The role of touch


Permanent Fixture
Do other INFJs seem to need to rely on lots of touching/cuddling and if they don't get it, does it seem to hugely affect the overall relationship interactions?
I am NOT INFJ, and do rely on lots of touching and cuddling. My husband however, IS INFJ and from what I see he does just fine without it most of the time.
No. I do have an appreciation for those things, but small quantities of cuddling etc. intermittently will suffice. A problem would be if I had the impression of being rejected; that can manifest itself in any number of ways, however.

Edit: My "F" is only slightly expressed, though, if that is of any importance.
I'd be afraid to refuse a hug/cuddle from [MENTION=4015]purplecrayons[/MENTION] , like she'd reach through the internet and break my neck or something.
Touching and cuddling... nope; I'm not really a "touchy-feely" kind of INFJ. Sure... there's a time and place for it, but overall my feeler side is pretty "subdued" (particularly the physical aspect of it).
:D I only like pre-approved physical touch and only when I feel like it. Hugs when I'm upset make me too emotional and I want to get away. I like to cuddle, but only with someone I trust and I'm not comfortable with female cuddling. If inebriated I am very lovey-dovey. If I am very emotionally distressed physical touch can be painful for me. Coming from a background of neglect and abuse I am still working on being okay with people touching me. Some people have rejected or cringed at my hugs which has been deeply painful for me. I have an ENFP gal pal who tries to desensitize me, but I have to be drunk to stand it. Insontis is helping me work through the anxiety. Physical touch happens to be my love language, but I can only allow it when I love and trust someone completely. If I am totally overstimulated and stressed I can't even stand kids or animals touching me. I need therapy... :)

However, I'm sure if I got to know [MENTION=2147]blacksheep[/MENTION] quite well he would be very pleasurable to hug.
I would say I'm somewhat touchy....I like hugs from hubby and my girls but I don't initiate touching as much as they do. I know my husband would appreciate more affection from me but he is all over me constantly as it is! :p

I have noticed I'm usually the first to pull away from a hug almost like I have a time limit.

When I see people I don't know very well I'm always dreading the hugs from certain folks and then I'm all awkward about it.

And if a stranger touches me......yikes
Nope, I can do without and don't mind a bit. I'd rather be doing things with hir, creating memories and monuments, living a shared life, instead of simply being reminded we are present together. Too much touching and such makes me feel slightly suffocated and bored. Although when I do revel in physicality, it's very intense - like I become a planet whose herculean gravity completely envelops another. There's a time and place for it, though. And it rarely happens, due to want of another celestial to so encapsulate.
I would say I'm somewhat touchy....I like hugs from hubby and my girls but I don't initiate touching as much as they do. I know my husband would appreciate more affection from me but he is all over me constantly as it is! :p

I have noticed I'm usually the first to pull away from a hug almost like I have a time limit.

When I see people I don't know very well I'm always dreading the hugs from certain folks and then I'm all awkward about it.

And if a stranger touches me......yikes

I love when my partner touches me affectionately.

“ I have no armour left. You’ve stripped it from me. Whatever is left of me - whatever is left of me - whatever I am - I’m yours. ”

Kinda describes my feelings about this. How hard it is... to take down one's guard.
Yes touching, cuddling and physical affection is very important to me. From my daughter, close friends, family and partner. I dont touch people I dont know unless I feel compelled to or it is in an appropriate environment (churches, raves, parties, weddings, funerals). I always enjoyed moshpits, crowded concerts, nightclubs, raves and festivals when I was younger. I dont get grossed out when people touch me in those particular environments. I also like my personal space and get annoyed when people invade it when i want to be alone. And i dislike those fake hugs/kisses some people do when they greet each other. Sometimes I'll hug people when i meet them (only when i feel comfortable) but most of the time i prefer to shake hands. My daughter sleeps on my arm at night. I often cuddle my friends when sitting next to them. Ive cuddled many of the children at my daughters child care. I can suffocate my partner with too much physical affection and then want my own space later. I love holding hands with my partner and with friends. I think this is an individual thing rather than a type thing. Theres a 'love language test' on the online tests forum that you can take. My preffered languages of love are quality time and touch.
Ehh I do love hugs :). No overkill cuddling etc. though.
It depends on my mood and what I am doing. If I am in the middle of something else like cooking dinner, drawing, or writing, I get really annoyed by being touched as almost an instinctual reaction. It interrupts my "flow". In those situations if my husband feels like he needs/wants a hug, I'd rather he ask me if he can hug me before just grabbing me and giving me one. Then I have a little time to stop what I'm doing, focus my thoughts on him rather that what I was doing and give him my undivided attention for a moment before getting back to what I was doing.

I can be very touchy feely at the beginnings of being in love in a relationship, but as time goes on I need my space or I get touched out fast.

When I am at that "comfortable" spot in a relationship, I can go without for a couple days even before I even notice. It just depends. Sometimes I need more touch, sometimes I need less. Communication is key.
sometimes when i'm at work i watch the people around me greet each other; friends and acquaintances hug and kiss each other - freely and regularly. sometimes kissing each other’s lips and holding hands while they walk. how strange that would be to me in a platonic relationship. but i do like touch and sometimes when my hand, - by chance or on purpose touches a strangers, i think can you feel our hands touching?
Generally speaking, I am not a touchy type of person. It's awkward for me to even put my arm around someone for a picture. In a romantic relationship, I crave it, and I'm very much a touch person. Cuddling, hugs, and all that are awesome, and I'd like them almost all of the time if I'm not doing a solitary activity. I'm not one for PDA though. It makes me uncomfortable. Holding hands, a quick hug, or a quick peck are about all that I can stand. It's funny, people have told me and my partner that we don't seem like a couple because they never see us touching. When no one is around though, we're almost always touching, be it a leg on the other, or a lingering hand while passing by.
Oh, very touchy, with those I am close to. If I am not close to or comfortable with that person, not at all. I think massage and bodywork is extremely healing and relaxing -- as long as it is not being administered by, say, your boss or some random stranger on an airplane, which would just be creepy.

My child likes to play with or brush my hair and it puts me into a complete drooling stupor until I come to myself an hour later with 12 oddly placed ponytails and a plastic dinosaur tied to my head.
I'm pretty touchy-feeling, but only with those I know well, as far as cuddling though. I will hug just about anyone though.

As a Taurus, and [MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] would back me up here...I NEED to be touched, or I will get cold, distant, emotionally numb.