[NSFW] The morbid portions of our society

say what

I like soft things...so soft!
Last night I read a story about a local girl that has gone missing ( http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-...-car-found-in-harrow-ont-2-arrested-1.2543231). The suspects they have in custody now, are known to the victim, but last night they weren't sure. This gave me the creepy-weepies. She went to my alma mater (even the same program), and she's just a few years younger than me.

My thoughts spiraled into a horrible steam of:

*This could have been me!
*How many dangerous people do I come across every day?
*How many people are a few minutes away from being victims?
* and on and on and on....

So, because I wasn't creeped out enough, I began looking at active serial killers - it was a logically leap at the time - and was amazed at how many are out there!

Here are some sites I found:



I was also reminded of a story about my good. She use to work at an this toy company, and there was this one older man (the owners husband) who just wasn't right....they thought he was harmless, but still gave him the creeps. One night a coworker of hers was working late and alone with him. After they closed, he offered her a ride home. Because she didn't feel comfortable with being alone with him (or him knowing where she lived), she declined.

A week later the police arrested him because he had killed and assaulted two prostitutes. They found duct-tape and rope in his car, and of course other forensic evidence linking him to the murders....but just think- that could have been HER! My friend worked with this guy! She was alone with him, and talked to him....uuuugh! Creepy!

Do you guys have any close encounters like that? Or any thoughts you'd like to share about the topic?
I should also mention that I hope Loretta is found safely. She's too young and bright to go so soon- plus, she's an expectant mother. It's so sad.
I hope she is found safe as well.
I should also mention that I hope Loretta is found safely. She's too young and bright to go so soon- plus, she's an expectant mother. It's so sad.
Agreed. I hope her and her child live long, pleasant lives.

I was hitch hiking years ago... To this day I have no doubt that guy was a hack-em-up in the basement kind of guy. He was so wrong, everything about him.
I make it a point now to be aware of my surroundings and to make eye contact with people I notice watching me. That has happened, where I am alone somewhere and I catch someone watching me in a way that makes me uncomfortable and so then I don't break eye contact until they look away. Maybe I'm the paranoid creep for doing that but it's a fucked up world.

There was a guy in college who followed my friend around campus and said harmless weirdo stuff to her. She avoided him. I also had a weird guy who would sit with me at the table I was studying at--in an entire study hall of tables that were mostly empty. I looked up and acknowledged him once and he continued to stare me down as I studied, then stood up and slammed his books on the table while continuing to stare at me. I noticed then that his books were ancient and looked like something he bought at a yard sale. My friend and I talked about these weirdos together and mostly just laughed about it. I even joked that I didn't think my weirdo was an actual student because his books looked like something he could have garbage picked. We had no idea it was the same person until I picked her up from work one day and she ran out to my car shrieking with a newspaper in her hand. The guy was on the front page of our local paper for trying to kidnap a 12 year old girl walking home from school. He stopped his car and tried to drag her into it! But the article said she screamed and kicked him and got away and the police were able to find him.

There was also a time when I first started college, before the other story, where I was walking to my car at dusk after class and this guy rounded a corner and asked me for a ride home. I said yes. He had me going all over the place and I noticed him fishing in his pocket a lot and that made me uneasy. So I just started saying a bunch of crazy stuff about god's wrath and divine retribution and biblical stuff until he finally directed me to drop him off on a corner by an apartment complex. So nothing bad happened to me and he may not have ever intended anything bad to happen, but I think we both learned it's not a good idea to get into a car with a stranger.
This thread is so scary and sad. :'(
I make it a point now to be aware of my surroundings and to make eye contact with people I notice watching me. That has happened, where I am alone somewhere and I catch someone watching me in a way that makes me uncomfortable and so then I don't break eye contact until they look away. Maybe I'm the paranoid creep for doing that but it's a fucked up world.

There was a guy in college who followed my friend around campus and said harmless weirdo stuff to her. She avoided him. I also had a weird guy who would sit with me at the table I was studying at--in an entire study hall of tables that were mostly empty. I looked up and acknowledged him once and he continued to stare me down as I studied, then stood up and slammed his books on the table while continuing to stare at me. I noticed then that his books were ancient and looked like something he bought at a yard sale. My friend and I talked about these weirdos together and mostly just laughed about it. I even joked that I didn't think my weirdo was an actual student because his books looked like something he could have garbage picked. We had no idea it was the same person until I picked her up from work one day and she ran out to my car shrieking with a newspaper in her hand. The guy was on the front page of our local paper for trying to kidnap a 12 year old girl walking home from school. He stopped his car and tried to drag her into it! But the article said she screamed and kicked him and got away and the police were able to find him.

There was also a time when I first started college, before the other story, where I was walking to my car at dusk after class and this guy rounded a corner and asked me for a ride home. I said yes. He had me going all over the place and I noticed him fishing in his pocket a lot and that made me uneasy. So I just started saying a bunch of crazy stuff about god's wrath and divine retribution and biblical stuff until he finally directed me to drop him off on a corner by an apartment complex. So nothing bad happened to me and he may not have ever intended anything bad to happen, but I think we both learned it's not a good idea to get into a car with a stranger.

This is actually something they teach you in self-defense class!!! So you're totally doing the right thing!!! If you stare at them and don't break eye-contact, it supposedly takes the power away!

I have to say, you've had some scary stuff happen to you! I can't believe you gave him a ride home! That was brave of you! But I liked what you did - you acted crazier than him!! hahaha! I sometimes joke that if someone were to attack me, I would just fart a bunch- because who would want to attack/assault someone who was perpetually farting??? I hope I never have to test this theory.

If someone sat down at a table and just stared at me- i'm pretty sure I would freak out! I'm sad to say I wouldn't have the balls to stare back at them...I know this for a fact!! When I was in London, my friend and I were travelling on the tube to go to a not so good area of town (where the Ripper tour was)...this guy got on and sat across from us, and started staring at me. My friend wasn't paying attention, but I was freaked out....he then leaned over and was like "you're very pretty. you're not from here, are you?" I tried to ignore him, but then he said "where are you going? You look lost. I can help you" and my friend begins to tell him where we want to go...and in my head I'm like "NO NO NO NO!!!" ...he helped us out...but then after he just sat back and watched us. When our stop came, he got off with us. I was so creeped out that I stopped and looked for something in my bag for about 5 minutes until he was gone. He didn't do anything overtly creepy, but I got bad vibes from him. He reminded me of Viggo Mortensen's character from Eastern Promises....

Agreed. I hope her and her child live long, pleasant lives.

I was hitch hiking years ago... To this day I have no doubt that guy was a hack-em-up in the basement kind of guy. He was so wrong, everything about him.

Did you take a ride with him? What made you think this?!!
Ya, I took the ride, even though I immediately knew he was wrong. His way of being... I can read body language really well... I just knew. Lol it only got better from there! I'll share the story if you like.
Ya, I took the ride, even though I immediately knew he was wrong. His way of being... I can read body language really well... I just knew. Lol it only got better from there! I'll share the story if you like.

Heck yeah!!! Please do! :)

I find hearing about these things lets me be more aware...and frightened/cautious
@say what

I was on long adventure I called NATURE: North American Tour to Unequivocally Rejuvenate our Environment. It was a small time grass roots effort to build appreciation for the natural world. I'm still working on it, so to speak, my current project includes that aspect. Anyway, I had just finished biking from Santa Cruz to British Colombia and I was on my way to Montana to get my kayak so I could paddle down the Yellowstone/Missouri Rivers to St. Louis. In Coeur D' Alene Idaho, an older junk sedan pulls over. I was already on the move so I got to the passenger door and gave a warm greeting like I always do. "Put your stuff in the back" was all I got from him. Wrong answer! I'm INTJ, I know neutral emotionalism. That wasn't it. This guy was off and I knew it. I did what he said. Of course, I'm INTJ so in .4 microseconds I sized up my situation, options, potential ride, and concluded I would be just fine. I put my stuff in the back and I took the ride.

I got into the car with a guy who was smaller than me in height and build, significantly older, not in as good health. The only reason I took that ride is because I knew I would easily take that fool if he started anything. That coupled with being dusk in town limits... Limits camping options. He was wearing a grey mechanics jumpsuit and some of the thickest glasses I've ever seen. He told me he worked for a car dealership... He didn't say much else. There was no chatting about who we are and what we're up to. No interest in me at all as a person. No attempt at trying to relate on any level. I had heard on news reports, as far away as Seattle, throughout the previous week about a family that got murdered in their home. He was kind enough to point that out to me. A while into the ride he starts talking about his property... He lives on of a semi-private road off the freeway. It backs up to national forest. I could camp at his exit. It would be fine... So by this time, I'm pretty clear on the fact this guy is really off. Not just off, but a chop-em-up in the basement kind of off. I have no doubt I was in a car with a predator. I did not trust this man for a moment. I'm normally very relaxed in rides, paying attention to the scenery and whatnot. Not this time, I kept my attention focused out his portion of the windshield the entire time, watching him like a hawk. My arms, at the ready to block if needed. In tried to tell him the town before his stop would be great, I needed some resupply anyway. He was rather insistent on camping at his exit. Ok, new approach. You don't want to make small talk, I will! What are you up to? -because I'm on a huge adventure and people from at least 5 different countries are following my trek. Where were you raised? -because I was raised in the fucking hood and the last thing you want to do is mess with me. I was upbeat and cheerful and engaging. It very well could have been a pleasant conversation between travelers. I was telling him everything I wanted him to hear. His speech was fluid and perfect when I got in the car. He had one of the most pronounced stutters I've ever heard before I got out of it. By the time I was finished with him, he was all too happy to let me out where I requested. I got a certain sense of satisfaction knowing I met the man my mother warned me about, and he left wary of me. Didn't change I camped in a spot where you couldn't get within 50 meters of me without me hearing you... But still. =)

edit: The moral of the story is to trust your instincts. You don't need to know why they're off. Don't get that close, just know that they're off. Being misunderstood, eccentric, eclectic, fringe and shunned is not the same as off. By all means, chase the weird ones, but don't give the off ones any reason to fixate upon you. Probably not worth the trouble. INFJs, you know the difference, just ask yourself.
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I've heard that a trick pocket thieves use is to avoid any sort of eye contact to not be perceived as a threat.
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One of my coworkers was the husband of the woman who found the dead body of the man that my old roommate murdered.
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Somebody tried to get my sister and I to get in the car with them and give out our address, when I was young... I saw somebody try to kill my dad in middle school, but he was more the gangster sort than hatchet-killer, so that's a different league of serial killer. Learning to be able to trust again took a while.
Man, that's terrifying. I'm afraid to click any of those links because seeing how prevalent serial killers are will just freak me out.

When I was a teenager, the only guys who were ever interested in me were weirdos. The bad thing about me is that I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt and try not to judge. I'll think things like "they're probably just really socially awkward or maybe they have a mental illness, and it must suck to be stigmatized for that." So I treat them just as friendly as I would anyone else but that just encourages them, of course. There was this one guy in high school who stalked me and didn't even try to be subtle about it. He'd literally walk *right* behind me, not a foot away! Like he didn't even care if I noticed. He knew where all my classes were, and when I tried to change my route to avoid him, he'd still find me somehow. Also, he seemed to have teleportation powers, because he'd be behind me one minute, and then the next he'd pass in front of me from an intersecting hallway. Don't ask me how! There was also one time I waited a few minutes to leave the classroom, so when I came out in the hall he was way ahead of me with a lot of people in between us. I decided to walk at a slow pace so I'd stay behind him and he wouldn't see me. But he suddenly stopped, as if his senses were tingling, and slowly turned around and looked directly at me, making eye contact. It gave me chills. The bad creepy kind.

But however much he creeped me out I was still nice to him because he never did anything that said "danger" to me. In retrospect, I probably should have reported it to a principal or something, but... still in the back of my mind I'm like "aw, what if he really was harmless but had some sort of social dysfunction and that would've really hurt his feelings?" >_<

There was this other time when I was a teenager that this guy approached me at the mall. He was heavily tattooed and pierced and wearing all black, but that kind of thing doesn't bother me like it does a lot of people in the conservative area I live in. However, after a couple of minutes it became apparent that "Scarecrow" (he told me to call him that) was pretty creepy. He was talking about his ability to channel spirits, how he'd been possessed by a demon, and how his eyes glowed sometimes. Then he asked me out. o_o

But the scariest experience was a couple of years ago, when an acquaintance asked if he could join me and my friends for game night because he didn't have any friends in the area. I had only met him a few times, but I was friends with his mom and she was a very nice lady. So I said sure. I rode with him to my friends' apartment. Throughout the night, he was acting a bit odd and kept going outside to "take a break." When one of these "breaks" lasted 45 minutes we started to worry. He was nowhere to be found, and he'd left his phone behind. Later, his phone rang and we answered it. It was an angry man saying he had our friend and needed to know where we lived so he could return him. Apparently he'd taken a walk and gotten lost... lost in a small apartment complex.

He was finally returned, and then after a while he *again* went outside to take a break that lasted for about an hour. Then he came back with the man who had returned him earlier. They both came in. There was a bit of an awkward silence, as it's kind of alarming when a complete stranger walks into your apartment at 2 AM. We were wrapping up our game already by the point, and the man was angry that we wouldn't let him play with us. "It's 2 AM and some of us have work in the morning," we tried to explain. Well, we were all white and this man happened to be black, and he started accusing us of being racist. He was getting really angry, and refused to leave even though everyone else was getting ready to go home. I was terrified he was going to pull out a gun or something, he was so irate. Seriously, what kind of person just walks into a stranger's apartment at 2 AM without the permission of the person who lives there, and then refuses to leave?

He was finally convinced to leave, and another person offered to drive me home so I wouldn't have to get in a car with the stupid guy again. On the way out, the man stopped me and told me how his feelings were hurt by the way my friends treated him. I said I was sorry he felt that way, but we honestly were already wrapping things up when he arrived. He said it was nice to meet me and held out his hand for me to shake, but when I reached out he pulled me into a hug. I got away as fast as I could, got into the car and said "Let's get the HELL out of here."

But the scariest part of the whole story to me is that I was alone in the car with my acquaintance before any of this happened, unaware that something was "off" about him. I was flirting with danger and didn't even know it.

I worry a lot because it's hard for me to stay focused on the present physical reality. I'm not very aware of my surroundings. I live in a city with a high crime rate and I don't have a car, so there are times I have to walk by myself at night. I'd be the easiest person to take by surprise, because no matter how hard I try I'm still oblivious of my surroundings. I also have to walk to another building at work to clock out, often at night. I've told my boss I don't feel safe doing this and we should be able to clock out in either building. But it's not going to change. A couple of times, I've passed men while walking there to clock out and they just stared at me as I walked by. Gave me the creeps.

It's scary because my mom and my sister are very attractive and have men harass them all the time. They've also noticed men following them more than once before. My sister carries a taser in her purse. I don't think anyone has ever tried to follow me home, but I'm afraid that I wouldn't even notice if it happened. Damn inferior Se...

That's so scary! What did his mom say about the whole situation?? It's so amazing how really strange and potentially dangerous people can come across normal and okay. You're right to be creeped out by being alone with him in the car...I mean, this isn't an odd thing to do - I've done it with people I barely know....but it can be so horrible! You rarely think it'll happen to you!

I'm like you- I'm not really "aware" of the danger - especially when I kind of know someone or have met them before....and this is the worst! I'm pretty good at being terrified walking alone at night from campus to home (which i shouldn't do because people get mugged and assault quite a bit here- but I don't want to not be able to go out ever!) ... I've watched enough scary TV to be afraid...but I think my guard goes completely down after I've met someone - even if it's just briefly.
@say what

I was on long adventure I called NATURE: North American Tour to Unequivocally Rejuvenate our Environment. It was a small time grass roots effort to build appreciation for the natural world. I'm still working on it, so to speak, my current project includes that aspect. Anyway, I had just finished biking from Santa Cruz to British Colombia and I was on my way to Montana to get my kayak so I could paddle down the Yellowstone/Missouri Rivers to St. Louis. In Coeur D' Alene Idaho, an older junk sedan pulls over. I was already on the move so I got to the passenger door and gave a warm greeting like I always do. "Put your stuff in the back" was all I got from him. Wrong answer! I'm INTJ, I know neutral emotionalism. That wasn't it. This guy was off and I knew it. I did what he said. Of course, I'm INTJ so in .4 microseconds I sized up my situation, options, potential ride, and concluded I would be just fine. I put my stuff in the back and I took the ride.

I got into the car with a guy who was smaller than me in height and build, significantly older, not in as good health. The only reason I took that ride is because I knew I would easily take that fool if he started anything. That coupled with being dusk in town limits... Limits camping options. He was wearing a grey mechanics jumpsuit and some of the thickest glasses I've ever seen. He told me he worked for a car dealership... He didn't say much else. There was no chatting about who we are and what we're up to. No interest in me at all as a person. No attempt at trying to relate on any level. I had heard on news reports, as far away as Seattle, throughout the previous week about a family that got murdered in their home. He was kind enough to point that out to me. A while into the ride he starts talking about his property... He lives on of a semi-private road off the freeway. It backs up to national forest. I could camp at his exit. It would be fine... So by this time, I'm pretty clear on the fact this guy is really off. Not just off, but a chop-em-up in the basement kind of off. I have no doubt I was in a car with a predator. I did not trust this man for a moment. I'm normally very relaxed in rides, paying attention to the scenery and whatnot. Not this time, I kept my attention focused out his portion of the windshield the entire time, watching him like a hawk. My arms, at the ready to block if needed. In tried to tell him the town before his stop would be great, I needed some resupply anyway. He was rather insistent on camping at his exit. Ok, new approach. You don't want to make small talk, I will! What are you up to? -because I'm on a huge adventure and people from at least 5 different countries are following my trek. Where were you raised? -because I was raised in the fucking hood and the last thing you want to do is mess with me. I was upbeat and cheerful and engaging. It very well could have been a pleasant conversation between travelers. I was telling him everything I wanted him to hear. His speech was fluid and perfect when I got in the car. He had one of the most pronounced stutters I've ever heard before I got out of it. By the time I was finished with him, he was all too happy to let me out where I requested. I got a certain sense of satisfaction knowing I met the man my mother warned me about, and he left wary of me. Didn't change I camped in a spot where you couldn't get within 50 meters of me without me hearing you... But still. =)

edit: The moral of the story is to trust your instincts. You don't need to know why they're off. Don't get that close, just know that they're off. Being misunderstood, eccentric, eclectic, fringe and shunned is not the same as off. By all means, chase the weird ones, but don't give the off ones any reason to fixate upon you. Probably not worth the trouble. INFJs, you know the difference, just ask yourself.

Wow! Good on you for taking control of the situation - especially in a non-violent way!! You're lucky that you have the skills to be able to think ahead and recognize bad situations and prepare. I can't believe you hitch-hike! To me- that's so dangerous! It's funny because my mom did it across Canada when she was in her early 20's ...but now she would die if I ever did it (she's instilled fear in me about it). Do you find people pick you up regularly??
I've heard that a trick pocket thieves use is to avoid any sort of eye contact to not be perceived as a threat.

Interesting! I also wonder if this helps with being unidentifiable!
One of my coworkers was the husband of the woman who found the dead body of the man that my old roommate murdered.

My sister's cousin, had a boyfriend, that knew the mother of the bride's husband, who's daughter what dating your old roommate who was murdered. :m125:
Somebody tried to get my sister and I to get in the car with them and give out our address, when I was young... I saw somebody try to kill my dad in middle school, but he was more the gangster sort than hatchet-killer, so that's a different league of serial killer. Learning to be able to trust again took a while.

What did you and your sister do? Just run away?? I think that would be so scary as a child! Your parents must have been so upset.

I also can't imagine seeing someone attacking another person (I've never seen a fight between people who were actually angry and wanted bloodshed), couple that with it being your parent- that would be awful.

Yeah- contract or thug killers are a whole other breed of serial killers- their expertise and planning is frightening. It's amazing how something could happen to you and they leave very little evidence.
Like a lot of people on here - I tend to befriend people who might be a bit socially awkward. I hate to think that someone is being left out or judged just because they're a little different. There was this one girl that was in my program (who also happened to live in my building). I was always nice to her because she was just off - but I thought it was in a harmless way. No one really talked to her, so I would walk home with her, or invite her over to dinner with my boyfriend (at the time) and I.

One day her mom called me and wanted me to check on her because she hadn't been answering the phone. I went to check on her, and no one answered. So I called her mom back and told her. Her mom told me to get the landlord to let me in...because sometimes when she's off her medications she gets in episodes of severe depression and will hide. So, I did what she said- I was a little taken back as this was completely out of nowhere for me. From there, it just went downhill...I ended up having to take her to the ER because she was so out of it. Calling me names, saying just weird things, laughing uncontrollably....just very overwhelming. But I knew she couldn't help it because she was ill.

After that incident she hung around me a lot more...but she was more off - she never brought up that night or what I did....and she would start making comments about how she could beat up my boyfriend or that I should leave him...at the time (and I don't know if I was just overwhelmed by the friendship) I felt it was getting to be a bit like 'single white female', so i tried distancing myself from her - but she would keep persisting! Luckily she moved away to live with her parents and the friendship fizzled out....but it was kind of creepy!