I'm exhausted from being kept awake on Facebook messenger from an armchair bully.
Does anyone know how to print a conversation from messenger? I don't have FB on my PC but it's on my phone, from which I can't print from, lol.
Those that know me know I'm very much involved in American Legion and it's programs. So much so that I tagged on the new hat of 6th District VP, lol. Veterans of any kind are important to me ...
Well the other day I ran across a conversation in our Community Forum where two people, and a friend, a fellow Aux member, were all squaring off about our clothing---stressing the word clothing here---drop off box is in our garage. This time of year the 'box' gets jammed up with Community members' failed yard sale items. Mind there is a huge laminated sign above the doggie door stating used clothing only.
These folks still cram in whatever will fit in the door...it's about 3x3 foot square and you could shove a St. Bernard through the opening, lol. The fellas that made it built it that big to accommodate an average size bag of clothes through it without ripping the bag. We get all sorts of things in there, even common household garbage!
Once or twice a week a Legion member has to sort through the bags before the truck comes to pick the items up. The driver has a key and is gracious to load the items in the truck. He will not take any of it if it's trash, knick knacks, glass, or the like. The bin is for clothing only.
Well back to my armchair bully...
He was offering, a nonmember mind, to meet the gal complaining on the Community forum at the garage to empty the drop box. Neither realizing that the damn door to sort from is locked, with only 2 people having a key. Did they plan to go through the doggie door?
Well she publicly called all of us members a bunch of lazy drunks, he said he had no plans to join but would meet her at our garage to empty the box.....well shit, no y'all won't. That's private property, lol.
So I took the bait...
Was it boredom, bedlam, or my just wanting to call them out based on principles? Maybe a little, however, it was more like I was pissed at them for publicly calling our veterans and AL family a bunch of lazy drunks! No we ain't. Many of us do a whole lot to improve our Community. We sponsor the free to them July 4th week, fireworks, carnival and parade so the community members can sit in their lawn chairs along main street with their beer can in hand at 10 am...
errhehm...I digress back to the conversation with this arm chair bully...
So I tell her she's not very nice, she tells me I'm an ignorant asshole and butt out...ha. There's one.
He accepted my loaded offer to dm me about sponsorship in the ALF because he's a VETERAN! and he's married to a woman that I went to school with and played with as a child...she lives right down the road. lol. they do now, lol.
So I tell him after he tells me that our Commander has been trying to recruit him for years, that I would pay the $50 first years dues for him if he would commit to saving $1 a week to pay his own next year; to hook up with the Commander, show him the conversation, and the Commander would then come find me....oh he'll no!
He was pleasant and thanked me, said he'd catch up with Mack, thinking about it...then messages me around 6pm says the woman is not stopping her ranting...
Y'all know how we can sense something just isn't right? well I sure felt that set up the whole way through, lol.
I go look for the original conversation and nuthin. No subsequent condos either, lol. I decided to see how far he'd play it out.
So, I asked him outright what his motivation to join the Legion was. Here's a link, my suggestion is to go see what the ALF actually does, Letting him know we were more than the neighborhood drop box.
Can we all say narcissistic mf together now? I can't stand a person setting me up to prove a fight he thinks he's already won in his head before he even starts talking. He musta thought I missed where he said he had no intention to join the Legion.

Thus the reason I had tossed the facts, or bait depending on viewpoint.
So, at half-past 11 pm-ish, mind I'm sleeping for the night, lol, he says he's had time to think, (no, he had time to restructure his fight because I didn't bite the first time,) and asked me why I was questioning his motives.
Well, probably because I smelled the rank of your intent from the first consonant typed in the community forum.
I said I recind my offer of sponsorship.
At 2:23 am exactly he pinged my phone yet again...do y'all know that one of a narcissist's/bully's mo's is sleep deprivation?
Yeah, not this cat. He went on and on about how I'm an ignorant asshole and a bad representative of our organization, blah, blah, f-ing blah...All I could do is laugh because he thought he woke me up, but in reality this old gals bladder had me awake first!
So I assured him that I did indeed call him out, and I'm good with him snitching to our Commander (I'm Auxiliary and we have a president and our Commander says yes ma'am to me because we've been friends for over 6 years and he can't tell me what to do any way because were a separate entity, lol) I didn't tell him all that however I did send Mack a text at an appropriate hour of what's going on and he told me he's got it and will shut it down

He's one of the good guys, a 2 war vet and very active in our Community.
So I went back to sleep for a couple hours. Mack calls me, tells me he's sorry for waking me up but all was taken care of..........we laughed because as we were on the phone Mr. Armchair Bully blew up messenger with how rude, ignorant, and cheeky I am and that he wasn't going to pursue anything with the Commander and I could, and I quote "Have the m-f-ing day I deserve ". lol.
Brother don't I wish I could have a day deserving of all the things I've done and do for my family friends, and community!
What a shmuck. I didn't answer him.
Perhaps karma will visit him, perhaps he'll get his Christian reward.
I need a nap and a Tylenol