The strangely accurate personality Test


You scored 67Introversion, 64 iNtuitiveness, 71 Feelingnessand 63 Judgingness
Kwistalline said:
You scored 83Introversion, 81 iNtuitiveness, 50 Feelingnessand 25 Judgingness!

Nerdy, secretive, you are the INTP. Communication is sometimes necessary to you but only when it involves something impossibly deep or complex. You talk to your friends about eastern philosophy, western religion, weird ass music like..."well, you probably haven't heard of them", etc. You are highly theoretical, dealing mostly in possibilities. Thus, you aren't highly inclined to action. Rather than flying the aeroplane, you build it and let the ISTP fly it. You read everything, because it increases your knowledge base, and therefore the number of things you can think about. You probably can't relate to "S's" very well, because talking about the "defensive lines of the PAC 10" bores the hell out of you. Where do people fit in to your understanding? You analyze them carefully, much like you would analyze a book, and then base your opinions of them on that. Perhaps you should accept people more than you analyze. your life might be easier.
Introvert: You are internally focused

iNtuitive: You are abstract

Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions

Perceiving: You use your imagination to define your ideas

I'm not sure what to say about this one . . :lol: . . . taking it again just to see . . . something about me and online tests . . . this is usually Inkling's problem . . . and old "type"
I think your half and half
I agree with the underlined parts based on the posts I read especially based on the God is a sexist, homo..... topic.
I don't really get the second bold statement

The first time I took this test I was INFP the second I was INTJ.
Hmm strange... I got:

Your result for The strangely accurate personality Test by Whalesfromheck ...

You scored 72Introversion, 40 iNtuitiveness, 50 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!
Deep down inside, every guy wants to be like you. Pretty much cool as hell, you get the hottest chicks. You probably are a guy by the way. If not, then I'd like to meet you. Han Solo, Boba Fett...if you like Star Wars. But you probably think star wars is lame because you are base jumping in the alps, or winning the pro skateboarding championship. Not really given to any communication whatsoever, you prefer to just be cool. There is no emotion there, no thoughts about people, just pure animal instinct. Thus, you don't really care if someone sees your skydiving video. Girls may not say it, but they all think that you are dangerous and sexy. You won't say anything to prove them wrong. Actually, you don't say much at all. Your room is clean and tidy, just like your mind. Its all shelved away so that you don't have to deal with it.

Introvert: You are internally focused

Sensing: You are concrete

Thinking: You use logic to make decisions

Perceiving: You primarily use your senses to interpret your senses
Krikey! I consider myself a centrist in politics... looks like I'm a centrist here too. I first tested as an INFJ on the MB test. Then a computer programming test similar to MB tested me for INTJ. I can't say this test was always that accurate. There were some questions where I was looking for the all of the above button. Definitely I'm an IN of some sort. This one tests me as:


You scored 56 Introversion, 79 iNtuitiveness, 57 Feelingnessand 38 Judgingness!
INFP's are extremely rare. The reason why it is such a rare type is that Introversion and Perceiving define an INFP but they are two forces that are at odds with each other. INFPs are careful, smooth people on the outside, but underneath their careful exterior is a complex artist. INFPs enjoy deeper emotions than most people because they simply let the emotions happen without making judgments about them. The healthiest INFP's give up on their constant search for an ideal whatever, and let themselves out of their cerebral cage. This results in great works of art, and interesting philosophical ideas. They are unusually imaginative, able to write great stories without making any grand, preachy moral statement.

Introvert: You are internally focused

iNtuitive: You are abstract

Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions

Perceiving: You use your imagination to define yourself
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INTP!! AGAIN!!! This test is broken . . . for me. ;) I don't know, but I have a sneakin' suspicion that's not a very good description of me. And not all my answers were the same, either!

I got that one, too. :O

You scored 89Introversion, 55 iNtuitiveness, 36 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!

Nerdy, secretive, you are the INTP. Communication is sometimes necessary to you but only when it involves something impossibly deep or complex. You talk to your friends about eastern philosophy, western religion, weird ass music like..."well, you probably haven't heard of them", etc. You are highly theoretical, dealing mostly in possibilities. Thus, you aren't highly inclined to action. Rather than flying the aeroplane, you build it and let the ISTP fly it. You read everything, because it increases your knowledge base, and therefore the number of things you can think about. You probably can't relate to "S's" very well, because talking about the "defensive lines of the PAC 10" bores the hell out of you. Where do people fit in to your understanding? You analyze them carefully, much like you would analyze a book, and then base your opinions of them on that. Perhaps you should accept people more than you analyze. your life might be easier.

Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions
Perceiving: You use your imagination to define your ideas
If anyone is an INTP, it's THEM. Myra LeJean seems like an INTP in love.
there's no way in hell i am an INTP...

You scored 72Introversion, 76 iNtuitiveness, 36 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!
Nerdy, secretive, you are the INTP. Communication is sometimes necessary to you but only when it involves something impossibly deep or complex. You talk to your friends about eastern philosophy, western religion, weird ass music like..."well, you probably haven't heard of them", etc. You are highly theoretical, dealing mostly in possibilities. Thus, you aren't highly inclined to action. Rather than flying the aeroplane, you build it and let the ISTP fly it. You read everything, because it increases your knowledge base, and therefore the number of things you can think about. You probably can't relate to "S's" very well, because talking about the "defensive lines of the PAC 10" bores the hell out of you. Where do people fit in to your understanding? You analyze them carefully, much like you would analyze a book, and then base your opinions of them on that. Perhaps you should accept people more than you analyze. your life might be easier. Introvert: You are internally focused :Cry:
If anyone is an INTP, it's THEM. Myra LeJean seems like an INTP in love.

Aww true... LeJean and her love of chocolate, lol.

It's just... Auditors make judgments, and THEY are far more concerned with order in the physical world, and absolutely hate "messy" concepts. Arent SJ's more likely to promote being a part of the crowd instead of individuals?

It could be that an individualized Auditor becomes an INTP, but while THEY remain a pack, they are a bunch of SJ's trying to do what SJ's are apt to do, except instead of ignoring what THEY don't understand, the Auditors obliterate it.
Four INFJ's got typed as IxTP's!

This test is broken. know how I know, huh? Cuz I took the facebook one 6 times before I realized "the sage" was INFJ and I was just confusing the graphic dealy instead of the bold letters at the top (I thought it said I was INFP and I got depressed)!!

6 times, at six different times, INFJ. Facebook wins. Accurate test proves . . . that it is in serious self-denial-or excessively cocky
test says I am an INTP. I dont buy that. All the other tests I have taken I always was an INFP. :P
hmm 1st time i've ever done one of these tests but what the hay


You scored 39Introversion, 64 iNtuitiveness, 43 Feelingnessand 38 Judgingness!
ENTP's are more Externally focused than any other intuitive thinking type. While they readily understand the underlying meaning behind events in their world, they are not as prone to changing their mind as other NT's, because to them, the proof is in the observation. They are far more practical than an ENTJ because rather than trying to discover the value of their thoughts, observations, or theories, they simply have them. They readily see the reasons behind specific events, and this leads them to create great things. Sometimes, ENTP's can be difficult to be around because they are usually right, but that is also their greatest strength. They are usually right.
Extrovert: You are externally focused

Intuitive: You are Abstract

Thinking: You use logic to make decisions

Perceiving: You primarily use your Abstract logic to observe the world
actually it's not, you did it back in 2004 when I pestered you about it. You got ENTP then as well.

You scored 72Introversion, 83 iNtuitiveness, 14 Feelingnessand 88 Judgingness!
The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions Judging: You use your thinking to define your imagination

My N and J came out a bit too high, but...very impressive. The writer knows MBTI.
Have done lots of Myers Briggs tests now. At first I always came out INFJ, now I always come out INFP! The first test I did said I should choose which of these two (I was like both of them) sounded most like me. I decided I was INFJ from the descriptions. But now I'm starting to doubt myself!
Came out as INFP on this one.
i got infj, lol.

justeccentricnotinsane, (is there a shorter version? xD) i originally thought i was infp, then finally admitted to myself that i was far too bossy and direct, haha. the first test i ever took gave me infp so i went along with it, until i looked further into this whole thing. a good (albeit lengthy) way to find out is to order all the functions in preference.
You scored 61Introversion, 64 iNtuitiveness, 79 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.

Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself

Hmmm, fairly accurate, but my overall results are "lower" than they were in most other tests. Interesting questions though lol.