[INFJ] This will make you rage

Point being, this was all orchestrated/instigated by the government/local authorities anyway.
Hopefully a sufficient enough platform is built from all of this, but I highly doubt it.
It's always the same shit over and over. This is just part of a well orchestrated overall agenda.
It's good to see things moving in a productive direction today, at least.
Running around and just doing mob shit isn't the right way to cause real change (according to me) but sometimes it's the only way.
Mob mentality is super dangerous because it creates a vacuum devoid of logical thought processes.
This is happening just as much, if not more, within the police force. And that is what we need to label and call attention to overall.
We don't have a sufficient word for it yet, like for example an "amber alert." Everyone knows what that is and what it's about.
When people start falling in line blindly, we don't have an effective word for that. If we did, and we used it right, then mob mentality wouldn't happen as much.
That's a good idea, but, how do we convince the mob we need the word?
That's a good idea, but, how do we convince the mob we need the word?

It's just something we could try to implement within society.
I'm not saying it's an ultimate solution, I just think it'd be helpful.
Often times mobs form during critical mass points, and there's not much that can be done in that moment.
But my idea is something that would just potentially improve how humans conduct themselves on the whole.
It would potentially prevent mobs from gaining strength/momentum.
It's just something we could try to implement within society.
I'm not saying it's an ultimate solution, I just think it'd be helpful.
Often times mobs form during critical mass points, and there's not much that can be done in that moment.
But my idea is something that would just potentially improve how humans conduct themselves on the whole.
It would potentially prevent mobs from gaining strength/momentum.
I heartily agree with your idea. Anything that improves the human condition is a good idea. We're still going to have people followers regardless.
I'm a believer :D
1. It's interesting to see the racial unconscious get suppressed even in a thread like this.

The looting makes black people look like animals.

This is bad, and I don't think anyone ought to 'understand it' or 'excuse it', because this simply causes even more division and the emergence of populists who are able to feed upon a grassroots of inexpressible underground opinion.

2. @slant The sharing of opinions means something in a functional democracy, and isn't futile at all.
Weird claim. I don't see suppression of anything here. It's free real estate.
It's not a 'weird claim' at all. It hasn't been mentioned (and by definition you wouldn't see any 'suppression' anyway), and yet there's a lot of apologetics for the looting, despite what the actual community leaders on the ground are saying.

Conflating the minority of looters with the majority of peaceful protesters and 'understanding' their actions plays right into the hands of those who wish to see 'the black community' depicted in a certain light.

It doesn't help in the slightest, even if the intentions might be good.
Conflating the minority of looters with the majority of peaceful protesters and 'understanding' their actions plays right into the hands of those who wish to see 'the black community' depicted in a certain light

Hmm I really don't think you have a good understanding of what's going on.
I don't have the energy to debate on this though. It was just weird for you to claim there was suppression when it's just people giving random opinions on a forum.
Hmm I really don't think you have a good understanding of what's going on.
In what sense?

I don't have the energy to debate on this though. It was just weird for you to claim there was suppression when it's just people giving random opinions on a forum.
It's not weird, it's an opinion. The issue hasn't been mentioned, and I wondered why that was.
Hmm I really don't think you have a good understanding of what's going on.
In what sense?

So because it hasn't been mentioned, it's suppression?
It's very difficult to find 'evidence of absense', but it was my opinion that people are avoiding expressing certain things like 'this makes black people look bad' either consciously or unconsciously in the same way that 'systemic racism' is purported to work. In other words, you're asking me to prove a claim that is essentially unfalsifiable, but which nonetheless may or may not be true.

It's an opinion, Wyote, and I'm not subject to any more stringent standards in this informal discussion than anyone else here.

It's an almost inexpressible sentiment in the current cultural climate, and so it's avoided, and yet we continually reap its effects in the form of right-wing populism and coded language.

Personally, I think defending the looting is counter-productive and makes 'the black community' look bad, since it forges a link between criminality like this and justified, peaceful protest.
when it's made a "racial thing" it overcomplicates the issue

...233 African-Americans shot and killed by police in 2016, a startling number when demographics are considered. African-Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population but account for 24 percent of people fatally shot by police. According to the Washington Post, blacks are "2.5 times as likely as white Americans to be shot and killed by police officers."
The shot has been heard around the world. The sad thing in all of this is people think they want this. What they haven't learned yet is they really shouldn't have. This isn't a left or right issue, this is human issue. I wish people understood the common enemy. The world has always been a really sad place but of course it's always a little darker when it's this close to home. To the innocent in the thick of it my heart goes out to you. We're in a time where lunatics think they ought rule. I encourage the people to put down their politics and stop driving wedges between ourselves, we're not so different. -- The age of hysteria
1. A white person smashed the Auto Zone window, sparking an escalation in the protests.

2. The protestors have nothing to lose. No other form of protest or reason worked. Perhaps people outside the US don't see how often innocent black people are killed by police, or killed by other citizens who don't serve time. (For example: Zimmerman, who killed high school student Trayvon Martin, was acquitted. Ahmaud Arbery was murdered months before the crime gained national attention and law enforcement considered charging the murderers.) When slavery ended the prison system was set up to become the new slavery system and system of racial control, via the wording in the 13th amendment.

The real problems here:
Police are corrupt.
Government is corrupt.
The system was build to benefit white people. White people refuse to take responsibility for each other and our system and actively work to change it, mostly due to denial and complacency. That doesn't make white people bad, so don't think I'm accusing anyone of anything. I'm not saying anyone here is a bad person. We're just lazy or in denial about the work we need to do. The violent resistance is on our shoulders. We're in this together. We need to work on this.

You want a better world, a peaceful world? Take responsibility.

Few people actively want violence and riots. Many people want change.