Traits and Conclusions


Dares, Dreams, Does
Hey everyone,

I'm in several INFJ related FB groups as well as on here.
But something keeps getting my attention no matter how hard I try to ignore it.

On these FB groups people keep linking articles about common traits such as anxiety, over worrying and other stuff a lot of people, infj's in particular tend to have.
For some reason all these articles are about how that actually means people with those traits are psychics, geniuses, have high IQ's or are creative geniuses.

Why do people keep linking that stuff?
Is it because those people need to feel special?
Is it because they WANT to be different ?
Is it because they need attention?
Are those people who post those really INFJ's ? I mean I rarely see that stuff being linked on here...

I don't get it but I'd like to be sure that I understand it instead of locking in my own conclusions, so I'd like to hear your take on this. ^^
One of the questions are: is the frequency in such links higher in the INFJ-groups on FB particularly, or are is it about the same in other groups on FB aswell? Does it have to be an INFJ-group?!
One of the questions are: is the frequency in such links higher in the INFJ-groups on FB particularly, or are is it about the same in other groups on FB aswell? Does it have to be an INFJ-group?!

that is a good question, I think I might join a few other groups to find that out. That being said, the frequency in "INFJ" FB groups is about once a week.
I've seen people irl trying to validate themselves through that sort of thing, like the source of their problems are at least partly because of misunderstanding of their assumed and often exceptional attributes. The case with INFJs is that it continues with that "i'm so special and misunderstood" given how rare they are said to be, so yeah. Although i don't give it that much of a bad connotation to it, they don't hurt anybody by doing that anyway, it's kind of amusing. I'd much rather be around them than an idiot who thinks he's special because he's arian race.
Although i don't give it that much of a bad connotation to it, they don't hurt anybody by doing that anyway, it's kind of amusing. I'd much rather be around them than an idiot who thinks he's special because he's arian race.

hahah true :p
People want to feel special. Isn't that why we all did the MBTI test in the first place? To find others like us, and see if we were special.
when I first read the title of this thread, I thought it said Traits and Concussions :wacko: lol!
seriously though... (all my opinions btw)

Why do people keep linking that stuff?
 -- They are sensationalists, perhaps? over-sharers, braggers>?

Is it because those people need to feel special?
 -- perhaps people who are big-time facebook subscribers/contributors seek the extra attention these types of posts can deliver. I’ve read that there is a huge drive to be popular online in many of these “communities.” So yes, maybe.

Is it because they WANT to be different ?
 -- Who wants to be normal? But is there really a lot of authenticity on Facebook>? I think of that platform as a complete circus — marveled at perhaps, but it is no purveyor of any truth…not to be taken seriously….at all.

Is it because they need attention?
 -- They need something. Something of value. Something of substance and meaning. I hope they find what they need to feel complete. MBTI cannot validate or define a person. The concept can run away with you if you put too much stock in it.

Are those people who post those really INFJ's ?
 -- If a person genuinely has ability, has vision, has a certain rare skill, or special trait — it’s likely not going to be bragged about. No one wants to be an outsider. No one would want to sell out such a trait on facebook.
 -- Conversely, lots of people can have anxiety. You don’t have to be an INFJ to freak out. You don’t have to be an INFJ to be gifted either.

I mean I rarely see that stuff being linked on here...
 -- Which is really nice. The people here don’t have to brag and parade their traits. After only joining this past July, I sense an honest, supportive and caring group. I feel understanding here. A sanctuary.
This kinda thing pops up on the forum from time to time. I always feel compelled to stamp it out.
Yeah... I think feeling and being different (not positive or negative just different) from most people I meet is different enough for me. :p

Creative genius, psychic, time traveler, have a high IQ, or what ever they come up with, just because someone has some kind of trait.
To me, it looks kinda narcissistic when people post those those articles with the usual messages they attach...
To be fair, those with legit anxiety disorders in real life who are unaware they have them, often will be found online in any kind of group.

A looooot of people I've met online have had anxiety disorders or um, to put it bluntly, had something very off about them.