The most annoying personality type is...

Estj's are bastards when they are against you. They'll sell their soul for a doughnut.
I'm not really good with types, but there are a few that can annoy me very easily. Those people who have to talk ALL the time, and even the most trivial opinion has to be given. These people are very personal with their lives. A lot of them want to compare me to them, or my relationship to their's. I can't escape them!!
No, no and no. For me there is something so twisted in pointing annoying types...I think that mbti should not be used in that way. As I said in topics about love, MBTI learns us how to love someone in good way, not who we need to love. I loved estj, istp and intp, all of them very strongly and long. I was annoyed by infp, estj, esfj, intp ....
Do you get the point?
When I loved estj, I was drawned by energy, organization and capability to be everywhere in short time.
Whe I was annoyed by another estj, all that characteristics made me crazy...
Same for every type I ever knew...
Well, I should say that all underdeveloped types are annoying, but INFJ's and INFP's take the cake.

I cannot stand when people are hyper-emotional. Everything is about their "feelings" and they get a victim mentality going. I find them also to be very defensive and they seem to have tunnel vision when it comes to their issues. I don't have a lot of tolerance for these types when they're in that kind of mentality.

I agree with you. I can't stand when people constantly act victimized and want people to feel sorry for them. I know INFJ's who do this. It is by far my main gripe with INFJ's. Not all INFJ's do this though.
Eh... This thread was a bad idea.

Could work if stuff was actually based on type, but I don't think that's what people are doing here.
cant we all just eat rainbow cake like in mean girls?

or if not that, at least file all of our hate into a nice little book a la mean girls?

or if not that can we at least point that no one likes a PARTY POOPER.

so with that id like to say that the most annoying type out there is any person i dont like. i will associate that person to their type and hate them for that. then i'll realize my logic is flawed BUT WHO CARES. GIRRRRRRRRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUH-HUN.
That's all they really wahahannt. Girls wanna' have fuh un!! :D

Omg, btw lindsay lohan was so hot in mean girls.
I know 3 ENFJs rather well. Live with 2. I love them like siblings, but they drive me bananas they are passionately angry, and argumentative, to the point of violence! I think it is the judging function that butts heads with mine, I end up having to relinquish much control to avoid conflict with them, which is really my own type getting in my way. Their E, of course drains & infuriates me, as I can't understand needing company, or an audience to do EVERY SIMPLE TASK!!! WTH!? You never wanna be alone with YOURSELF!?!? Plus... when other Feelers try to give me orders or advice it really rubs me the wrong way. I know exactly how selfish & irrational emotional involvement is. Moods, no objectivity... NO. Thinkers, make me listen to reason. They make logical arguments that I just can't deny the significance of. I just think ENFJs are ridiculous, & the feeling is mutual... it's a bad match... for me, personally. I need a lot of space from them.
Wouldn't each personality type find a different personality type as 'the most annoying?' If so, the overall most annoying would be the one found most annoying by the most common type, regardless of how unimportant that may be.
Wouldn't each personality type find a different personality type as 'the most annoying?' If so, the overall most annoying would be the one found most annoying by the most common type, regardless of how unimportant that may be.
This is exactly what I was thinking.
it will be INFJs. :D
Wouldn't each personality type find a different personality type as 'the most annoying?' If so, the overall most annoying would be the one found most annoying by the most common type, regardless of how unimportant that may be.

I KNEW IT@@@ ITS ESTJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after all, aren't infjs the most common type? OR SOMETHING?
ENTP's drive me up a wall. I can usually spot one from the first second they open their mouth and feel like arguing a topic, even if we both agree on the issue. Honestly... just let it go!
ENTP's drive me up a wall. I can usually spot one from the first second they open their mouth and feel like arguing a topic, even if we both agree on the issue. Honestly... just let it go!

I love most ENTPs. Or maybe I've just met all the good ones.
Wouldn't each personality type find a different personality type as 'the most annoying?' If so, the overall most annoying would be the one found most annoying by the most common type, regardless of how unimportant that may be.

Right, but I asked for INFJs opinions specifically here. :) (Not that other types' opinions weren't desired or allowed.) My intentions weren't really to come up with a definitive, all-encompassing answer.

saru said:
After all, aren't infjs the most common type? OR SOMETHING?

Totes agree with this.
And the correct answer isssssssssss
ENTP. And they're fucking proud of it.

Thanks for playing, kids.
All the types annoy me equally including intjs.

Now, would everyone go away and leave me in peace. Thanks.