The People Watch Thread

I love doing this. I work in a mall, so when it's slow sometimes I'll sit up at the counter and watch people outside of the store. Other times I'll go on lunch and have my honey meet me. We'll go to the food court and sit and people-watch for almost the entire hour. It's amazing some of the things people will say and do in public.

I've noticed that in general teenagers will be as loud and obnoxious as possible for attention. We have a little coin-operated carousel outside my store for children under 5, and at least three times a day, a group of teenagers will get on it and have one of them making a video on their phone, talking about "this is going straight to youtube."
I've come to realize as an "I" type I don't like drawn out, intense interaction with larger groups of people. It drains me and usually makes me like people less as a result. What I do really enjoy though is people watching. Being in fairly (though not overly) crowded places and just being the fly on the wall. It's fascinating really. The places I like best are coffee shops like I am currently at, malls, parks, and airports. I like airports the best. You get more of a cross-section of humanity. What are their stories? Where are they going and why? Is that woman checking me out? That dude just totally farted! :m123:

What about you all? Is this an INFJ thing? An "I" thing? Do you enjoy people watching and why? Where are your favorite places to observe humanity?

Well I can't speak for all INFJs but for me this is true. After the kids were born and I was stuck at home so much of the time, I liked to go out to the shops and just sit. Watching people walking around and going about their lives made me feel not so alone.

Do you make up stories about the people? I do. That's my nutty little sideline.
I do that. I like public transportations of any kind...And yes, I make up little stories about them.
What about you all? Is this an INFJ thing? An "I" thing? Do you enjoy people watching and why? Where are your favorite places to observe humanity?

I'm an "E" and I love people watching, cafe's are my favourite place as they come with coffee!
I don't watch them, for obvious reasons, but I do tend to listen to them a lot, especially if I hear someone having a phone conversation and it sounds interesting, I can't help myself....
I tend to watch people alot when out in public, I don't know why, I just feel like I pick up the general atmosphere better when I remain quite and watch obviously not in a creepy way.
I remember reading another INFJ thread about this, but I think it was a different forum.

I can't help but notice people as I see them, or listen to conversations that I can hear,
or whatever. I'm wondering if this automatic impulse may be an Fe thing? It seems that
the majority of people don't tend to notice people quite that much. I'll walk by someone
I know but they won't even realise that I'm there. (and no, they're not just ignoring me)
It may be a Fe thing. Empathy plays a big part in it too I would think. And curiosity, which I don't think is assigned to just one type. However, different types probably watch people for different reasons. Some make up stories, while others try to simply dissect the truth of them! Still others think up reasons why they are better then them...damn ENTP's! Kidding!! I'm guessing anyone on this forum has at least a minimal interest in people watching.
I particularly like people watching. I love getting a coffee in a busy place then retreating to a vantage point like a bench to the side of it all, or in a shopping centre maybe leaning over the balcony at an atrium. Then I just watch, reading people's expressions as they go about their day. Some situations are funny - it's interesting to watch men when a female walks past who is showing a little too much skin; some men do a walk past without looking then turn to look at the rear. Extra humour when the man's female companion catches them - sometimes it's a knowing look and goes no further, maybe they will playfully slap the man on the arm.

I don't know if it's an INFJ thing; but maybe an INFJ might get more from it than most?
I always people watch and I always get caught watching :)) :)) hehehe and when I people watch, I observe them and look them in the eye :)) <--- that's always the time when I get caught.

anyways.. I don't know if it's an I thing or an INFJ thing :) but I guess a lot of people here like people watching.

I people watch whenever I'm in someplace not doing anything :) I love airports and coffee shops too :) I people watch depending on the place :) there are some places that I don't feel like people watching because I feel their energies or something :))
I remember reading another INFJ thread about this, but I think it was a different forum.

I can't help but notice people as I see them, or listen to conversations that I can hear,
or whatever. I'm wondering if this automatic impulse may be an Fe thing? It seems that
the majority of people don't tend to notice people quite that much. I'll walk by someone
I know but they won't even realise that I'm there. (and no, they're not just ignoring me)

I like people watching but I LOVE eavesdropping :)) :)) hehehe I'll eavesdrop if they look interesting enough to watch :P
I wonder
has anyone ever person watched a person people watching?
I am not trying to be cute, I would like to hear your experience
I wonder
has anyone ever person watched a person people watching?
I am not trying to be cute, I would like to hear your experience


I literally came on here to ask the same question.

Yes, I have. It was at a local mall a few years ago. He was sitting alone, as was I, and I watched as he scanned the crowds. A few times he chuckled to himself (I saw no blu-tooth or cell) which I think is a fairly reliable sign that he was people-watching imo. Then he saw me "seeing" him. It was quite awkward. I am unsure if he knew I was also people watching, but within a couple of minutes he abruptly stood up and walked away. He did not look satisfied.

It reminds me of Fight Club when ****Spoiler**** Tyler can't cry because another faker is present. And I can see why: people watching is hard to do when you know someone else (a stranger) is doing the same thing...and possibly viewing you as well.
I don't do this, I don't like humanity overly as a whole. I like certain groups of people, but as a whole not much at all.

I literally came on here to ask the same question.

Yes, I have. It was at a local mall a few years ago. He was sitting alone, as was I, and I watched as he scanned the crowds. A few times he chuckled to himself (I saw no blu-tooth or cell) which I think is a fairly reliable sign that he was people-watching imo. Then he saw me "seeing" him. It was quite awkward. I am unsure if he knew I was also people watching, but within a couple of minutes he abruptly stood up and walked away. He did not look satisfied.

It reminds me of Fight Club when ****Spoiler**** Tyler can't cry because another faker is present. And I can see why: people watching is hard to do when you know someone else (a stranger) is doing the same thing...and possibly viewing you as well.

Rule don't talk about people watch club! Epic fail!!