The People Watch Thread


Not Afraid to Use His Beard
I've come to realize as an "I" type I don't like drawn out, intense interaction with larger groups of people. It drains me and usually makes me like people less as a result. What I do really enjoy though is people watching. Being in fairly (though not overly) crowded places and just being the fly on the wall. It's fascinating really. The places I like best are coffee shops like I am currently at, malls, parks, and airports. I like airports the best. You get more of a cross-section of humanity. What are their stories? Where are they going and why? Is that woman checking me out? That dude just totally farted! :m123:

What about you all? Is this an INFJ thing? An "I" thing? Do you enjoy people watching and why? Where are your favorite places to observe humanity?
At my school, there is a big central square where you can do this when it is nice outside. I intend to do it when it gets warmer/I have the time. Although, I don't really go out with the intention of doing this. Sometimes I'm just too self absorbed.
Not particularly, no. My grandfather likes to do this and I like to listen to the stories he makes up about people but it isn't something I would engage in on my own.
I like watching people wherever I am; in a store, at the clubs and bars, walking down
the street, at the beach. I like making up stories about them; where they're going,
what they're saying to whomever they're talking to, what their lives are like.
My personal favorite place to people-watch is at a park.
I get a kick out of watching parents helplessly referee little kids fighting in the sandbox.
You can learn a lot about people by simply watching them.
Hell yea. Airports are awesome, I'd work at one if there were one close by.
Yeah, i like people watching, in a cafeteria, in a mall, or at a bookstore or coffee shop. The things which go through my mind.
Yeah, i like people watching, in a cafeteria, in a male, or at a bookstore or coffee shop. The things which go through my mind.

[MENTION=1669]Res[/MENTION] Yeah, I'd imagine some interesting things would happen while people watching while in a male.
@Res Yeah, I'd imagine some interesting things would happen while people watching while in a male.

that's not what i meant :m182::m182::m182:!


lol [MENTION=1669]Res[/MENTION] your secret is now out! shapeshifter!! *points finger and howls*
Ha [MENTION=1669]Res[/MENTION]; funny stuff there.

On topic, sometimes. Not always. When the mood strikes or I hear a snippet of conversation that seems interesting I will people watch.
:m182: why i oughta!
Oughta what? Talk about the last time you were in a male?
I love people watching. My favourite places are bus stops, airports, malls, coffee shops, and school.
This is something I only care to do once in a while. My preference out in public is to not be bothered especially in large crowds; I tend to retract from them all. Too much picking up on their emotions and etc...[MENTION=1574]Ria[/MENTION] would get that I think. When I do indulge in it though it's interesting. Watching interactions and seeing, anger, pain, joy..wondering what is going on in their lives.
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