Was the idea of us working together too boring? Is it more fun to argue? Ok
It was actually the British that invented concentration camps! Thats right, they put the wives and children of boer farmers in concentration camps to try and tame the boers in the boer war in south africa
However if you dig deeper you will find out some interesting stuff about the boer war....for example you will find out that there was a lot of gold and diamonds being mined there.
One of the major players in all this was Cecil Rhodes who set up the De Beers diamond company. You'll never guess who funded him......did you guess? Yes you got it....it was the Rothschilds!
There is a very interesting story i heard about hitler....now this one i'm not sure about so i want to be clear this is pure speculation but apparently Hitlers grandmother worked as a maid for the rothschilds!!
This particular rothschild loved the ladies....he was known to have many misstresses and he also slept with his staff. Nothing wrong with that....
But Hitlers grandmother got pregnant whils tworking for the rothschilds and then left their service....so the story goes
What a twist that would be!
Still we know hitler died don't we? I mean we know where the body was right? Oh wait they never got the body did they cos it was burned outside the bunker.....hmm...well at least we got to see the body of osama bin ladin right? Oh no wait..that one was dumped in the sea with no photos taken of it....hmmm...thats odd...
Well this is where i'm with the cabal lol. In fact i have a number of aims i alignment with them...in fact i'm sprised you've not accused me of being deep undercover!
I would like to see all nation states dissapear just like the cabal. Where i diverge is that i don't want to see them replaced with a central dictatorial government i want to see an anarchist-communist system instead
The most important thing is, though, that all you mobs take your torches, light em up, feel rightous and go hunt the Zionists![/QUOTES]
No the most important thing is that the mob stops banking with the zionist banks that ruined the economy and withdraw support from them politically and financially
Its the zionists who are funding these guys
here is respected middle east journalist Robert fisk asking does Obama not know that in syria he is supporting al quieda?
You should check out the post i posted above where cabal insider bzrezinski admits that the global political awakening of the masses is stopping the cabal from achieving its war mongering objectives
People need to keep up the good work and keep spreading the info around the web...its working