INFPs are sometimes said to be stupid, or incapable of higher thought. Myers said they could think quite well (her dad was an INFP scientist) and said that INFPs have more access to Ti than INTPs for instance had to Fi. She didn't know why this was the case. Lenore Thompson argues that INFPs have only crude useless thinking, and I think no one really wants to be typed as an idiot.
Vicky Jo has lots of distinctions between INFPs and INFJs. None of them make any sense to me. I'm torn between the two categories.
But one thing that gets me going is Ne. I like that stuff, but I can't last too long on it. I can be Jim Carrey - esque for about four hours, and then I need a few days to recuperate, in general.
I can do Fe but it's a drag.
Ne is a huge amount of fun, and I can write well in that state. Lenore Thompson argues that your auxiliary function is your chief asset. Could she be right about this?
I don't know. I know some INFPs and they strike me as humorless dummies for the most part. I kind of hate them. INFJs strike me as smarter. So I'd kind of rather be an INFJ.
MBTI is at least a lot clearer than the enneagram. There are no clear descriptions of the difference between four and five (sexual five is a lot like a four, and some kinds of four can be very analytical).
I've met only a few INTPs and INTJs, and that was plenty. I'd like to keep them at a remove of about two computer screens. They love to slice through you to make a point, and I find that less fun than they do, especially when it's me being sliced, especially when it's with an old rusty nail sharpened to a vicious point.
Vicky Jo has lots of distinctions between INFPs and INFJs. None of them make any sense to me. I'm torn between the two categories.
But one thing that gets me going is Ne. I like that stuff, but I can't last too long on it. I can be Jim Carrey - esque for about four hours, and then I need a few days to recuperate, in general.
I can do Fe but it's a drag.
Ne is a huge amount of fun, and I can write well in that state. Lenore Thompson argues that your auxiliary function is your chief asset. Could she be right about this?
I don't know. I know some INFPs and they strike me as humorless dummies for the most part. I kind of hate them. INFJs strike me as smarter. So I'd kind of rather be an INFJ.
MBTI is at least a lot clearer than the enneagram. There are no clear descriptions of the difference between four and five (sexual five is a lot like a four, and some kinds of four can be very analytical).
I've met only a few INTPs and INTJs, and that was plenty. I'd like to keep them at a remove of about two computer screens. They love to slice through you to make a point, and I find that less fun than they do, especially when it's me being sliced, especially when it's with an old rusty nail sharpened to a vicious point.