Thoughts From A Tired Soul

You fear.
We are all afraid.
But, you are afraid of what might or might not happen.
You are afraid of what you can not change.
You are afraid of what you won't be able to accomplish.
It is easier to hesitate.
It is easier to wait for the right moment.
It is easier to take time to think a little longer.
Meanwhile...days, weeks, months, even years pass by.
Instead, get started on your plan.
Take that first step.
Put your fears aside and get started.
Do some thing.
Do any thing.
Do it today.
Today is your most previous asset.
Today is the one thing you should fear wasting.©

I clicked "Like" and that click in my head sounded louder than thunder
As I wander along the electric fence enclosure I refer to as My Path to I Am...I incur ideas stemming from what seems like No-Where...these ideas point to a break in the fence and pull me through the opportunity into a meadow of vegetation on which to feed The Mind. Sometimes, I leave these meadows befuddled, yet armed with new found energy, to continue in the search for plausable answers to share with the other students on their path. Often, the Remenants of past students provide more questions rather than true answers.

Indeed there are two kinds In human kind...Those who Know, and those who do not Know...

In Valentian theory:
'Plato, then, in expounding mysteries concerning the universe, writes to Dionysius expressing himself after some such manner as this: “. . . All things are about the King of all, and on his account are all things, and he is cause of all the glorious (objects of creation). The second is about the second, and the third about the third. But pertaining to the King there is none of those things of which I have spoken. But after this the soul earnestly desires to learn what sort these are, looking upon those things that are akin to itself, and not one of these is (in itself) sufficient. . . .”

Valentinus, falling in with these (remarks), has made a fundamental principle in his system “the King of all,” whom Plato mentioned, and whom this heretic styles Pater, and Bythos, and Proarche over the rest of the Æons. And when Plato uses the words, “what is second about things that are second,” Valentinus supposes to be second all the Æons that are within the limit[Horos] (of the Pleroma, as well as) the limit (itself). And when Plato uses the words, “what is third about what is third,” he has (constituted as third) the entire of the arrangement (existing) outside the limit and the Pleroma.'
Troubles come in every shape,
And tend to make one frown,
Cheer up,
Never let your troubles weigh you down.
For if you stop to think on it,
More often so, than not,
Your troubles don't seem quite like ones
That other folks have got.
If only magik spectacles could really help one see
That troubles are but stepping stones,
And not catastrophe.
For on this journey we call life,
When troubles bring dismay,
Smile with the knowledge
There is always hope,
And the promise of
A clear and brighter day.
Justice: Happiness in Society
Saint Thomas

Men are natural social beings. They live together and work together for their mutual advantage. This cooperation of men with one another is necessary if men are to achieve real success in human living. If all parents abandoned all children immediately after birth, the children would not live and the human race would perish. If all the patrons of department stores took the merchandise but refused to pay the price, all department stores would be bankrupted and soon there would be no stores at all and no goods to be purchased. If, from birth to death, every man had to do everything for himself, provide his own good, his own clothing, his own home, his own medical care, his own defense against thieves and murderers, his own education, then the human race would perish. The fullness of human living is possible to mankind only through the cooperation of all in the persuit of the common good of all. Men must live together and Work together if each man is to have his chance to lead a full, rich human life. Briefly, men must live in society.
Manly P Hall
On the use of intuition...
I really enjoyed this! ...there is so much in here, I'm going to listen to it again. Glad you put this on here.
I really enjoyed this! ...there is so much in here, I'm going to listen to it again. Glad you put this on here.
You're welcome! Happy you enjoyed it. He has many lectures on Utube.
It is my truth. When pushed I push back. The Level-headed Good Witch turns intoThe Raging Dragon Bitch. How can I take her? How do I kill her? How can I understand her?
View attachment 29670
Who else to slay our demons but the raging dragon bitch (or she hulk in my case)?

You don't need to destroy her, just accept and understand her. Without destruction there would be no need for creation.
We’ve got a lot of Scorpio energy in the clouds this month, and this has a lot of folks groaning. Oh no, Scorpio. Scorpio has a bit of an, intense reputation, shall we say? Anybody that has loved a Scorpio knows this, and that, intense is putting it nicely sometimes. Scorpiois not shy when it comes to using their stinger, they almost can’t help it. Actually, they can’t. Asking a Scorpio not to use their stinger is like asking a turtle to live without a shell. It’s part of who they are. To amputate the stinger, disables them. Just like removing a shell from a turtle would. But when Scorpio energy is in play, you can disable the stinger, and still move on from the predator. In spiritual terms, this is about learning how to make something dead to you, while still being able to move on, in peace. We call it forgiveness.

Related Article: What Free Will Really Means

As a Fixed Sign, Scorpio is known to be a little Fixed in their ways, and when someone tries to sway them from that, out comes that stinger. It’s their own means of self-preservation. Some call that stubborn. As a Scorpio myself, I call it, being loyal to my opinions.

Forgiveness Is Loyalty to Self
But this gets Scorpio in trouble sometimes. Every zodiac sign has their blind spot, this is Scorpio’s. So you have to frame any kind of change to them as gently as possible, for your own protection! But this is also a blessing of Scorpio. They will stick with you right to the bitter end, unless you give them a really big, really good reason not to. They are the most loyal people you will ever meet. They are obsessive about their loyalty. Until they aren’t. That’s when, something becomes dead to them. When Scorpio cuts something out of their life, that person or thing experiences the “dead to me” effect. It doesn’t happen often with them, but when it does, instant funeral. Other Fixed Signs Aquarius, and Leo can relate, it’s not just Scorpio. It’s, Fixed.

There’s nothing wrong with making something dead to you in life. In fact, you won’t grow if you don’t from time to time. You will have at least one toxic relationship or friendship in your life, this is a fact. You will have at least one dead end job in your life, this is a fact. You will go through life being hurt very badly at least once, or, from time to time even, this is a fact. On this Earthly plane, it’s just what we do to each other. It’s called being human. Your job is to learn from those tests, not wallow in them.

Is There Something Holding You Back?
You need to make those things dead to you if you want to reach your fullest potential. But you don’t need to sit at that funeral for the rest of your life either. Deal with it, mourn the loss, and move on. In other words, don’t harbor a grudge. Forgive. And that’s really and truly just the simple choice of deciding, you aren’t going to let this person steal your thunder anymore. Make the choice. Otherwise, you learn nothing, and you don’t grow, and you stop your Self from being in love again, or being successful again, if you are too busy obsessing about a “funeral” you had about something or someone 5, 10, 15 years ago. If you’re still obsessing about something, it’s not dead to you yet. You haven’t had the funeral yet. And, it’s holding you back. The funeral is, forgiveness.

Related Article: Don’t Feed Your Fears

Where do you want to be? What are you obsessing about instead? Give your Self the gift of forgiveness. You can make something or someone dead to you, and not hate them. This is the Scorpio way. Scorpio does all of their obsessing and anger before the funeral, but that’s another story for another day. Today, focus on forgiveness. It really is the gift that keeps on giving. When you think of something that you have made dead to you, are you happy or sad?

Concluding Thoughts
You should feel liberated and happy when you forgive, because you made a choice to remove something from your life that wasn’t working. If you don’t feel happy, you haven’t had the funeral yet. Have the funeral, forgive the past and the pain of being human. Scorpio can teach you some real lessons in this, this month. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and soon a New Moon in Scorpio, will all be here to teach all of the zodiac signs the lessons that Scorpio deals with every single day. The things that aren’t working? Make them dead to you. And then, shine, baby shine.
Written by Christine Beswick
Today was a day to tire,
Even the wisest of soul to conspire.
As today proved its worth to retire,
The skips and flat spots,
The haves and have nots,
And, the depth of the mind seeks to rewire.

Plotting and planning,
The fires I keep fanning,
Until I feel like I'm solid in thought.
By sevens, I thought not.

With tender voices they cry,
I try not to spy.
My suggestions I wish they could try.

I stand silent.
It is in the hang space I hear the most of their race,
To their unawares,
But, I silently I cry I have ideas to spare!

Yet, I hold my tongue,
My work left undone,
And I wait.
I wait.
Walking away with a mind seeped in others truth.
Truth be what it may,
I empty what it was I would say,
As I recline to retire,
My mind swept away toward a personal desire.©
As we grow older and hence wiser, we slowly realize that wearing a $3000 or a $30 watch, they both tell the same time.
Whether we carry a $3000 or a $30 wallet/handbag, the amount of money inside is the same.
Whether we drink a bottle of $300 or $10 wine, the hangover is the same.
Whether the house we live in is 300 or 3000 sq. feet, loneliness is the same.
You will realize, your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world.
Therefore, I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, have sung songs with, talk about north-south-east-west or heaven and earth - - That is true happiness!!

1. Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things not the price.
2: Best awarded words: "Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food."
3: The one who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up he or she will find one reason to hold on.
4: There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it.
5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between, you have to manage!
6: If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone! But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together!

1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self Confidence and
6. Friends/Family
Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy a healthy life.
The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.
Just as space enables all things to exist and just as without silence there could be no sound, you would not exist without the vital formless dimension that is the essence of who you are.

Being is prior to existence. Existence is form, content, "what happens". Existence is the foreground of life; Being is the background.

The collective disease of humanity is that people are so engrossed in what happens, so hypnotized by the world of fluctuating forms, so absorbed in the content of their lives...they have forgotten the essence--that which is Beyond...beyond content, beyond form, beyond thought.

They are so consumed by time that they have forgotten eternity...Eternity which is their origin, their home, their destiny. Eternity is the living reality of who you are.

The two dimensions that make up reality:

Thingness and No-Thingness

Form and the denial of form, which is the recognition that form is not who you are.©
Reminding myself of why I came ...

9 Signs You're Going to Be Successful in Whatever You Do
By Jeff Haden of Inc.
We all define success differently. We all should define it differently (and here’s why).

Yet, at the same time, highly successful people share a number of common traits and attitudes. They’re willing to face vulnerability, emotional ups and downs, and the risk of public and private failure.

They want to succeed on their terms—and they aren’t willing to accept a cap on their success.

Here are nine ways to know if you have what it takes to be successful:

1. You Enjoy Succeeding Through Others
Talent is obviously important, but the ability to work together, check egos at the door, and make individual sacrifices when necessary is the only way any team succeeds.

That spirit can exist only when it comes from the top.

And that’s why successful people focus on the individual rather than the position, the team rather than the hierarchy, and most importantly, gaining happiness and success from the happiness and achievements of others.

2. You Don’t Make Choices—You Create Choices
Most people simply choose from column A or column B. People on the path to success often skim through A and B and then create their own column C.

As Jon Burgstone says, “Every time you want to make any important decision, there are two possible courses of action. You can look at the array of choices that present themselves, pick the best available option, and try to make it fit. Or, you can do what the true entrepreneur does: Figure out the best conceivable option and then make it available.”

And that’s why entrepreneurs often accomplish the inconceivable—because to successful people, that word truly doesn’t mean what everyone else thinks it means.

3. The Voice in Your Head Is Louder Than Every Other Voice You Hear
Others may doubt. Others may criticize. Others may judge and disparage and disapprove.

You don’t care. You see all those opinions for what they are: not right, not wrong, just data. So you sift through that data for the actual nuggets you can use. The rest you ignore.

Why? You may respect the opinions of others, but you believe in your ideas, your abilities, your will and perseverance and dedication. You believe in yourself.

And that makes you want to live your life your way, and not anyone else’s way.

4. You Believe That How You Play the Game Really Is More Important Than Whether You Win or Lose
If you’re on the path to success, you’d rather fail on your own terms than succeed on someone else’s. You’d rather reach for your own future than have your future lie in someone else’s hands. You feel it’s better to burn out than to fade away.

Sure, you want to win. You’re driven to win. But, you want to change the rules, create your own playing field, and win the gameyou want to play—because winning a game when you’re forced to play would still feel like losing.

5. You Don’t Need to Be Disciplined, Because You Can’t Wait to Do All the Things That Bring You Closer to Achieving Your Goals
Discipline often boils down to finding a way to do the things you need to do. Successful people can’t wait to do the things they need to do. They have goals and dreams, and they know every task they complete takes them one step closer to achieving those things.

That’s why people on the path to success can have fun performing even the most mundane tasks. When there’s a clear line of sight between what you do and where you want to go, work is no longer just work. Work is exciting. Work is fulfilling.

Work, when it’s meaningful and fulfilling, is living. And that’s why...

6. You Don’t Want to Simply Gain a Skill and Then Live a Routine
Some people work to gain a skill or achieve a position so they can relax, comfortable in their abilities and knowledge. They’ve worked hard and they’re content. (That’s not a bad thing; everyone’s perception of accomplishment should be different.)

People on the path to success hate the contentment an acquired skill brings. They hate the comfort an achievement affords. They see acquired skills as a foundation for acquiring more skills. They see achievements as platforms for further achievement.

In short, they pay their dues, and they want to pay more dues. They look at themselves in the mirror and think, “OK, but what have you done for me lately?

And then they go out and do more.

7. You’re a Fan of Other Successful People
Working for a large company is often a zero-sum game, because personal success usually comes at the expense of others. If you get promoted, someone else doesn’t. If you get an opportunity, someone else doesn’t.

That’s why it’s really hard not to begrudge the success of others—it’s hard to be genuinely happy for a co-worker when you’re disappointed.

On the other hand, successful people love when others thrive. They know the pie is big enough for everyone. (Forget the current pie; they’re out there trying to make new pies.)

Successful people see the accomplishments of others as exciting and inspirational, and as validation that creativity and hard work do pay off.

8. You’re Willing to Start a Movement of One
We all like to belong, to feel we’re kindred spirits, and that’s why some ideas quickly gain a following and why great ones can become movements.

Joining a crowd is awesome. But every movement starts with one person who dares to stand up, alone, unprotected, and vulnerable, and be different—to say what others aren’t saying, to do what others aren’t doing, to take a chance and accept the consequences.

What makes people on the path to success so willing to take that risk?

9. You Think, “Why Not Me?”
Regardless of the pursuit, success is difficult to achieve. That’s why we all fail sometimes. And when we do, it’s easy to decide events were outside our control. It’s easy to feel depressed and wonder, “Why don’t I ever get the opportunities other people get?” or “Why aren’t my friends more supportive?” or “Why can’t I catch a break?”

In short, it’s easy to think, “Why me?”

Truly successful people ask a different question: “Why not me?”

That’s why an entrepreneur will open a restaurant in the same location where other restaurants have failed: “They didn’t succeed, but why not me?” That’s why entrepreneurs will start a software company with nothing but an idea: “They may have deeper pockets and a major market share, but why not me?”

People on the path to wealth don’t assume others possess special talents or a gift from the gods. They see successful people and think, “That’s awesome, and if she can do that, why not me?”

Good question: Why not you?

If you think about it, there is no real answer, because when you’re truly willing not just to dream big but also to try incredibly hard, there are no reasons why you can’t achieve it—at least no reasons that matter to you.
@Sandie33, if I could "like" this multiple times, I would!!! I am so very grateful you shared this, as it is something I really needed to come across. Bless you!