The strangely accurate personality Test


You scored 50Introversion, 62 iNtuitiveness, 43 Feelingnessand 88 Judgingness!

The interesting thing is that most people describe the ENTJ as being a strong leader. Maybe...You are more likely an extremely creative thinker. Because you use your thinking capacity primarily to understand the external world, you devise wild and far flung theories. You are not content to simply hear a strange idea however. You must understand that idea fully, and make absolutely sure that it makes sense to you. Ideas make sense if you can process them. You have no difficulty with abstractions, and because you use your thinking (and therefore moral) capacity the most, you make excellent intuitive sense of complex thoughts. Convincing arguments can sway more easily than your ENTP counterpart, because logic has more value to you than observation. Therefore, you are extremely theoretical and your mind can flow in anyway that it wants. Truth to you is in how you see it.
Extrovert: You are externally focused
Intuitive: You are Abstract
Thinking: You use logic to make decisions Judging: You primarily use your abstract logic to interpret the world
Gah, just when I decided to be infp.


You scored 61Introversion, 83 iNtuitiveness, 57 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness!

You scored 86Introversion, 62 iNtuitiveness, 71 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!

INFP's are extremely rare. The reason why it is such a rare type is that Introversion and Perceiving define an INFP but they are two forces that are at odds with each other. INFPs are careful, smooth people on the outside, but underneath their careful exterior is a complex artist. INFPs enjoy deeper emotions than most people because they simply let the emotions happen without making judgments about them. The healthiest INFP's give up on their constant search for an ideal whatever, and let themselves out of their cerebral cage. This results in great works of art, and interesting philosophical ideas. They are unusually imaginative, able to write great stories without making any grand, preachy moral statement. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Perceiving: You use your imagination to define yourself
Your result for The strangely accurate personality Test ...

You scored 78Introversion, 52 iNtuitiveness, 64 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself.
Did you take the test? I won't believe you 'till I see your results so :P

I always get INTJ on all tests that I take and besides, if I put it up you're NT logic mind will try to convince me of why I'm not I'm not an NT, so no, I don't want to fight with you.
"Your result for The strangely accurate personality Test ...

You scored 78Introversion, 83 iNtuitiveness, 79 Feelingnessand 88 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.

Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself"
Your result for The strangely accurate personality Test ...

You scored 72Introversion, 74 iNtuitiveness, 79 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.

Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself

so i'm not enfj and not infp, aha!! i always knew i was infj deep down. :D
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It scored me as an INFP. Not surprising as most tests have said I have a weak "J" function. What was surprising is how strong this said my "P" function was. I'm a super introvert too apparently!
I got INTP too... but I like this description better. The Architect

Architects need not be thought of as only interested in drawing blueprints for buildings or roads or bridges. They are the master designers of all kinds of theoretical systems, including school curricula, corporate strategies, and new technologies. For Architects, the world exists primarily to be analyzed, understood, explained - and re-designed. External reality in itself is unimportant, little more than raw material to be organized into structural models. What is important for Architects is that they grasp fundamental principles and natural laws, and that their designs are elegant, that is, efficient and coherent.
Architects are rare - maybe one percent of the population - and show the greatest precision in thought and speech of all the types. They tend to see distinctions and inconsistencies instantaneously, and can detect contradictions no matter when or where they were made. It is difficult for an Architect to listen to nonsense, even in a casual conversation, without pointing out the speaker's error. And in any serious discussion or debate Architects are devastating, their skill in framing arguments giving them an enormous advantage. Architects regard all discussions as a search for understanding, and believe their function is to eliminate inconsistencies, which can make communication with them an uncomfortable experience for many.
Ruthless pragmatists about ideas, and insatiably curious, Architects are driven to find the most efficient means to their ends, and they will learn in any manner and degree they can. They will listen to amateurs if their ideas are useful, and will ignore the experts if theirs are not. Authority derived from office, credential, or celebrity does not impress them. Architects are interested only in what make sense, and thus only statements that are consistent and coherent carry any weight with them.
Architects often seem difficult to know. They are inclined to be shy except with close friends, and their reserve is difficult to penetrate. Able to concentrate better than any other type, they prefer to work quietly at their computers or drafting tables, and often alone. Architects also become obsessed with analysis, and this can seem to shut others out. Once caught up in a thought process, Architects close off and persevere until they comprehend the issue in all its complexity. Architects prize intelligence, and with their grand desire to grasp the structure of the universe, they can seem arrogant and may show impatience with others who have less ability, or who are less driven.

You scored 50-Introversion 81 iNtuitiveness 29 Feelingness 63 Judgingness!

The interesting thing is that most people describe the ENTJ as being a strong leader. Maybe...You are more likely an extremely creative thinker. Because you use your thinking capacity primarily to understand the external world, you devise wild and far flung theories. You are not content to simply hear a strange idea however. You must understand that idea fully, and make absolutely sure that it makes sense to you. Ideas make sense if you can process them. You have no difficulty with abstractions, and because you use your thinking (and therefore moral) capacity the most, you make excellent intuitive sense of complex thoughts. Convincing arguments can sway more easily than your ENTP counterpart, because logic has more value to you than observation. Therefore, you are extremely theoretical and your mind can flow in anyway that it wants. Truth to you is in how you see it.

Extrovert: You are externally focused

Intuitive: You are Abstract

Thinking: You use logic to make decisions

Judging: You primarily use your abstract logic to interpret the world
our result for The strangely accurate personality Test ...

You scored
72 Introversion
64 iNtuitiveness
50 Feelingness
75 Judgingness

The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned.

Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions Judging: You use your thinking to define your imagination

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 72% on Introversion, higher than 72% of your peers.

  • You scored 64% on iNtuitiveness, higher than 45% of your peers.

  • You scored 50% on Feelingness, higher than 43% of your peers.

  • You scored 75% on Judgingness, higher than 85% of your peers.
LOL, I seem to get something different on every test. although my feeling/thinking are tied on this one. INFP on a different one.

Completely INFJ on another one.
You scored 89 Introversion, 74 iNtuitiveness, 64 Feelingness and 75 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 89% on Introversion, higher than 97% of your peers.

  • You scored 74% on iNtuitiveness, higher than 72% of your peers.

  • You scored 64% on Feelingness, higher than 80% of your peers.

  • You scored 75% on Judgingness, higher than 85% of your peers.
I guess I'm reeeally INFJ!

You scored 78Introversion, 55 iNtuitiveness, 64 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!

INFP's are extremely rare. The reason why it is such a rare type is that Introversion and Perceiving define an INFP but they are two forces that are at odds with each other. INFPs are careful, smooth people on the outside, but underneath their careful exterior is a complex artist. INFPs enjoy deeper emotions than most people because they simply let the emotions happen without making judgments about them. The healthiest INFP's give up on their constant search for an ideal whatever, and let themselves out of their cerebral cage. This results in great works of art, and interesting philosophical ideas. They are unusually imaginative, able to write great stories without making any grand, preachy moral statement.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions Perceiving: You use your imagination to define yourself

You scored 78% on Introversion, higher than 84% of your peers.

You scored 55% on iNtuitiveness, higher than 21% of your peers.

You scored 64% on Feelingness, higher than 80% of your peers.

You scored 50% on Judgingness, higher than 31% of your peers.

Im not surprised with this result because I've tested as an INFP before, in fact that is what I got when I did the official Myer-Briggs type assessment, but I found that I related far more with the J's than the P's.
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