Then you make one up and convince other people to join in. Then we can have ourselves another religion.
At the risk of sounding like a nihilist (which I’m not)...if we do just blink out of existence when we die and there is no transfer of growing knowledge (save for the constant transfer going on as we “progress” here in this reality as a society and human race) then the only meaning would be propagation of ourselves (in every way conceivable) as we are still alive.
Though the continuation of “life” after death needn’t be a factor at all, but that is how my mind

Why do we need to find a meaning though?
Is it a goal? A desire? Some deep seeded wiring in our brain? Our ego?
Maybe the reason no one can answer the question is because there is no answer - there is no meaning.
Either that or the answer is wholly subjective to each individual, and as such must also only be answered by said person.
There is no text that tells you the meaning of life, but there are endless ways people have found throughout the centuries...they still come out with new books every day I’m sure.
Or some monk/holy man reaches enlightenment (finds the meaning) through this “certain path” and so he shares it with others and it works for some but not for others - thus religion is born and so the search for meaning has also created hate and destruction - as religion has wars and creates strife among humans for a perceived separation of personage.
One would never really consider that the search for meaning could be so negative...but perhaps that is also the expression and projection of the wiring in our brains that we have no control over - though to me that seems like a bit of cop-out as we are conscious to a degree of self-reflection and even self-improvement - which one could argue is changing that wiring in the I can’t fully say we don’t have any control over our behavior, because we most certainly do.
If there were no “meaning”...if that were proven to be would that make you feel?
Would you live life like there was no tomorrow and go on a rampage, or would it make you slow down and appreciate the small things and savor them for the moment that will cease to exist?
Or would you just blow your brains out?
Cry all day in bed?
Or continue on like we have always just continued, the normal day to day life we are living currently?
I tend to think it’s the later (mostly because I don’t think it can be proven definitively), but because we as humans tend to like to live in denial (myself included) though we try hard not least most of us, some blatantly live there as a mental health issue our society also pretends doesn’t exist...hahaha.
My answer to the search for meaning is - it’s completely subjective from person to person...most people have enough trouble finding “purpose” much less “meaning”...but one should naturally lead to, or support the other.
I hope that there is something beyond this life we are currently living and that there are answers to such questions - I tend to lean that way based on some very strange PSI or paranormal experiences I have had as well as out of body experiences - but maybe it was all just in my head and I’m living in denial, hahaha.