Thoughts From A Tired Soul

Can't seem to post what I like today.

It's difficult letting go of an art project made at the request of another..."Chateaux In The Sea" thread painted quilt...I'm hoping the buyer treasures it as much as I. Seems I do my best art work when it's for someone else...
View attachment 28839
Have you ever experienced a soul call?
Have you ever sent out a soul call? If yes, what has your experience(s) been?
Did you find something positive from the soul call?

If you are unsure, or curious, here is a link to a fine definition of what a soul call is...and what to look for when answering or receiving a soul call.
It's difficult letting go of an art project made at the request of another..."Chateaux In The Sea" thread painted quilt...I'm hoping the buyer treasures it as much as I. Seems I do my best art work when it's for someone else...
View attachment 28839
WOW!!!!! That is beautiful and well-executed. Wow! Wow!
It is a sad afternoon for me. Just learned a pals 15 year old son ended his life this past weekend. The stressors of his young life too much for him to bare. ::-( it touches me deeply when I learn of a child ending themselves before their life even has a chance to flourish...David will be missed by many.
I'm really sorry too, lots of love and care for you and his family also from me. :hug:
I dreamt of the plains last night
I felt the earth beneath my hooves
I felt the dust fly into my nostrils
I ran
I ran underneath the glowing moon
Until the stars dissolved into night
Until pink streaks of dawn stretched across the sky
I ran until I wondered if I could run more
And then I ran more
I am the buffalo that thunders
I am the eagle that soars
I am the giraffe majestic against the African sky
I am the orangutan who walks the forest in wisdom
I am the peacock tireless in beauty
I am the force that embodies the best and highest that we are
I am pure and raw and unleashed
I am powerful in the power animals unleashed upon this world
~~ I am known~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~©
so sorry to hear of this sadness. my love to you and to the family. may they heal and find rest <3
Thank you <3 Everyone has been so kind.

Here, Weather permitting, we are going to have a bbq this weekend to honor David's short life. Hoping we can collect & make a donation of some sort in his name to an organization that helps teens work through their hard parts. :)
You fear.
We are all afraid.
But, you are afraid of what might or might not happen.
You are afraid of what you can not change.
You are afraid of what you won't be able to accomplish.
It is easier to hesitate.
It is easier to wait for the right moment.
It is easier to take time to think a little longer.
Meanwhile...days, weeks, months, even years pass by.
Instead, get started on your plan.
Take that first step.
Put your fears aside and get started.
Do some thing.
Do any thing.
Do it today.
Today is your most previous asset.
Today is the one thing you should fear wasting.©