The Nuances Between INFP and INFJ

I'm amazed at how you all managed to turn my "If they say this," into "They tend to be," and then "They are." You people are lacking in your so called iNtuition.
[MENTION=708]VH[/MENTION] E4s also need to be unique, so that would factor in as well, yes?
@VH E4s also need to be unique, so that would factor in as well, yes?

It manifests differently in INFJs and INFPs.

INFJ E4s embrace labels, often look for the most specific labels they can find and seek to have a unique code. INFJ E4s want to be specifically unique and want to be able to tell you why and how.

INFPs E4s reject labels, as such things could never define their Fi need for emotional autonomy. INFP E4s refuse to fit into a box of someone else's making, and often want to include impossible combinations.
After INTP's and INTJ's, all types are equally worthless.
Really? No ENTJ ?


Oh well, it's a nice topic. Kudos to [MENTION=3538]Arsal[/MENTION]. [MENTION=751]Peppermint[/MENTION] also said it outright; it's the insinuations that riles people up, not the INFPness by itself.
So is any other names; Geeks, for instance. Who, in their right minds, would want to be / called a geek hiding up in their parent's basement, the geeks who hid in their parent's basement included?

Too bad, too bad.

I personally found out that as INFJ 6w5, knowing Fi + applying NiFe helps like WHOA. >_>;
I blame it on people who make it a point that the crucial difference between Fi and Fe are personal vs. collective ethics.

Definitely definitely. There is a huge amount of rubbish about what Fe and Fi are and what you mentioned are gross oversimplifications.
People tend to equate emotions with weakness or stupidity..Probably because emotional development isn't really valued in our culture, so people do not develop their own and feel insecure in that area.

INFPs are driven by their feelings, the world is an emotional place to them-- As they are not a large percentage of the population, they are under represented and misunderstood.

I think it is projection, as people are uncomfortable with their own emotions.

The funny thing is, I would see Fi as being the feeling function that people would want to associate with more then Fe. The stereotype is that Fe is non-assertive and yielding to pressure and disharmony.
A problem with any unhealthy F function (which xxTx personality types often resort to) is that the function itself often deals in absolutes according to what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior, because people often project. At ANY rate, xxFx personality types are far better at dealing with their F function than xxTx personality types are, because they've been dealing with their function since 1st grade. You'd think someone who's been spending their entire life developing their function would be fucking good at it by now... but no, instead, people create misconceptions that xxFx personality types are horrible at using their most developed function.

If any of the personality types are crybabies, softies, explosive, insecure, and so on, it's every single xxTx personality type, not the xxFx personality types.

This. Absolutely.
And let's not turn this into (yet another) X type is better than Y type battle. Seriously, we have enough of those and we all have our personal stereotypes and opinions on this (which we should keep to ourselves). There are positive and negative people everywhere, regardless of type.

I've said this countless times and I'm saying it again: No type is better than another. We all have faults and pitfalls and the better we recognize them in ourselves as individuals, the better. Also, seriously: Find out who you are and be yourself. It's too much hard work trying to be a type you're not. It doesn't matter if you're an INFP, INFJ, INTP, INTJ, ISFJ, ISFP, ISTJ, or ISTP. Recognize your preferences, play to your strengths, work on your weaknesses, and be the best person you can be.

There is nothing wrong with cognitive preference; if you accept you have a type then you accept cognitive preference. If you are INFJ you prefer your own type and dislike other types more. This is a natural consequence of the system in place - the hint was in preference.

Busy-body political correctness that says otherwise which has little place in the detailed discussion of typology and indeed in the out-of-typology community as a whole.

The funny thing is, I would see Fi as being the feeling function that people would want to associate with more then Fe. The stereotype is that Fe is non-assertive and yielding to pressure and disharmony.

That's an unusual because all preferences are an active preference. One can easily see Fe as 'active social harmoniser' by restraining internal desires in favour of external harmony whereas Fi is an 'active internal harmoniser' restraining external pressures in favour of internal harmony. It's the same function even if the attitude is different.
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And let's not turn this into (yet another) X type is better than Y type battle.

It's a good discussion so far. [MENTION=2172]Trifoilum[/MENTION] Yeah, I know, thanks.

That's an unusual because all preferences are an active preference. One can easily see Fe as 'active social harmoniser' by restraining internal desires in favour of external harmony whereas Fi is an 'active internal harmoniser' restraining external pressures in favour of internal harmony. It's the same function even if the attitude is different.

I get that but other's don't and that's the problem.

But you also said this once:

INFJs will have an ego focus on a set of ideas or axioms which are sense checked against the ethics in their peer group to bring these forward.

Maybe I'm interpreting it wrong but this seems to cement the idea that Fe is incapable of any kind of reasoning without external input and will only care about something if the majority votes in favour. In my experience, INFJ's are extremely independent in this regard.
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[MENTION=1378]Orion[/MENTION]: I think [MENTION=442]arbygil[/MENTION] is trying to simply crush the seeds of it. I mean, so far it hasn't, but who's to say the seed wasn't there?

To which I wonder, is it ever so the case? O_O; Does INFJs here hate hate HATE to be mistyped as INFP?

correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought one of the biggest difference between “INFJ” and “INFP” is their superior function: Ni and Fi respectively.


Fe does derive its “values” (I wouldn’t state ethics) from “groups”. That’s not really what separates “INFJ” and “INFP”.

INFJ = Ni + F
INFP = Fi + N

Could drop the J/P altogether.

INF = Ni + F
IFN = Fi + N


The thing that causes the most confusion is that they both share the same conscious attitude of introversion.

Now a lot of people are going to say, “Duh.” I’ll be interesting to see if people know what I really mean.

Interesting article though!
To which I wonder, is it ever so the case? O_O; Does INFJs here hate hate HATE to be mistyped as INFP?

This is an INFJ forum.
Most people will want to type themselves as INFJ, because this way they can be understood, liked and/or fit in.
Why would you type yourself as ISTP, even if you know you're one? You'll be much more important if you're INFJ!

This forum is full of ISFPs and ISFJs in denial.
I would say Fe gathers what should or shouldn't be done from the environment in general. Not just limited to groups.
[MENTION=1378]Orion[/MENTION]: I think [MENTION=442]arbygil[/MENTION] is trying to simply crush the seeds of it. I mean, so far it hasn't, but who's to say the seed wasn't there?

To which I wonder, is it ever so the case? O_O; Does INFJs here hate hate HATE to be mistyped as INFP?

Yup, yup. And trust me, we've had enough non-PC fights about type-casting and I'm not eager to see more erupt, thank ya veddy much. I love the discussion though, definitely. I think more should be discussed, as long as we all recognize that we're all problem children in one way or another. :D

Fe/Fi can be tricky, but neither one is better or worse - just different.