The People Watch Thread

OMG that's so cool about airports. I've always loved airports. And when I was younger anytime someone had to be picked up at the airport I'd want to go along.
Now that the security is so strict and you can't go to the gate without a ticket .... That's taken a lot of the fun out of it. But whenever I travel I always get to the airport super early. I tell people it's cuz I don't like being late, but it's really just because I want to hang out in the airport longer lol.

And for me it's the appeal of all these people on a mission. Headed somewhere and the whole where are they going and why puzzle to try to figure out.
I have to say I also like train stations for the same reason.

When I'm people watching it's like I can turn myself invisible. I really become that fly on the wall and I take in everything. It's amazing how much people reveal when they think no one is paying attention.
Oughta what? Talk about the last time you were in a male?
oooh, juicy.

As for me, quite often. It wasn't really detailed, albeit sometimes I can make a story out of what I see...

Other times were to refine my gaydar. "ooh, this one looks HoYaylicious. This one...looks like he's an actual gay. This one--- yum. ALAS, seems to have no interest. "