My intuition is telling me that you're intuition is leading you astray.
Seriously, you are arrogant, you can't deny it. I have read all of this and a lot of it is just sociological dynamics and psychological dynamics that have always existed in human nature, with people vying for power and control, but then you pretty it up and make it sound even more sinister than it is with talk about magic and machines...etc... All your talk about 'years of research' means squat. I have years of research under my belt and my conclusion is different than yours. Maybe I'm arrogant also, or maybe I trust my intuition more than I trust any anonymous person online, but I choose to believe my own research over your 'word' that you know the truth. I actually never trust anybody's word on anything. I have to make up my own mind, which has pissed off many people, but I don't care because I won't believe just because you want me to.
I'm not really too worried about if someone is 'arrogant' or not, what i'm interested in is whether or not their information is good
My posts are packed full of good information
On top of that i have a proven track record of making goof forecasts about the future
You have no track record yet so at the moment your words sound like hot air
I don't need to blow hot air, my posts and predictions speak for themselves