Then Moses said to God, "If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" God said to Moses, "
I AM who I AM." And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'" God also said to Moses, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'I Am, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you': this is my name for ever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations. -
Exodus 3:13-15
That was a smart move by god because if you know a gods name then you have power over it!
What you are saying there ties in nicely with my point.
Moses DOES go and try and convince the tribes (later to form the confederation of tribes that would become the israelites) that his god is THE god and that it has precedence but that doesn't tie into historical evidence which points to many gods being worshipped by the tribes which had moved into egypt. These tribes inevitably were influenced by Egyptian beliefs in their stay in Egypt as well....the bible talks about worshipping a golden cow (probably the Egyptian god Apis)
As the bible says Abraham drove his herds and people into Upper Egypt. he did this because the delta was fertile and there was a climatic change around that time that had seen lands around egypt dry up.
The movement of Abrahams tribes were probably originally from Sumer. Sumer had suffered a massive flood in its past; evidence of clay several metres thick has been uncovered by archaologists, told in the epic of Gilgamesh, which was probably later incorporated into the bible during the exile in babylon. Some survivors of the flood had possibly made their way to Egypt long before Abraham taking with them knowledge of building and various religious/magic knowledge
What all these groups have in common is hierarchies where the people at the top whether royalty or priesthood held the keys to certain mysteries which were not shared with the common people who instead were educated through tales and parables
Jesus probably came by these mysteries via the Qumran community and was empowering others with the knowledge by initiating them (turning water into wine) with the aim of freeing Israel from Roman occupiers and corrupt Sadducees.
The Qumran community were very pious and saw themselves as the upholders of the covenant with Yahweh which had crystalised during the exile in Babylon and became focused around rebuilding the temple and liberating israel through right behaviour and faithfulness to Yahweh
I have a fair bit of respect for Jesus; he was a potent revolutionary and evidently extremely brave, especially after he had seen a fellow member of the Qumran community beheaded by the authorities (John the Baptist)
Some gnostics have an interesting view of Yahweh (Jehovah) as matter or reality itself and as a demiurge or creator god which stands between them and the real god (the true light and source of all). They seek to transcend matter which they see as potentially evil. They seek to do this by becoming a christed soul / christ consciousness by drawing the holy spirit into themselves. others believe that we are all one consciousness and therefore part of 'god'
Jehovah=JHVH (the tetragrammaton) = Yod He Vav He
Jesus = Yeheshua
Shin= hebrew symbol for spirit, which can be drawn into a person like the dove descending to jesus on his baptism by John. When Shin is introduced into YHVH you get:
Yod-He-Shin-Vav-He / Je-Ho-Shin-Va-H= Yeheshua (Jesus) the christed soul / christ consciousness
Jesus was travelling around initiating people into the mysteries of the qumran community to build up a support base for an insurrection. To get into the kingdom of heaven that was to come after the climatic end time battle you had to be resurrected into life which was the third degree of the Qumran community. Anyone who was uninitiated was termed 'dead'
Lazarus was a community member that was lapsing ('dying') so jesus brought him back into the fold, back into 'life'. He did not bring a corpse back to life
There is a fairytale version of the bible which is often made up of a literal view which has corrupted events, and has corrupted jewish terms such as 'messiah', developed by Hellenised gentile converts and by elites who sought to use the christ myth to control their populations; for example they merged the emerging religion of christianity with the prexisting and older cult of Mithra.
There is no doubt an extremely interesting story at the heart of it all which speaks to us of things that are fundamental to us as human beings, but this story has been clouded with bizarre elaborations by people who have hijacked the story for their own ends