The strangely accurate personality Test


You scored 78Introversion, 76 iNtuitiveness, 64 Feelingnessand 63 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself

Haven't changed yet.

You scored 78Introversion, 60 iNtuitiveness, 50 Feelingnessand 38 Judgingness!

Nerdy, secretive, you are the INTP. Communication is sometimes necessary to you but only when it involves something impossibly deep or complex. You talk to your friends about eastern philosophy, western religion, weird ass music like..."well, you probably haven't heard of them", etc. You are highly theoretical, dealing mostly in possibilities. Thus, you aren't highly inclined to action. Rather than flying the aeroplane, you build it and let the ISTP fly it. You read everything, because it increases your knowledge base, and therefore the number of things you can think about. You probably can't relate to "S's" very well, because talking about the "defensive lines of the PAC 10" bores the hell out of you. Where do people fit in to your understanding? You analyze them carefully, much like you would analyze a book, and then base your opinions of them on that. Perhaps you should accept people more than you analyze. your life might be easier. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions
Perceiving: You use your imagination to define your ideas


Close, but no.

You scored 78Introversion, 60 iNtuitiveness, 50 Feelingnessand 38 Judgingness!

Nerdy, secretive, you are the INTP. Communication is sometimes necessary to you but only when it involves something impossibly deep or complex. You talk to your friends about eastern philosophy, western religion, weird ass music like..."well, you probably haven't heard of them", etc. You are highly theoretical, dealing mostly in possibilities. Thus, you aren't highly inclined to action. Rather than flying the aeroplane, you build it and let the ISTP fly it. You read everything, because it increases your knowledge base, and therefore the number of things you can think about. You probably can't relate to "S's" very well, because talking about the "defensive lines of the PAC 10" bores the hell out of you. Where do people fit in to your understanding? You analyze them carefully, much like you would analyze a book, and then base your opinions of them on that. Perhaps you should accept people more than you analyze. your life might be easier. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions
Perceiving: You use your imagination to define your ideas

This description fits me


You scored 56Introversion, 64 iNtuitiveness, 46 Feelingness and 50 Judgingness!

Nerdy, secretive, you are the INTP. Communication is sometimes necessary to you but only when it involves something impossibly deep or complex. You talk to your friends about eastern philosophy, western religion, weird ass music like..."well, you probably haven't heard of them", etc. You are highly theoretical, dealing mostly in possibilities. Thus, you aren't highly inclined to action. Rather than flying the aeroplane, you build it and let the ISTP fly it. You read everything, because it increases your knowledge base, and therefore the number of things you can think about. You probably can't relate to "S's" very well, because talking about the "defensive lines of the PAC 10" bores the hell out of you. Where do people fit in to your understanding? You analyze them carefully, much like you would analyze a book, and then base your opinions of them on that. Perhaps you should accept people more than you analyze. your life might be easier.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions
Perceiving: You use your imagination to define your ideas


LOL!! oright, so apparently everybody's an INTP today.
I thought we relate rather well actually.

I think it'' more the ES's that I don't get along with. In fact it's not that I don't get on with them it's that they bore me and I bore them.

Since reading about your type I realised I know a few and get on with them just fine.

Also ISFJ's are one of my favourite types which is strange seeing as I hate social norms and tradition. I've never met one I didn't hit it off with

I think that possibly MBTI applies to me less than most as my functions are well developed. Too many descriptions fit me perfectly. This one is a surprise though

Of all the people on this forum I relate the most to/am most similar to you and one of the INTP's

Would that be the case if I really was an INFP or INFJ?
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You scored 78Introversion, 79 iNtuitiveness, 29 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!

My J is dead middle, that's usually how I test. I thought I might score INFJ just because that's how I now perceive myself, well I guess not! I guess this means I can still hang on the INTP forum and not feel like I'm out of place.

You scored 83Introversion, 74 iNtuitiveness, 57 Feelingnessand 63 Judgingness!

Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself

Some of those questions were rather odd, but nevertheless, the results were accurate :)
INFJ You scored 56Introversion, 69 iNtuitiveness, 57 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness!

INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself

:m190: Um... interesting...
I think this is my 2nd time taking this test:

Still an INFJ.

You scored 72Introversion, 60 iNtuitiveness, 64 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness

67% I
67% N
36% F
88% J

I am a 1w2
SP dominant with so and sx tied.

This is wacko. I am about as F as you can get, though I was much more T when I was younger. Maybe I went back in time to take this test. The last 4 personality tests I took all said INFJ.

INFJ: You scored 61 introversion, 62 iNtuitiveness, 57 Feelingness and 69 Judgingness!


You scored

72 Introversion
79 iNtuitiveness
36 Feelingness
88 Judgingness

The INTJ is a highly creative individual, INTJs are very internally focused, but unlike their INFJ counterpart, they are less focused on their feelings and more focused on their ideas. INTJ's are highly rational beings, with complex thought patterns and immense creative abilities. INTJ's make great writers, artists, poets and songwriters, because they are able to clearly and rationally express their inner self. They are prone to making great scientific findings because they use their logical senses so well. However, the INTJ is less focused on their thoughts themselves, as they are the value of the thoughts. Thus INTJ's tend to be less swayed by persuasive arguing, having carefully made sure that their thoughts were well reasoned. Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Thinking: You use your thinking to make decisions
Judging: You use your thinking to define your imagination
You scored 89Introversion, 81 iNtuitiveness, 71 Feelingnessand 63 Judgingness!
INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself
You know, I'm kinda tired of being an INFJ. Would anyone mind if I just changed my personality type? Maybe I could be an ENTJ for awhile.

I would definitely consider myself an ENTP by nature, but this test just gave me ENTJ! I spent a significant portion of my life "being" an INTP because I was depressed, and then as an ENFJ because I was trying to be a perfect person. I've suspected I may have developed a partial ability to impersonate an ENFP, INTP, ENFJ, and ENTJ as a result. I think I might be able to embody certain characteristics of the INFP, INTJ, and INFJ when the situation calls for it, but I'm not sure.

EDIT: I just took it again and got ENTP. But interestingly, I got exactly 50% on introversion, feeling, and judging. So that supports my theory that I can impersonate other N types to a certain extent.
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You scored 83Introversion, 79 iNtuitiveness, 50 Feelingness and 63 Judgingness

Interesting. T/F is split down the middle given that my Fe is very heavily regulated by Ti. Outwardly I rarely show emotions unless I feel passionate about something or if I'm under large amounts of stress, but of course on the inside I'm just about always very emotional.
You scored 61Introversion, 67 iNtuitiveness, 36 Feelingnessand 63 Judgingness!

This test is just confusing.
You scored 67Introversion, 55 iNtuitiveness, 57 Feelingnessand 63 Judgingness!
INFJs are great counselors, artists, and motivators. Unlike their ENFJ cousins, they are very interested in self discovery. Unlike the INFP, the INFJ is more prone to judging the self in terms of morality. INFJs love to put the inside on the outside, so they might wear strange clothes, say awkward random things, or do random stuff that seems to well up from the id. On the other hand, INFJs are very cautious about revealing their true selves. This might make them seem very aloof. Like the INFP, INFJs are different and they want to make sure that people know it. It is hard for an INFJ to blend in, and this can make them seem like extroverts, but in reality, it is just an extension of an internal difference that INFJs feel. Like all NFs, INFJ's intuitively understand people on an almost psychic level.
Introvert: You are internally focused
iNtuitive: You are abstract
Feeling: You use feelings to make decisions
Judging: You primarily use your internal imagination to create yourself
Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

You scored 67% on Introversion, higher than 62% of your peers.

You scored 55% on iNtuitiveness, higher than 20% of your peers.

You scored 57% on Feelingness, higher than 65% of your peers.

You scored 63% on Judgingness, higher than 58% of your peers.
Woah :o


You scored 47Introversion, 64 iNtuitiveness, 79 Feelingnessand 50 Judgingness!

Congratulations ENFP, you have succeeded in being the most obnoxiously freindly person in the WORLD!!! At the same time, you assume that everyone is rejecting you. Its very strange. Your intuitive feelings pick up on the fact that maybe people are a little bit put off by your historionics. Thus, you tend to extrovert your insecurities. An artist, a philanthropist, a rock star, anything that allows you to be your bombastic self in front of everyone. If you are a boy, you really like to hang out with a bunch of girls. Not to be a stud, but to have your emotional needs met and because you like the attention. If you are a girl, you probably like to hang out with boys because you like the attention. ENFPs put on a show for the world, but really inside, they are insecure about this show. I would say that You might as well give it up. Sometimes, you let people step on you because you don't think about the moral consequences. You need to start being more assertive and less of a showboat methinks. Extrovert: You are externally focused
Intuitive: You are Abstract
Feeling: You use feeling to make decisions
Perceiving: You primarily use your social imagination to interpret the world

LOL at the ENFP description.
What's funny is that it's true xD