A Permanent Fixture
- enxp
- Enneagram
- 3
Estj's are bastards when they are against you. They'll sell their soul for a doughnut.
Those people who have to talk ALL the time, and even the most trivial opinion has to be given.
Well, I should say that all underdeveloped types are annoying, but INFJ's and INFP's take the cake.
I cannot stand when people are hyper-emotional. Everything is about their "feelings" and they get a victim mentality going. I find them also to be very defensive and they seem to have tunnel vision when it comes to their issues. I don't have a lot of tolerance for these types when they're in that kind of mentality.
This is exactly what I was thinking.Wouldn't each personality type find a different personality type as 'the most annoying?' If so, the overall most annoying would be the one found most annoying by the most common type, regardless of how unimportant that may be.
Wouldn't each personality type find a different personality type as 'the most annoying?' If so, the overall most annoying would be the one found most annoying by the most common type, regardless of how unimportant that may be.
ENTP's drive me up a wall. I can usually spot one from the first second they open their mouth and feel like arguing a topic, even if we both agree on the issue. Honestly... just let it go!
Wouldn't each personality type find a different personality type as 'the most annoying?' If so, the overall most annoying would be the one found most annoying by the most common type, regardless of how unimportant that may be.
saru said:After all, aren't infjs the most common type? OR SOMETHING?