I'm not saying they're evil and I'm great, [...] we're just enemies.
enfps pretend their problems don't exist, and when confronted with them, they cry on the lawn
XSTJs. They are the bane of INFJs.
INfjs are Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si
Istjs are Si Te Fi Ne Se Ti Fe Ni
Exact opposites.
Now I'm not going to write off the entire STJ genre of people, as my good friend is ISTJ. But I honestly don't like them.
Why is that? My job is to break people out of boxes (no enfp), their job is to create boxes for them. (Well thats moreso the ESTJ). I'm not saying they're evil and I'm great, we all have our "own purpose" (I guess...), we're just enemies. ISTJs especially are obsessed with social propriety from the ones I've met, and I can't stand it. Si literally makes my blood run cold. I hate hate hate hate it.
I hate Si with a passion too.
They're like soooo focused on the past and they don't seem to realize the past is over.
At least they fill up all the boring stuff.
Most Si users are stupid and fucked up, but since they make up the majority of humanity no wonder that's how the world is.
As a Ne dominant, I'm doing all I can to suppress Si.
Eyyy... Civil. Yeaaah.
I mean, yeah, I generally find sensors a bit annoying as well.
But "stupid"? Let's not call it that.
MBTI doesn't determine one's intelligence and blah blah blah.
XSTJs. They are the bane of INFJs.
INfjs are Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si
Istjs are Si Te Fi Ne Se Ti Fe Ni
Exact opposites.
I agree to a sense. I think the reason I don't get along with ISTJs, is the J factor. I honestly get along with P's a lot better than Js, because they don't mind me being the controlling one. J + J doesn't tend to turn out so well (except I love my XNFJs....).
And I really can't stand ENFPs, yet I'm attracted to them in the sense of
Ni Fe Ti Se
Ne Fi Te Si
So we opposites, however kinda liike what you just did, its still:
SO I get along with them in the *order* of functions if that makes any sense, but I really... Eh. Get put off by them. And they tend to cry on the lawn a lot.
[MENTION=3156]saru[/MENTION] is an enfp in denial
srsly he cried on his lawn once
I was was there
In theory, ExxJ's should be the most outwardly "J". Dominant Je function, this outwardly expressed J. Interestingly enough to there really isn't such a thing as a J or P factor when you look at just the functions. In MBTI J is treated as a different scale, so really J would then be independent of types. As an example I am in a stereotypical sense, very very J. More so then the vast majority of the people on the forums to my knowledge. I know plenty of IxxJ's who are all over the map in regards to this.
I actually think what you might be clashing with is enneagram styles more then anything. They're weak, but there are general trends between type and enneagram.
...I am irratated by people who ignore their own problems and self justify them, and later ignoring adivce that is given to them.
But back to the real topic. Whenever I find someone else intolerable I always ask myself why I find them intolerable. Because obviously other people are capable of going about with people I find intolerable. The reasons why I get irritated says more about myself in general than how others are. It's an opportunity to assess whether or not my conflicting character is truly acceptable/reasonable.
I get dismayed the most by people who are forever sulking and do not act upon their "misfortune". It's sad and frustrating to see other people not choosing(or be able to choose) to be happy. Because it's a choice!