good night, I need to think on this more so I can finish my idea.