Things are getting serious in Syria

Until the takeover of the US embassy in Iran, which heralded the advent of a less secular, more fundamental Islamic Iran, the US supplied Iran with a significant amount of weapons and supposidly helped train the Iran Secret Police. The fact is that some of the arms used in the recent conflicts by Iran could of been purchased from the US--meaning US soliders were facing weapons in Iranian hands that had been sold to them by the US. Popular theory does not account for the hatred toward the US which can probably be traced back to the last Shah, who bankrupted his country and caused enormous inflation in the Iranian economy while pandering to the US and buying US weapons.
From my own research I've managed to find out that 9/11 was not in fact done by "al-Qaeda" but was a black operation primarily carried out by Israel.

Ya, Is that pronouned EEE zan or Eye zan?nixon_conspiracy_theory_meme.webp
Until the takeover of the US embassy in Iran, which heralded the advent of a less secular, more fundamental Islamic Iran, the US supplied Iran with a significant amount of weapons and supposidly helped train the Iran Secret Police. The fact is that some of the arms used in the recent conflicts by Iran could of been purchased from the US--meaning US soliders were facing weapons in Iranian hands that had been sold to them by the US. Popular theory does not account for the hatred toward the US which can probably be traced back to the last Shah, who bankrupted his country and caused enormous inflation in the Iranian economy while pandering to the US and buying US weapons.

That would be the fifth thumbs done from you in the last few days lol

The US overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran in 1953. they instead put a puppet monarch, the shah, on the thrown. He was in turn overthrown in an islamic revolution which was an angry backlash against the shah and US interference

The US then fed information to the islamic revolution secret police about the names of the left wing members of groups that had stood up for the workers rights when the shah was in power

The islamic revolution secret polie then rounded up and executed these left wing people

Here is a clip of the US backed shah speaking about the jewish lobby. he went off script here and soon after became ill. he flew to the US for medical treatment where he died:

do you have any legitimate sources for this narrative or is it all supposition?

Good question. 9/11's such a big subject it's hard to write about.

Basically what you have to understand is that over 1500 structural engineers, architects, physicists, and demolitions experts have come forth and provided hard, indisputable data that PROVES, not merely suggests, but PROVES that the only way the Twin Towers (and Building 7, a third building that fell) is by controlled demolition. You can go to if you want to look at the hard data.

Once you understand that it is simply a FACT that the government was complicit in 9/11, the next question is, who did it? A bunch of people in the Bush Administration (most of them dual US-Israeli citizens) were part of a think tank called The Project for the New American Century that published articles about invading Iraq and Afghanistan back in the 90's.


That's the flight path for the two planes that hit the Twin Towers. You see the point where they crossed paths? Where they crossed paths just happened to be right over an Air Force Base with a long history of cocaine smuggling. The original flights were landed, and switched out with drones. There were no "terrorists" that flew the planes into the tower, they were drones flown by remote control.
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The specific term antisemitic (without a hyphen) is used when referring to bias directed toward the Jewish people or Isreal in general. I actually looked it up in wikipedia before I used it.

I have already told you the BIG OL FLAG OF HATRED IN THE SHIT YOU POST IS THE WORD "ZIONIST". Since you just tend to post crap you find on the internet, I would guess that while YOU may not see the word "Zionist" to mean Jewish people/Isreal, the places you pull all this crap from probably don't make that distinction.

While I'm sure it makes you feel special ...I got no issues with you as a person. I rarely develop emotions toward people who are relatively insignificant in my life. I got issues with the garbage you post.
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Ya, Is that pronouned EEE zan or Eye zan?

Heh, it's eyezan.

The overwhelming majority of "conspiracy theories" are complete bunk. There are a handful though, that are almost impossible to believe (like 9/11) but are in fact true. These kinds of conspiracies do exist but they are VERY, VERY RARE. They happen from time to time when people in various places all have the same purpose and coordinate with each other.
1500 structural engineers, architects, physicists, and demolitions experts have come forth and provided hard, indisputable data that PROVES.

would you mind posting the names of these folks?
The specific term antisemitic is used when referring to bias directed toward the Jewish people or Isreal in general. I actually looked it up in wikipedia before I used it.

Yes but who do you think made the word 'anti-semitic' apply to that?

Look a few posts back and you will see a caption that [MENTION=1939]Stu[/MENTION] posted

It mentions how the US elite created the term 'conspiracy theorist' to smear anyone who questions the government.

The version i had heard was that they did this to smear people who questioned the warren commissions findings on the assassination of president know the whole 'magic bullet' theory where a single bullet would have needed to have done all these incredible manouvres in mid air, changing direction again and again to have done all the damage that ballistics found

I have already told you the BIG OL FLAG OF HATRED IN THE SHIT YOU POST IS THE WORD "ZIONIST". Since you just tend to post crap you find on the internet, I would guess that while YOU may not see the word "Zionist" to mean Jewish people/Isreal, the places you pull all this crap from probably don't make that distinction.

Many of them do in fact. If you listen to david ike for example he calls it 'rothschild zionism' to make a clear distinction

I got no issues with you as a person, I rarely do. I got issues with the garbage you post.

Ok all i ask is that you give it a fair hearing

I'll try and find something credible to support this political missuse of the word 'zionism'

I would happily go into what i think it is all really about but whenever i go into the occult territory some posters start freaking out and saying im this and im that and just generally shouting me down

I have some insight into the occult world and the guys at the top of this thing who are pulling the strings....they don't give a damn about the jewish faith
Well, so much for talking about Syria.

Here comes another jewish banker cabal debate!
Here's a thought for those that are getting annoyed at what i'm saying just to clear something up. My view on israel is that i am not against its existence. If you take the definition of zionism to be purely a belief in the right for israel to exist that would make ME a zionist. I would however as i've tried to make clear wish to see the palestineans treated on an equal footing

I am talking about something a little more subtle though. i don't think the cabal at the top of zionism actually care about average jews....there is more going on here than just the creation of the state of israel....but i would hope that an objective israeli reading my posts can see all this
It mentions how the US elite created the term 'conspiracy theorist' to smear anyone who questions the government
just because I found a picture of nixon claiming he said in no way proves he did.

except if you are performing truther "research"
Quick four minute video by the AE911Truth group. Worth watching.


so I will take that as a "no"
Here is a clip from the documentary 'peace, propaganda and the promised land' which is well worth a watch in its entirety

This clip deals with the term 'anti-semite':

just because I found a picture of nixon claiming he said in no way proves he did.

except if you are performing truther "research"

If you read the post i made to nixie you will see that i disagree with your caption. What i heard was that the term 'conspiracy theorist' was actually created by the intelligence agencies as a way to smear people questioning the warren commissions findings on the asassination of president kennedy
Well, so much for talking about Syria.

Here comes another jewish banker cabal debate!

If you read the thread you will see how oil, banking and syria are all tied up together in one giant cluster fuck
so I will take that as a "no"

These guys seem to have created a petition which many engineers and architects and people of other proffessions have signed. Perhaps you could get more info from them about the technical details of how those three buildings went down in new york when only two planes hit them?
If you in your mind imagine everyone else to be as bloodthirsty as you then of course you will always react violently...perhaps thats the problem....perhaps you are caught in a negative feedback loop of paranoia. You have spoken about shooting people and gassing people on this forum...thats pretty messed up stuff man

I wouldn't murder anyone. What i would like to see is the workers assert themselves and to take control of society....including the israeli workers taking control of their country and recognising their shared humanity with the rest of the worlds workers

Emotions aside I also have missgivings on an intellectual level about violence as a means for revolution because i think it degrades not only the victim but also the perpetrator. The people would become the monster they are trying to fight

I do believe in self defence though

I'm one of the most peace promoting people you will ever meet.
I'm actually good friends with two people who've worked in the CIA/have done intelligence work for the Marine Corps that've confirmed this for me. One of them actually knew about 9/11 months before it happened, he was told by his government contacts that "the Israelis and Saudis were up to something big."

I just got off the phone with President Obama and he told me, in strict confidence, that muir eats boogers and that you are a dummy-head.

with an UNBELIEVABLE amount of power and influence.

It certainly is unbelieveable.

in a negative feedback loop of paranoia.

Now we've got the pot calling the kettle black.
I'm one of the most peace promoting people you will ever meet.

Good man, we should be working together

Can i ask a person living in Israel do you feel safe with all this war going on?