- Enneagram
- Warlock
Absolutely.Another note I want to add: I don't think that the practice should be forced upon all doctors. Like, if a doctor disagrees with it and doesn't want to assist someone with suicide, then he or she should not be forced to. That should be their choice too.
One of the hardest surgeries I have ever been a part of was someone who has a cardiac death and is on-bypass keeping them alive momentarily - yet, want to be donors themselves for their other organs.
See, normally, when you do an "organ procurement" it is someone who is brain dead and thus not conscious when you tie-off the aorta and vena cava while icing down the heart with frozen lactated ringers solution until it stops beating and their body dies.
Then you have a moment of silence and get to work as it's a race against the clock to get them out and off to wherever they need to go.
In this case of cardiac death, they roll into the OR suite knowing full-well once they are put under anesthesia, that's that, no waking up.
The family came in and held their hand but it was still a hard surgery even though they are not going in pain.
Not everyone can hang with that kind of case, and many of my colleagues signed waivers opting out of any organ procurement no matter.
I felt lucky to have been a witness to the passing of those people...there is always a connection that remains in some odd way.
Lots of love!