The strangely accurate personality Test

You scored 78Introversion, 74 iNtuitiveness, 43 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!

Hmmm... My feelingness is up a lot since last year. I'm inclined to say that my 50 Judgingness makes me a J, not a P. While I do think that I use Ne+Ti, I'm pretty certain that I'm Fi over Fe. (Which points to INTJ).
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I don't think it is all that accurate. There is no way I'm a judger instead of a perciever.

OkCupid's "Strangely accurate" personality test said:

You scored 83Introversion, 93 iNtuitiveness, 36 Feelingnessand 88 Judgingness!
The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned.

Introvert: You are internally focused

iNtuitive: You are abstract

Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions

Judging: You use your thinking to define your imagination
Your result for The strangely accurate personality Test ...
You scored 75Introversion, 79 iNtuitiveness, 36 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness!
The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned.
Introvert: You are internally focused

iNtuitive: You are abstract

Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions

Judging: You use your thinking to define your imagination

hmmm yet again

You scored 94Introversion, 86 iNtuitiveness, 71 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.

Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself

accurate, the test is strangely accurate...
Your result for The strangely accurate personality Test ...

You scored 89Introversion, 71 iNtuitiveness, 50 Feelingnessand 63 Judgingness!

The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions
Judging: You use your thinking to define your imagination

You scored

78 Introversion
71 iNtuitiveness
50 Feelingness
75 Judgingness!

The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned.

You scored

78 Introversion
71 iNtuitiveness
50 Feelingness
75 Judgingness!

The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned.

We scored the exact same score in 2 of the

You scored 72Introversion, 71 iNtuitiveness, 71 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.
You scored 83Introversion, 69 iNtuitiveness, 50 Feelingnessand 63 Judgingness!
The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions
Judging: You use your thinking to define your imagination

aha! same result again. but 50% means i could be an INFJ or an INXJ. just speculating.

You scored 67Introversion, 86 iNtuitiveness, 43 Feelingness and 63 Judgingness

The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions
Judging: You use your thinking to define your imagination

You scored 67Introversion, 71 iNtuitiveness, 79 Feelingnessand 88 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself

what a surprise.
You scored 56Introversion, 69 iNtuitiveness, 64 Feelingnessand 88 Judgingness!
INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself

Wow I didn't expect it

You scored 72Introversion, 76 iNtuitiveness, 57 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness

ookkaay..I'm still as inconsistent as ever.
You scored 86Introversion, 69 iNtuitiveness, 39 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!

i hate this test :m131:

You scored 78Introversion, 64 iNtuitiveness, 46 Feelingnessand 88 Judgingness!


You scored 56Introversion, 55 iNtuitiveness, 71 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!

INFP's are extremely rare. The reason why it is such a rare type is that Introversion and Perceiving define an INFP but they are two forces that are at odds with each other. INFPs are careful, smooth people on the outside, but underneath their careful exterior is a complex artist. INFPs enjoy deeper emotions than most people because they simply let the emotions happen without making judgments about them. The healthiest INFP's give up on their constant search for an ideal whatever, and let themselves out of their cerebral cage. This results in great works of art, and interesting philosophical ideas. They are unusually imaginative, able to write great stories without making any grand, preachy moral statement. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Perceiving: You use your imagination to define yourself

HMMMmmm I didn't think I was this personality type but then again i'm a very complicated person so I guess maybe this fits...This makes me kind of think about this website that does pesonality tests for recruiting. It's called Central Test and I had to take one of their tests for a job interview.... It said something very similar to what this test said.
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Surprise surprise


You scored 78Introversion, 60 iNtuitiveness, 57 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!

INFP's are extremely rare. The reason why it is such a rare type is that Introversion and Perceiving define an INFP but they are two forces that are at odds with each other. INFPs are careful, smooth people on the outside, but underneath their careful exterior is a complex artist. INFPs enjoy deeper emotions than most people because they simply let the emotions happen without making judgments about them. The healthiest INFP's give up on their constant search for an ideal whatever, and let themselves out of their cerebral cage. This results in great works of art, and interesting philosophical ideas. They are unusually imaginative, able to write great stories without making any grand, preachy moral statement.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions Perceiving: You use your imagination to define yourself