[INFJ] This will make you rage

The problem is people get caught up in argument within narrative they adopt.

The real problem:
  1. Mass resentment
  2. lack of education
  3. Police and State brutality (suppressed by tyranny) Why? Lack of education.
  4. Passivity and complacency -- Most sane people just want to be left alone until they wake up and realize we have nothing left to lose
  5. Opportunists who will use all of these points to gain power and control.
  6. Brother vs Brother
  7. Those who have drove the wedge and divided the people take control.
  8. We then wonder how we got there
All the while we feel as if our tribe will save us when both factions are being played like a fiddle.

The common enemy:
  1. Chaos -- The bigger picture not the man or woman standing next to you.
The system was build to benefit white people. White people refuse to take responsibility for each other and our system and actively work to change it, mostly due to denial and complacency. That doesn't make white people bad, so don't think I'm accusing anyone of anything. I'm not saying anyone here is a bad person. We're just lazy or in denial about the work we need to do. The violent resistance is on our shoulders. We're in this together. We need to work on this.
The real problem:
  1. Mass resentment
  2. lack of education(= #1 100%)
  3. Police and State brutality (suppressed by tyranny) Why? Lack of education.
  4. Passivity and complacency -- Most sane people just want to be left alone until they wake up and realize we have nothing left to lose
  5. Opportunists who will use all of these points to gain power and control.
  6. Brother vs Brother
  7. Those who have drove the wedge and divided the people take control.
  8. We then wonder how we got there
[btw: I'm 33 and I'm still struggling to pay for and finish college, it sucks... a lot of uneducated people in 'murica - it's the norm...]
lack of interest in education too. people are deciding by some twisted survivalist code.

Like this for example: https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/peop...spreader-after-coronavirus-australia-has-anti

You want a better world, a peaceful world? Take responsibility.

Amen. There's so much talk everywhere but nobody is willing to do the dirty work. It's frustrating. At the end of the day people choose by their own selfish values. Some are so simple minded, I just. HAH. I don't know. Humanity is really sick in the head.
1. It's interesting to see the racial unconscious get suppressed even in a thread like this.

The looting makes black people look like animals.

This is bad, and I don't think anyone ought to 'understand it' or 'excuse it', because this simply causes even more division and the emergence of populists who are able to feed upon a grassroots of inexpressible underground opinion.

2. @slant The sharing of opinions means something in a functional democracy, and isn't futile at all.
Which is why I shared my opinion that others should not share their opinions
It's not a 'weird claim' at all. It hasn't been mentioned (and by definition you wouldn't see any 'suppression' anyway), and yet there's a lot of apologetics for the looting, despite what the actual community leaders on the ground are saying.

Conflating the minority of looters with the majority of peaceful protesters and 'understanding' their actions plays right into the hands of those who wish to see 'the black community' depicted in a certain light.

It doesn't help in the slightest, even if the intentions might be good.
The minority of looters have a 67% chance of being fbi agents anyway.... Most of the time in America it's our governments covertly instigating riots to start race wars.

I think this is the basic reason why unless youre a conservative who already hates people of color you're going to overlook the riot: we have no idea of knowing if that was a genuine action or manipulation.
1. A white person smashed the Auto Zone window, sparking an escalation in the protests.

2. The protestors have nothing to lose. No other form of protest or reason worked. Perhaps people outside the US don't see how often innocent black people are killed by police, or killed by other citizens who don't serve time. (For example: Zimmerman, who killed high school student Trayvon Martin, was acquitted. Ahmaud Arbery was murdered months before the crime gained national attention and law enforcement considered charging the murderers.) When slavery ended the prison system was set up to become the new slavery system and system of racial control, via the wording in the 13th amendment.

The real problems here:
Police are corrupt.
Government is corrupt.
The system was build to benefit white people. White people refuse to take responsibility for each other and our system and actively work to change it, mostly due to denial and complacency. That doesn't make white people bad, so don't think I'm accusing anyone of anything. I'm not saying anyone here is a bad person. We're just lazy or in denial about the work we need to do. The violent resistance is on our shoulders. We're in this together. We need to work on this.

You want a better world, a peaceful world? Take responsibility.

Few people actively want violence and riots. Many people want change.
Perfectly said.
Something that makes me wonder: Probably 90% of the politicians in pretty much every city have said stuff agreeing with the citizens that something needs to be done about police brutality, and there are some things they could do that aren't hard. The latest shooting was done by an officer who had a ton of complaints against him already, for instance. Why was he still in the force? Why weren't there rules in place mandating that any officer with that many complaints get booted, possibly with a pension?

Looters are obviously bad. I sort of understand it as a tactic, but we'll see how effective it is.
1. A white person smashed the Auto Zone window, sparking an escalation in the protests.

2. The protestors have nothing to lose. No other form of protest or reason worked. Perhaps people outside the US don't see how often innocent black people are killed by police, or killed by other citizens who don't serve time. (For example: Zimmerman, who killed high school student Trayvon Martin, was acquitted. Ahmaud Arbery was murdered months before the crime gained national attention and law enforcement considered charging the murderers.) When slavery ended the prison system was set up to become the new slavery system and system of racial control, via the wording in the 13th amendment.

The real problems here:
Police are corrupt.
Government is corrupt.
The system was build to benefit white people. White people refuse to take responsibility for each other and our system and actively work to change it, mostly due to denial and complacency. That doesn't make white people bad, so don't think I'm accusing anyone of anything. I'm not saying anyone here is a bad person. We're just lazy or in denial about the work we need to do. The violent resistance is on our shoulders. We're in this together. We need to work on this.

You want a better world, a peaceful world? Take responsibility.

Few people actively want violence and riots. Many people want change.

So just blame it all on white people as that is pretty lazy and racist but such as yourself doesn't see it that why as only whites can be racist despite the obvious.
So just blame it all on white people as that is pretty lazy and racist but such as yourself doesn't see it that why as only whites can be racist despite the obvious.

Are you saying white people don't disproportionately benefit from a system white people created? Are you saying a white dude and a brown dude can walk down opposite sides of the street and both be side-eyed with equal suspicion? Are you saying white people are killed by black cops in equal numbers? Are you saying if a white dude was trying to use counterfeit money he'd get a knee to the back of the neck until he died? Are you saying a pregnant white woman will get yanked out of her car for asking why she was pulled over just like a non-white female? I don't get what you're saying.
Wonder if we could've gotten a local antifa on the looters then. :tongueout:

No but really, if this is something the protesters don't want but have to expect, I wonder if it would be a good idea for community organizers to plan for and stop looters. Seeing protesters protecting small businesses could be good press.
This is a good idea.

This happened in the 2011 English riots, where certain communities (Turkish, Pakistani, others) went out in force to protect what they could - of course it didn't just mean what they themselves owned.

I guess Roof Koreans count, too.
I was in the middle of a g20 riot and watched antifa set police vehicles on fire. Believe me most of these people are out there in solidarity FOR THE MURDER of a human being, black or white doesn't matter. Don't get caught in the narrative. Believe me they do a very good job driving a wedge. The far left and the far right are a VERY SMALL minority don't allow their propaganda make them any bigger than they need to be. They will gather the useful idiots in the masses but I'm of the opinion the majority out there are good people tired of government brutality.
This whole thing also has the possibility of being an entirely staged murder to insight chaos around the USA while they continue to destroy the nation's wealth. So yeah we live in a fucked up world.
Are you saying white people don't disproportionately benefit from a system white people created? Are you saying a white dude and a brown dude can walk down opposite sides of the street and both be side-eyed with equal suspicion? Are you saying white people are killed by black cops in equal numbers? Are you saying if a white dude was trying to use counterfeit money he'd get a knee to the back of the neck until he died? Are you saying a pregnant white woman will get yanked out of her car for asking why she was pulled over just like a non-white female? I don't get what you're saying.

People will always be people regardless of race, if you salty about demographics where one group or another is a majority for a given nation then that is your problem. Just being an NF in this shit would is horrendous enough but for the who constantly playing races and genders off against each other is toxic. I am tired of this shit and wish there was a way off this fucking rock and leave people to play out their own god damn dramas as some a tired of trying to help while others just being here.
People will always be people regardless of race, if you salty about demographics where one group or another is a majority for a given nation then that is your problem. Just being an NF in this shit would is horrendous enough but for the who constantly playing races and genders off against each other is toxic. I am tired of this shit and wish there was a way off this fucking rock and leave people to play out their own god damn dramas as some a tired of trying to help while others just being here.

Just get off the fuckin rock man. Go. Don't forget to take your consent with you...